By the way, I'm seeing this with three friends tonight. Two work in the industry, the other is an Aggie I moved out here with, who does not. The last Marvel movie I think he saw was Guardians if the Galaxy Vol 2, and then maybe two or three others before that. Still hasn't seen Infinity War, but wanted to be part of the "event" that this movie is clearly becoming this weekend. I told him I was selling his ticket back unless he saw Infinity War first, as I didn't want to listen to him asking question the entire time, groaning because he was confused, etc. He's had WEEKS to catch up, and just now informed us that he's finally watching it... on the treadmill. I asked him if he was aware the movie is 2h 40m, and he claims he was aware. He swears he's going to watch the entire thing on the treadmill. If walking the entire time, that's what, a ten-mile movie at least? Will be shocked if he actually pulls this off...