126,526 Views | 791 Replies | Last: 5 yr ago by mhayden
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I guess I forgot the order in which the gay Tom reveal came out... you are correct. But I'm still not sold on the fact that Roland is gay based on the interaction he had with his future gf or whatever at the church. He seemed genuinely attracted to her.... like a horndog.

Heck, FWIW and to go 180 degrees from your theory .... I'm not 100% convinced that Tom was gay. The 3 things that point us in that direction are...

1. His co-workers claim to have seen him coming out of a gay bar
2. The "homosexual healing" flyer found in his nightstand
3. Some vague alluding to that possibility by a tweeker in O'Brien

For all we know Tom could have been colluding with someone at that gay bar or looking for his wife there. The flyer could have had a phone # on it that he needed. I don't remember what O'Brien said about him.

Zombie Jon Snow
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Shelton98 said:

I guess I forgot the order in which the gay Tom reveal came out... you are correct. But I'm still not sold on the fact that Roland is gay based on the interaction he had with his future gf or whatever at the church. He seemed genuinely attracted to her.... like a horndog.

Heck, FWIW and to go 180 degrees from your theory .... I'm not 100% convinced that Tom was gay. The 3 things that point us in that direction are...

1. His co-workers claim to have seen him coming out of a gay bar
2. The "homosexual healing" flyer found in his nightstand
3. Some vague alluding to that possibility by a tweeker in O'Brien

For all we know Tom could have been colluding with someone at that gay bar or looking for his wife there. The flyer could have had a phone # on it that he needed. I don't remember what O'Brien said about him.

Sure - there are absolutely completely logical (and not gay) reasons for everything that i noted which are circumstantial at best.

Could be way off base - that's why it was never part of my main theory.

But I'll give you one more highly suspect piece of reasoning. Which has nothing to do with the plot.

Season 1 - both Rust and Marty shown in multiple sex scenes with women.
Season 2 - Ani and Ray at least shown in highly intimate scenes with each other kissing and groping. And for that matter Woodrugh is shown both with a woman and then in a scene with a man questioning his sexuality basically.
Season 3 - only Wayne has been shown in intimate scenes with Amelia, never Roland with anyone.

Just makes me go hmmmmm.
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This gay theory is getting so much attention and energy that Bob Broberg may be needed to give some of you some relief.
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True, but Rust didn't hit the gold mine until ep. 6..... so Roland still has time.

The Debt
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I'm getting the vibe that Roland might be gay. When old Wayne said "you got married and had kids" and old roland said "you got the wrong guy": everyone assumed he meant he liked isolation. But it could easily be interpreted as "I'm not a heterosexual"
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And all this time I thought Roland was limping from the bullet in his leg.
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I had never even thought of the Roland being gay theory before I came here but now I am 95% sure that it's true. Well done gents.
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Binged all 6 eps tonight. It's 2am and after the pink castle cliffhanger I was ready to roll through a bit of ep 7. Only I'm not watching Netflix and now I have to wait. Darkest timeline.
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Interesting how the Gay speculation leads us to other avenues that haven't been previously thought of. Again, as great as this Series is, I'm actually enjoying the TexAgs posters solving the crime.
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I'm grateful this season is compelling enough to try to break down this much - Season 2 was seriously disappointing after how phenomenal Season 1 was. I'm sure 2 would've been a fine crime drama if it wasn't called "True Detective" but that first season set the bar so high. S3 is just plain great so far.
Joseph Parrish
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Noblemen06 said:

I'm grateful this season is compelling enough to try to break down this much - Season 2 was seriously disappointing after how phenomenal Season 1 was. I'm sure 2 would've been a fine crime drama if it wasn't called "True Detective" but that first season set the bar so high. S3 is just plain great so far.
I thought S2 was complete garbage. I'm so glad this season put some life back into the series.
The Debt
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Joseph Parrish said:

Noblemen06 said:

I'm grateful this season is compelling enough to try to break down this much - Season 2 was seriously disappointing after how phenomenal Season 1 was. I'm sure 2 would've been a fine crime drama if it wasn't called "True Detective" but that first season set the bar so high. S3 is just plain great so far.
I thought S2 was complete garbage. I'm so glad this season put some life back into the series.
I, too, am apoplectic
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I thought S2 was complete garbage. I'm so glad this season put some life back into the series.

Was season 2 garbage or was did it just not live up to the bar set by season 1.

If they would've called it Vince Vaughan's Violent Venture and not associated it with TD at all would you have thought better of it?
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I don't care what it was titled.

It was garbage
Bunk Moreland
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Season 2 was the Starz version of it.

Sort of like Magic City compared to Boardwalk Empire.
Max Power
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Nagler said:


I thought S2 was complete garbage. I'm so glad this season put some life back into the series.

Was season 2 garbage or was did it just not live up to the bar set by season 1.

If they would've called it Vince Vaughan's Violent Venture and not associated it with TD at all would you have thought better of it?
Vince Vaughn's Violent Venture is what is commonly referred to as Brawl in Cell Block 99, it's way more violent that TD season 2, and it's a great film.
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Question: We know Roland is mad at Hays about something that happened in 1990. And we know Hays was visited by Hoyt in 1990 but never told Roland because he had to consider his family. Do you think Hays left the case or didn't take it to its conclusion and that's why Roland was mad at him? And Roland is like "Now? Now you want answers???"
Objective Aggie
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Season one was very good but overrated. Acting was amazing. I just felt let down by the ending.

Season 2 was bad in almost every way.

Season three has much better plot than season 2 and acting is just as good as season one.

So, I will say I really like seasons 1 and 3 - - good TV. But at times it just feels incredibly stereotypical and trope after trope. Two cops on a case. Friction with bosses. Cigarettes. Scotch. Driving in a car with introspective dialogue while looking out into the distance of a field. Fights. Sex. Cover up by a politician or major business owner. More cigarettes. More sex.

Again. I like it. But sometimes I think TD takes the stereotypical path.
Objective Aggie
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Also. I'll say it. How many Catholic black guys in Arkansas in that time period?

Answer is ZERO. Nic just wanted to work in some Catholic imagery.
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Season one was very good but overrated. Acting was amazing. I just felt let down by the ending

I think season was the best season of any show I've ever seen.

As far as the stereotypes you mentioned, it's a show about detectives. There's only so much you can change before it's not a mystery/police show anymore. Sounds like you're not a huge fan of the genre not the show.
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In agreement on both accounts. The ending really worked for me as well. I don't know that I've ever been more satisfied by a season of TV on the whole.
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Agreed I would love to see research on 1950s rural Arkansas Black Catholic Churches. I would assume they didn't exist but prove me wrong.
Bunk Moreland
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Watching season 1 now for someone who didn't back then wouldn't have the same effect as watching it live. It was at the beginning of miniseries/anthology era and was just so different from anything HBO had done. The entire feel was perfect.
Objective Aggie
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Nagler said:


Season one was very good but overrated. Acting was amazing. I just felt let down by the ending

Sounds like you're not a huge fan of the genre not the show.

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I hate to call it over-rated because that implies it's not well above average or extremely competent, and it's both of those.

But both S1 and S3 are very basic detective stories that aren't covering anything that hasn't been done a million times -- it's just doing so with great acting and dialogue.

Take out WH and MM's performances in S1 and that's a TBS Law and Order miniseries.

And I don't think it's fair to say just because you don't think it's top notch that you must not be a fan of the genre. I certainly didn't walk away from say a L.A. Confidential feeling like the story or the pacing was lacking.
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free_mhayden said:

Take out WH and MM's performances in S1 and that's a TBS Law and Order miniseries.

That's like saying "Take out Heath Ledger's performance in TDK and that's a pretty average crime movie." Well... yeah. I've never understood the argument, "If you take out the things that make [X] great, [X] is pretty average." Right. Of course. That's the case with literally anything that's ever been considered great.

I didn't need the case in True Detective to be some ultra fresh, complicated series of clues and murders and detective work I'd never seen before (even though I do think it's more unique and inventive than you're giving it credit for). I'd actually argue that in order to give Rust the room to be as great as he was, and in order to service the two timelines to the degree they played off of each other (something I'd never seen before in something like this), that had the case been any more unique or complicated or whatever it would have hindered and taken away from the things we love so much about season one.
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Eh... Batman Begins told a pretty solid story by comic book standards.

I just think the story of both S1 and S3 have been pretty mediocre. Look at the threads for both seasons - you had all kinds of theories and thoughts on what the big reveal would be.. and it's looking like in both cases it's going to wind up being a guy that had little to no screen-time throughout the 8 hours.

No doubt competent and likely true to form to how most investigations go, but I wouldn't exactly call that a real interesting story -- it's just really well acted.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that's a bad thing -- Justified is one of my favorite shows of all time and it follows a pretty basic structure but succeeds because of the acting and dialogue. But much like TD I'll acknowledge it's pretty light on story-telling.
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free_mhayden said:

Eh... Batman Begins told a pretty solid story by comic book standards.

I just think the story of both S1 and S3 have been pretty mediocre. Look at the threads for both seasons - you had all kinds of theories and thoughts on what the big reveal would be.. and it's looking like in both cases it's going to wind up being a guy that had little to no screen-time throughout the 8 hours.

No doubt competent and likely true to form to how most investigations go, but I wouldn't exactly call that a real interesting story -- it's just really well acted.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that's a bad thing -- Justified is one of my favorite shows of all time and it follows a pretty basic structure but succeeds because of the acting and dialogue. But much like TD I'll acknowledge it's pretty light on story-telling.

I think I agree with this, mostly. I very much enjoy TD and there's no doubt there's been some great acting in these seasons. But it's not in the upper echelon TV shows for me. It's a very good crime/mystery show but it's nothing new.
Bunk Moreland
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This show each season is a character study of the detectives. The actual case is the secondary storyline. And that's fine with me. It's called True Detective
Zombie Jon Snow
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So I'll kill off one of my own theories......apparently NP says Roland is not gay.

Anyway... wasn't pertinent to the case.

As I said:


Sure - there are absolutely completely logical (and not gay) reasons for everything that i noted which are circumstantial at best.

Could be way off base - that's why it was never part of my main theory.
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As it has been the case in all 3 seasons, the series thread has been as equally entertaining as the show itself. Well done, ladies and gents.
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I have really liked the fact that HBO shows all the previous episodes on the day that the new episode is airing. Makes it easy to catch up on things you might have missed. Can't wait for tonight's episode.
Zombie Jon Snow
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EDIT - I'm deleting this entire thing. Nothing to do with this episode so not sure we should discuss.

Zombie Jon Snow
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So that was uh........ enlightening.

So as expected Roland and Hays killed Harris and buried him.
Harris killed Lucy for sure and knew a lot but they'll never find out what.
And Tom did not kill himself - we know that for sure.
Dan - what happened to him??? did he just vanish or did they kill him too???? He was more involved than I thought and rightfully paranoid it seems.

Hays is still lying a lot to Elisa - notice he sad he never thought about the case being similarly buried in 1980 and 1990 after the death of someone. Yet he did exactly that. And he got the name Watts from her. And another name Mr. June from the maid. The approach to the car in 2015 was interesting.

So I think we see now why Hays left the force and quit back then - whatever happens with Hoyt convinces him to drop it and don't look back (until 2015 anyway).

Damn. A lot of stuff here.

Good episode but still a lot to reveal.

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Yeah, whatever happens during the Hoyt meeting with Hays makes him drop everything...until he can't remember he shouldn't be doing anything thanks to his dimentia.
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