Disney Star Wars fans, I laugh at your pain.

17,610 Views | 237 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by Duncan Idaho
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Sine poena nulla lex.
Lance Uppercut
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Sarduakar said:

You said " it is magic you can do whatever"

He said, "these movies said the magic was X , now the new movies say it is Y. "

Which is different.
And Pluto used to be a planet. Stuff turns out to work different ways in real life, people do out of character things in real life and change as well when faced with different situations.

So they made Luke do something you didn't like so you don't like the movie....still sounds exactly like what I said. The Luke Skywalker of your childhood would never do that, so that must mean Disney did it all wrong.
Atreides Ornithopter
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Pluto still is a planet, it is just a padawan planet.

The Debt
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Bruce Almighty said:

C@LAg said:

Bruce Almighty said:

Anyone that's seen all 8 movies and saying they won't see this one is full of it.
I will not be seeing this.

I do not care if you do not believe me.

I don't

I missed TLJ in theaters, wasn't crazy with the direction TFA went. It was pathetic bringing back every character. In such a large universe, they ran into every damn person from ROTJ...they even brought back the remains of Vader.

I have tried to watch TLJ 4 times and I fall asleep or lose interest by the time they hole up in the cave on the planet.

I dont see the point of seeing a mediocre SW film that cant keep me awake.
The Debt
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Reflecting on Disney giving the dangling charm from the Millenium Falcon a backstory reminded me of this critique of Pirates of the Carribean (pertenant info at 1:30, but still comedy gold):

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TCTTS said:

PaulSimonsGhost said:

TCTTS, I'm only blowing off steam and maybe triggering one or two people for $h!ts and giggles.

Don't be mad at me. I know this is "your house" - you're the Entertainment Board's Don Vito, Brian Earl Spiller is your Michael Corleone and these are your people. I mean no disrespect, Godfather.

However, Disney Star Wars sucks donkey balls. If you've ever been to a Mexican boarder town there are establishments where a woman for a small fee will get up on stage, approach the donkey after applying liberal amounts of Carmex and... well, it's not easily forgotten.

And that's what Disney Star Wars is.

That's all I'm saying.

I hear you. Admittedly, you seem to be having more "fun" others of your ilk who enjoy "triggering" less for sh*ts and giggles and more because they're miserable people.

That said, me speaking up from time to time has nothing to do with this being "my house" or whatever. Despite what some might say, I could not care less about that crap. There are just certain things here that set me off - rants from forum 16 regulars, endless b*tching without being constructive, and hypocrisy, to name a few. Some of your posts have grazed a few of those, and one of my weaknesses is not being able to bite my tongue when I see those things. It's as simple as that. It has absolutely nothing to do with any kind of self-inflated importance or trying to be the board sheriff or whatever.

Still, I appreciate your candor, and actually agree with many of your Star Wars points. I just think they can be delivered better, that's all.

My rant wasn't really intended as a representative of Forum 16. That was just me talking outta my ass. I think this "us" versus "them" thing b/t our boards is weak but I don't see it dissolving.

The posters on 16 are pretty passionate about our beliefs. Some of us have really invested in the whole America thing and Hollywood kind of makes it their aim to **** all over that. So some guys take that pretty hard.

We're really not all a bunch of bitter @$$hol3s running around with sticks up our butts shaking our fists in the air (actually I can think of 2 or 3 guys who are and they're probably the same ones who come over here and take a $h!t on your front porch).

I won't throw those guys under the bus but it does stink they perpetuate the animosity.

Look, I love film. I love movie making. I love set design, costumes, story telling, the intrigue of what goes on behind the scenes. Basically I love what you do. Most people do.

I am hypercritical of film to a fault; guilty. Action movies in particular. I served two deployments in Afghanistan as an officer in the
Navy Seabees and so anytime Jason Statham walks away from a bomb blast's radius w/o his torso
being eviscerated or a ballerina sized actress overcomes a 220lb man using CQC I just roll my eyes.

I can shrug that off. The pronounced woke politics in film warping organic story telling bothers me. They vilify me as a white guy, as a veteran, as a (inactive) Christian, as a Republican, as a heterosexual and as an American.

That $h!t gets old b/c I've invested a lot in this country doing things I didn't really want to, going places I didn't really want to and engaging people with lethal intent that I didn't really want to.

I'm getting side tracked, but my point is I'm sorry for the conflict b/t our 2 boards. It probably won't get better.

In fact, like our country as a whole, most signs point to a downward trajectory in civility.

But I personally will make an honest attempt to not contribute to that negativity. I won't necessarily try to protect the self esteem of bad movies like the Terminator Estrogen disaster, but I can dial down the intensity. The mocking will continue though

And finally, weather or not you consider yourself the sheriff, people still see you as Gary Cooper. And that speaks volumes about you my man. Good stuff.

Me? I'm Loki. I'm here just to have a good time and start a few bar fights. I don't want to hurt no body. I just want to make a little love, watch a good movie and sip my coke and rum while telling a joke or two.

Gig'em Sherriff
Racing is life. Anything before or after is just waiting.

Steve McQueen
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Ok I don't hate you anymore.
Sex Panther
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MuckRaker96 said:

So just how bad of a story teller is JJ Abrams and the political hacks at Lucas Arts? Forget they have had 9 possible endings, several reshoots, and Skywalker is testing badly.

This claim is from this BS website (https://cosmicbook.news/george-lucas-saving-star-wars-test-screenings-disaster), which took it from a YouTuber with zero credibility. Seems like you're just as bad a storyteller as JJ Abrams.

Apparently for those wanting to stick their hand in a blender and watch The Rise of Skywalker you must now purchase some additional reading material.

They've done that for every movie they've made for the last 20 years. Somehow, people have been able to enjoy them without reading the extra stuff. Also, there's a thing called the Internet where you can look things up if you don't have the time/money and you still want to know what happened.

It's not uncommon for films today to lack critical information and have massive holes in story telling. Why? Because you have 9 writers and 7 producers who have no idea how to write a complete cohesive story. There IS no overall story. Just one guy handing over the baton to the next ending up in BFE. Even the GOT writers said they didn't get the story. So after taking the wheel from Martin they drove Season 8 off a cliff.

Thanks for the update on Game of Thrones, I hadn't heard about that 80,000 times already.

Anyway, so now the backstory, or missing information, is released in the form of comic books or even lazier still, press releases. For example, Disney's press statement & comics state that the rest of Skywalker's Jedi students apparently survived after Luke has a bad dream and decides to murder his nephew and padawans. Now, apparently they're just gonna show up outta ****ing nowhere looking for who the **** knows what and who knows the **** why?

So, I'm assuming you read this sentence in this press release and urine exploded out of you "With the new Jedi school in ruins and fellow students hot on his trail for the murder of their master, Ben Solo flees to the only friend he has left in the galaxya man named Snoke. But Snoke has plans for Benand ideas about the Force that are as dangerous as they are intriguing for the troubled young Jedi."

The comics are ancillary to the movies. They add color and texture to characters we already know. There's another one about a young Mon Cal who is in Episode IX, but I'm guessing if you just see the movie you can deduce he's probably a friend to the Alliance because Admiral Ackbar was in VI, VII, and VIII. If you want to know more, they're providing you with material, and yes (GASP) you have to pay for it. Unfortunately, your reading comprehension sucks and you can't understand the difference between Luke's students surviving in a comic set before Episode VII and believing they'll show up in Episode IX. But I can't blame that on you, probably should have a talk with your third-grader teacher. I find your lack of reading comprehension disturbing.

Furthermore, to understand things like why suddenly there's a new rebel army despite how R.Johnson killed everybody in the rebel resistance you must buy The Resistance Reborn by Rebecca Roanhorse which takes place b/t the last 2 films.

Or, you could watch the first 25 seconds of the trailer when Poe says "We're not alone, good people will fight if we lead them." I guess that's technically a lack of listening comprehension.

Look, JJ, if you can't tell a story in 3 hours you're doing it wrong and should go back to writing fan fiction in your parents attic.

I'm reasonable, I understand that Rian Johnson butt ****ed Star Wars into a whimpering, neurotic mess and Abrams is trying to recycle sewer water into something Disney Star Wars fan will swallow (and they'll swallow just about anything). But Abrams is a bad writer, a Hollywood hack and has never finished any story well (Lost, StatTrek...).

Tell me more about StatTrek, is it a 5-year mission to find the mean, medium, and mode of 20 integers?

"SO, Why the venom towards Disney Star Wars chumps, Paul SimonsGhost? Are you just an angry a$$h0l3?" Yes, I am. But that's not why.

It's simple. Y'all inadvertently perpetuate the problem. You reward bad behavior by watching and defending Disney, Bob Iger, K. Kennedy and the Hollywood woke machine. Maybe it's indifference, maybe it's a personal lack of sophistication, maybe you just like flat chested English chicks with lightsabers and zero character development.

Disney Star Wars fans are not unlike several gamers today. Those damn Fallout 76, NBA2K or FIFA playing ****ers who continually pay $200 to $2,000 on loot boxes leading to greedy monetization in other IPs that were once great franchises. Disney is no different than the greedy ****s at EA, Activision and Bethesda.

I have never paid $200 or $2,000 or anywhere in between for anything related to Star Wars. This year I'll pay about $50 to go see the movie a few times and $6.99/mo for DIsney+.

You say, "PSG, the point in making movies and games is to make lots of money".

Wrong. That's why you make computer chips and Aston Martins.

In 2014, Aston Martin suffered a pre-tax loss of 72 million, almost triple of the amount of 2013 selling 3,500 cars during the year, well below the 7,300 cars sold in 2007 and 4,200 sold in 2013 respectively.[url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aston_Martin#cite_note-FT10162015-84][84][/url] In March 2014, Aston Martin issued "payment in kind" notes of US$165 million, at 10.25% interest, in addition to the 304 million of senior secured notes at 9.25% issued in 2011.[url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aston_Martin#cite_note-FT10162015-84][84][/url] Aston Martin also had to secure an additional investment of 200 million from its shareholders to fund development of new models.[url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aston_Martin#cite_note-FT10162015-84][84][/url] It was reported that Aston Martin's pre-tax losses for 2016 increased by 27% to 162.8 million, the sixth year it continued to suffer a loss.[url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aston_Martin#cite_note-85][85][/url]

The point of film and game development is to create quality art that inspires and brings joy and entertainment. It about creating a legacy of professional greatness while turning a profit so you can continue you're craft.

Nailed it! And I have more joy and entertainment from Star Wars than any other film / game / TV show I've ever seen. Have gone to see all 8 previous episodes with my dad and my brother from 1977 and culminating next month. Couldn't agree with you more!

You wanna be crazy rich? Go to engineering school and build BMWs. But stay the **** outta entertainment.

I think someone already said something to you about engineering, and I know nothing about it. So, whatever that guy said x 2.

I know there are many Entertainment Board posters that are basically nihilists and don't care much about strong plots, themes and generational fan bases. But for those who do remotely give a **** about quality stories and consumer friendly companies, please, consider NOT going to see the latest aborted fetus from Star Wars. As long as stupids by "X" amount of tickets we'll continually receive woke story telling and dull Mary Sue characters.

Yes, please do stay away from Star Wars. It is so much better without you and your incessant whining. Looking forward to your reply - will it be a one-liner to let me know how cool you are or a really long-winded piece to let me know how smart you are?

You're clearly a dork.

But your research to shoot me down was impeccable. I'm genuinely impressed. The GIFs added greatly to the effectiveness and I tip my hat.

So, well done dork. Well done.
Racing is life. Anything before or after is just waiting.

Steve McQueen
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Sine poena nulla lex.
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It was pretty obvious you were looking for one type of person in your OP to jump offsides with the hard count and you executed it flawlessly

Excellent work my friend
Urban Ag
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Sex Panther said:

top three easy on F16

I come in around 4, maybe 5 when I'm grumpy

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And honestly man, your memes had me in stitches. "Greedo shot first? Get out!"

So despite your 2000 word essay on why I suck as a person I can't be mad at you.

In another life we might have been friends. But seriously, the 2000 word essay with internal documentation? WTF?
Racing is life. Anything before or after is just waiting.

Steve McQueen
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PaulSimonsGhost said:

TCTTS said:

PaulSimonsGhost said:

TCTTS, I'm only blowing off steam and maybe triggering one or two people for $h!ts and giggles.

Don't be mad at me. I know this is "your house" - you're the Entertainment Board's Don Vito, Brian Earl Spiller is your Michael Corleone and these are your people. I mean no disrespect, Godfather.

However, Disney Star Wars sucks donkey balls. If you've ever been to a Mexican boarder town there are establishments where a woman for a small fee will get up on stage, approach the donkey after applying liberal amounts of Carmex and... well, it's not easily forgotten.

And that's what Disney Star Wars is.

That's all I'm saying.

I hear you. Admittedly, you seem to be having more "fun" others of your ilk who enjoy "triggering" less for sh*ts and giggles and more because they're miserable people.

That said, me speaking up from time to time has nothing to do with this being "my house" or whatever. Despite what some might say, I could not care less about that crap. There are just certain things here that set me off - rants from forum 16 regulars, endless b*tching without being constructive, and hypocrisy, to name a few. Some of your posts have grazed a few of those, and one of my weaknesses is not being able to bite my tongue when I see those things. It's as simple as that. It has absolutely nothing to do with any kind of self-inflated importance or trying to be the board sheriff or whatever.

Still, I appreciate your candor, and actually agree with many of your Star Wars points. I just think they can be delivered better, that's all.

My rant wasn't really intended as a representative of Forum 16. That was just me talking outta my ass. I think this "us" versus "them" thing b/t our boards is weak but I don't see it dissolving.

The posters on 16 are pretty passionate about our beliefs. Some of us have really invested in the whole America thing and Hollywood kind of makes it their aim to **** all over that. So some guys take that pretty hard.

We're really not all a bunch of bitter @$$hol3s running around with sticks up our butts shaking our fists in the air (actually I can think of 2 or 3 guys who are and they're probably the same ones who come over here and take a $h!t on your front porch).

I won't throw those guys under the bus but it does stink they perpetuate the animosity.

Look, I love film. I love movie making. I love set design, costumes, story telling, the intrigue of what goes on behind the scenes. Basically I love what you do. Most people do.

I am hypercritical of film to a fault; guilty. Action movies in particular. I served two deployments in Afghanistan as an officer in the
Navy Seabees and so anytime Jason Statham walks away from a bomb blast's radius w/o his torso
being eviscerated or a ballerina sized actress overcomes a 220lb man using CQC I just roll my eyes.

I can shrug that off. The pronounced woke politics in film warping organic story telling bothers me. They vilify me as a white guy, as a veteran, as a (inactive) Christian, as a Republican, as a heterosexual and as an American.

That $h!t gets old b/c I've invested a lot in this country doing things I didn't really want to, going places I didn't really want to and engaging people with lethal intent that I didn't really want to.

I'm getting side tracked, but my point is I'm sorry for the conflict b/t our 2 boards. It probably won't get better.

In fact, like our country as a whole, most signs point to a downward trajectory in civility.

But I personally will make an honest attempt to not contribute to that negativity. I won't necessarily try to protect the self esteem of bad movies like the Terminator Estrogen disaster, but I can dial down the intensity. The mocking will continue though

And finally, weather or not you consider yourself the sheriff, people still see you as Gary Cooper. And that speaks volumes about you my man. Good stuff.

Me? I'm Loki. I'm here just to have a good time and start a few bar fights. I don't want to hurt no body. I just want to make a little love, watch a good movie and sip my coke and rum while telling a joke or two.

Gig'em Sherriff

Re: the forum 16/13 stuff, I of course get the love of country and all that, it's just the hypocrisy that bugs me. It's forum 16 getting bent out of shape when someone thinks all Trump voters are racists, but then turning around and pegging all of Hollywood and/or "libs" with a similarly broad/stereotypical brush. It's the complete lack of self awareness in that regard that gets me. That, and if it were *just* love of country, it'd be one thing. But it's not. It's turning people with a differing opinion than theirs into insane boogie men/enemies of the state and then vilifying the hell out of them to an almost comical extreme. There's a lot of that going on over there - as much as there is from the morons on the left who take vilifying of whites/conservatives/etc to the insane extremes they do - and when it seeps over here, as it increasingly has, I'm incapable of not calling it out. As sick as the right is about perceived "agendas" and SJWs and the like, I'm as equally sick having to read rant after rant after rant complaining about those things here, especially when half the time those claims are either incredibly premature or not at all accurate (i.e. thinking "agendas" drive Hollywood and not money, etc.).

Now, with that out of the way, I have say... the more context you add and the more you explain where you're coming from, the more I like you. You certainly come across as a genuine dude, and I truly appreciate your effort to bridge the gap. I see being hypercritical of film as a great thing here, I welcome that enthusiasm with open arms, and will always appreciate critique - whether I agree with it or not - when it's backed up with context and reason. There's nothing better than a well-argued discussion here. It's just my experience that it has to come from a place of genuine engagement rather than soapbox proclamations. In other words, I don't give a sh*t if you eviscerate the self-esteem of Terminator Estrogen - I disliked a lot of it too - I just wish things like that could be done in a way that didn't come across like a heated Hannity segment. Most of the time, it's not the opinion itself that rubs me the wrong way, it's the way the opinion is delivered.

All that said... I think we're in a good spot, I get where you're coming from, and, at the very least, I think you and I will get along just fine from here on out. Thanks again for the effort/olive branch.
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So.... I just want to know if you're going to sign up for Disney+?
Furlock Bones
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i'm late to the party, but damn Paulsimonsghost rant was epic. well done sir.
Urban Ag
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PaulSimonsGhost said:

And honestly man, your memes had me in stitches. "Greedo shot first? Get out!"

So despite your 2000 word essay on why I suck as a person I can't be mad at you.

In another life we might have been friends. But seriously, the 2000 word essay with internal documentation? WTF?
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C@LAg said:

Bruce Almighty said:

Anyone that's seen all 8 movies and saying they won't see this one is full of it.
I will not be seeing this.

I do not care if you do not believe me.
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This one popped up today. Feel like it really fits this thread.

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C@LAg said:

Bruce Almighty said:

Anyone that's seen all 8 movies and saying they won't see this one is full of it.
I will not be seeing this.

I do not care if you do not believe me.
Oh ****, you mean we won't have to wade through C@LAg posts in the Episode IX thread? Best news I've heard all day.
Bruce Almighty
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BowSowy said:

C@LAg said:

Bruce Almighty said:

Anyone that's seen all 8 movies and saying they won't see this one is full of it.
I will not be seeing this.

I do not care if you do not believe me.
Oh ****, you mean we won't have to wade through C@LAg posts in the Episode IX thread? Best news I've heard all day.

Are you kidding? He'll be all over that thread, though he doesn't want to see it. He'll just read the plot on reddit (probably already has) so he can pretend he knows what he's talking about.
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The current iteration of Star Wars including tfa, tlj, solo, and r1 have brought me great joy.

Also every single one of you who unironically blue starred his post (satire or not) don't care about quality art, you are just the angry neck beard who did not get his fan fictiony wet dream to play out before your eyes
Fighting Texas Aggie Class of 2012
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Racing is life. Anything before or after is just waiting.

Steve McQueen
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Saxsoon said:

The current iteration of Star Wars including tfa, tlj, solo, and r1 have brought me great joy.

Also every single one of you who unironically blue starred his post (satire or not) don't care about quality art, you are just the angry neck beard who did not get his fan fictiony wet dream to play out before your eyes

No. Not at all true. Just disappointed that the dialogue was cringeworthy and could have just as easily been written by a high school AV club member, the plot has more inconsistencies and holes in it than a pair of 20-year old underwear, and it introduced a character who is on the same level of likability as JarJar Binks (her name shall not be mentioned). All technical disagreements. It's sad that you can't counter any of those arguments so you resort to lumping every "hater" of TLJ together with a fringe minority of fan boys.
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FL_Ag1998 said:

Saxsoon said:

The current iteration of Star Wars including tfa, tlj, solo, and r1 have brought me great joy.

Also every single one of you who unironically blue starred his post (satire or not) don't care about quality art, you are just the angry neck beard who did not get his fan fictiony wet dream to play out before your eyes

No. Not at all true. Just disappointed that the dialogue was cringeworthy and could have just as easily been written by a high school AV club member, the plot has more inconsistencies and holes in it than a pair of 20-year old underwear, and it introduced a character who is on the same level of likability as JarJar Binks (her name shall not be mentioned). All technical disagreements. It's sad that you can't counter any of those arguments so you resort to lumping every "hater" of TLJ together with a fringe minority of fan boys.

When the movie came out people were upset about Luke. Not the artistic nature of it (not saying it does or not) but because they personally felt that rian Johnson stabbed their childhood in the heart because Luke didn't go ham on a bunch of fodder (despite what he did was one of the most incredible feats in the movies).

People have complained on this very board about the sjw nature of the films (this very thread) which means you don't give a **** about artistic integrity. They are mad a woman is in the place of luke. They didn't like Holdo being a woman either and putting Poe in his place for acting kind of irrationally. The complaints don't come a place (for some not all) of actual critique but a feeling of being betrayed. Does tlj have issues, absolutely but when you have someone like psg saying he is here to trigger millennials (even though he is the biggest triggered snowflake I have seen) it does no one any favors to actually discuss the merits of the film. So when he escalated to epic levels of bull****tery, so will I.
Fighting Texas Aggie Class of 2012
The Collective
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The decisions that are senseless except when you consider that maybe it checked a quota box (like having Holdo in the movie at all) make it feel like the writers are the ones not respecting what is in the best interest of storytelling. I don't like Luke's storyline, this is a character that was my hero as a child, but I get where they were coming from on the story side there and can respect the decision.
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Is there a tl;dr for this rant?
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Azariah said:

Is there a tl;dr for this rant?
Disney bad, SJW takeover, lol nerds
Furlock Bones
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Saxsoon said:

FL_Ag1998 said:

Saxsoon said:

The current iteration of Star Wars including tfa, tlj, solo, and r1 have brought me great joy.

Also every single one of you who unironically blue starred his post (satire or not) don't care about quality art, you are just the angry neck beard who did not get his fan fictiony wet dream to play out before your eyes

No. Not at all true. Just disappointed that the dialogue was cringeworthy and could have just as easily been written by a high school AV club member, the plot has more inconsistencies and holes in it than a pair of 20-year old underwear, and it introduced a character who is on the same level of likability as JarJar Binks (her name shall not be mentioned). All technical disagreements. It's sad that you can't counter any of those arguments so you resort to lumping every "hater" of TLJ together with a fringe minority of fan boys.

When the movie came out people were upset about Luke. Not the artistic nature of it (not saying it does or not) but because they personally felt that rian Johnson stabbed their childhood in the heart because Luke didn't go ham on a bunch of fodder (despite what he did was one of the most incredible feats in the movies).

People have complained on this very board about the sjw nature of the films (this very thread) which means you don't give a **** about artistic integrity. They are mad a woman is in the place of luke. They didn't like Holdo being a woman either and putting Poe in his place for acting kind of irrationally. The complaints don't come a place (for some not all) of actual critique but a feeling of being betrayed. Does tlj have issues, absolutely but when you have someone like psg saying he is here to trigger millennials (even though he is the biggest triggered snowflake I have seen) it does no one any favors to actually discuss the merits of the film. So when he escalated to epic levels of bull****tery, so will I.

Does Disney send out script notes for fighting battles on the intensity?
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Saxsoon said:

FL_Ag1998 said:

Saxsoon said:

The current iteration of Star Wars including tfa, tlj, solo, and r1 have brought me great joy.

Also every single one of you who unironically blue starred his post (satire or not) don't care about quality art, you are just the angry neck beard who did not get his fan fictiony wet dream to play out before your eyes

No. Not at all true. Just disappointed that the dialogue was cringeworthy and could have just as easily been written by a high school AV club member, the plot has more inconsistencies and holes in it than a pair of 20-year old underwear, and it introduced a character who is on the same level of likability as JarJar Binks (her name shall not be mentioned). All technical disagreements. It's sad that you can't counter any of those arguments so you resort to lumping every "hater" of TLJ together with a fringe minority of fan boys.

When the movie came out people were upset about Luke. Not the artistic nature of it (not saying it does or not) but because they personally felt that rian Johnson stabbed their childhood in the heart because Luke didn't go ham on a bunch of fodder (despite what he did was one of the most incredible feats in the movies).

People have complained on this very board about the sjw nature of the films (this very thread) which means you don't give a **** about artistic integrity. They are mad a woman is in the place of luke. They didn't like Holdo being a woman either and putting Poe in his place for acting kind of irrationally. The complaints don't come a place (for some not all) of actual critique but a feeling of being betrayed. Does tlj have issues, absolutely but when you have someone like psg saying he is here to trigger millennials (even though he is the biggest triggered snowflake I have seen) it does no one any favors to actually discuss the merits of the film. So when he escalated to epic levels of bull****tery, so will I.


What? Oh I'm sorry, I must have fallen asleep waiting for you make a point. Did I miss anything important? Kinda sensing that I didn't.

Look Susy, I can see you're upset. And I'm truly all broke up about that. But you can't accuse somebody of being sexist without actual evidence that they're sexist. You tracking with me, Francine? You can't pull things out of your ass and accuse somebody of being something they're not just because you're upset.

That's what 12 year olds do. Are you 12, Nancy? Are you a 12 year old little girl playing on your parents TexAgs account?

Making baseless accusations to denigrate people as misogynists is a good way for people to ignore you and rob that word of meaning.

And you don't want people to ignore you, do you, Amy?

Racing is life. Anything before or after is just waiting.

Steve McQueen
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Your choice of names is so outdated, old timer
Urban Ag
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bluefire579 said:

This one popped up today. Feel like it really fits this thread.

Urban Ag
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Saxsoon said:

FL_Ag1998 said:

Saxsoon said:

The current iteration of Star Wars including tfa, tlj, solo, and r1 have brought me great joy.

Also every single one of you who unironically blue starred his post (satire or not) don't care about quality art, you are just the angry neck beard who did not get his fan fictiony wet dream to play out before your eyes

No. Not at all true. Just disappointed that the dialogue was cringeworthy and could have just as easily been written by a high school AV club member, the plot has more inconsistencies and holes in it than a pair of 20-year old underwear, and it introduced a character who is on the same level of likability as JarJar Binks (her name shall not be mentioned). All technical disagreements. It's sad that you can't counter any of those arguments so you resort to lumping every "hater" of TLJ together with a fringe minority of fan boys.

When the movie came out people were upset about Luke. Not the artistic nature of it (not saying it does or not) but because they personally felt that rian Johnson stabbed their childhood in the heart because Luke didn't go ham on a bunch of fodder (despite what he did was one of the most incredible feats in the movies).

People have complained on this very board about the sjw nature of the films (this very thread) which means you don't give a **** about artistic integrity. They are mad a woman is in the place of luke. They didn't like Holdo being a woman either and putting Poe in his place for acting kind of irrationally. The complaints don't come a place (for some not all) of actual critique but a feeling of being betrayed. Does tlj have issues, absolutely but when you have someone like psg saying he is here to trigger millennials (even though he is the biggest triggered snowflake I have seen) it does no one any favors to actually discuss the merits of the film. So when he escalated to epic levels of bull****tery, so will I.
or maybe TLJ just sucked.

no need for a question mark.
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BowSowy said:

C@LAg said:

Bruce Almighty said:

Anyone that's seen all 8 movies and saying they won't see this one is full of it.
I will not be seeing this.

I do not care if you do not believe me.
Oh ****, you mean we won't have to wade through C@LAg posts in the Episode IX thread? Best news I've heard all day.

This is great
M.C. Swag
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