***Survivor: Second Chance (Cambodia)***

50,596 Views | 617 Replies | Last: 8 yr ago by ChipFTAC01
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Kimmi wanted Monica gone because she annoyed her. She used the AGA to get everyone to vote her out.
Longhorn Nation
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The only thing that will save the guys is winning immunity (or playing the idol.)

Once the "girl power" movement takes root, it's hard as hell to break up.
Agreed. The men have to get a woman out next week, or they're done. As much as I'd love to see Abi get the boot, it's almost worth putting up with her just so we can see the jury completely bash her at the end for being a waste of space.

And how about Survivor throwing in a reward challenge that includes a Lady Remington every once in awhile? I'm not a big fan of the "Buckwheat in a headlock" look we get with Tasha and some of the other women in the past.
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For the guys to get it to work, jeremy needs to sacrifice his idol. Not sure if it will work.
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It will be great if both Jeremy and Kelley play their idols at the same time.

If you are Kelley even with an all girls alliance how long do you sit on the idol? Could you really trust them? She's by far the biggest female threat because of her wins, idols and tribal counsel play.
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Watching Ponderosa, if Joe makes it he wins.
Tony Franklins Other Shoe
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I'm pretty tired of Wentworth's facial expressions during tribal. Thought we were done with that when lazy eye Ciera was voted off. She rubs me the wrong way. I do see Keith surviving to the end if the women take out Jeremy and Spencer.
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I feel like Wentworth's facial expressions are jury pampering. They seem to over-the-top to be geniune.

edit: pandering*
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I feel like Wentworth's facial expressions are jury pampering. They seem to over-the-top to be geniune.
Agree. Its her way of communicating with the jury.

Every time I see Savage in that hat I want to punch my TV.
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I feel like Wentworth's facial expressions are jury pampering. They seem to over-the-top to be geniune.
Agree. Its her way of communicating with the jury.

Every time I see Savage in that hat I want to punch my TV.
he looks like such a ****ing clown in that hat. he also appeared to have worn the same outfit and stupid hat at the last tribal council. what up with that?
Tony Franklins Other Shoe
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Yeah, gonna watch the Ponderosa updates this weekend to catch all the ******baggery that I've been missing out on.
Fat Bib Fortuna
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A bump for tonight's episode.
Next week Survivor finale on Wednesday and Star Wars comes out on Friday? My head is going to explode.

CBS preview - cue subtitle: Suvivor: Where black people reinforce the stereotype that they can't swim.

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Why is the video named "Villains Have More Fun" is that some sort of spoiler? I'm not even sure is call anytime this season a true villain.
Longhorn Nation
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52 year old Lawyer wearing a slouchy beanie is pretty much the definition of an a$$ clown.
Fat Bib Fortuna
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Why is the video named "Villains Have More Fun" is that some sort of spoiler? I'm not even sure is call anytime this season a true villain.
I would guess one of the cast members says that in an interview at some point in the show. That's how they title every single episode.
Tony Franklins Other Shoe
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52 year old Lawyer wearing a slouchy beanie is pretty much the definition of an a$$ clown.
He comes off as a pompous ass in most of the Ponderosa clips. I get that they edit each episode to write the story, but in the Ponderosa stuff you think they would let it be more real to each person's character and not show persona. Dude is just an ass bag.
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I wish Jeff wouldn't do him the honor of calling him by his last name.
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Kelly looked pissed at the end. Spencer has to win the next immunity or he might be in trouble.
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Abi might be the worst player of the game ever. Even if Spencer stuck with Keith and Kelly, Abi goes home because of her vote. She really thinks too highly of herself. It's almost sad.
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Don't forget the nimrod a few years back that threw himself under the bus after the first challenge and recommend they vote him off because he quit smoking two days before that.
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52 year old Lawyer wearing a slouchy beanie is pretty much the definition of an a$$ clown.
Every time I see him wearing it, it reminds me of this:

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So Jeremy and Kelly play their idols and get all the votes next week, right? That's gotta be something that has never happened.
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Im calling a 3 way tie with 3 way fire
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Anyone else find the "we" innuendo as funny as I did? Or do I just have the humor of a 5th grader?
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That's a really good theory. But they don't seem to be the likely next targets. Who knows but that would be awesome.
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What if the Survivor first is a final four? With six folks remaining, four tribals seems like a lot to pack in
Tony Franklins Other Shoe
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Abi was that clueless that Tash, Jeremy, and Kelli were stringing her along? Rhetorical question, I know she is clueless. Bet all the people on the jury right now are pissed she is going to contaminate the Ponderosa for a few days.
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So Jeremy and Kelly play their idols and get all the votes next week, right? That's gotta be something that has never happened.
What if one of those two wins immunity and then gives it up to a third. Then both play their HIIs. Three immunities at once.
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So Jeremy and Kelly play their idols and get all the votes next week, right? That's gotta be something that has never happened.
What if one of those two wins immunity and then gives it up to a third. Then both play their HIIs. Three immunities at once.
Good post. That is a very likely scenario.
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that was awesome. i like that they chose to eliminate one of the spares
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The looks on the jury members' faces were funny. They're like "damn."
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Abi might be the worst player of the game ever. Even if Spencer stuck with Keith and Kelly, Abi goes home because of her vote. She really thinks too highly of herself. It's almost sad.

Totally agree. It's like she didn't believe every other conversation and believed the girl alliance was still a go. This one was even more confusing then Keith voting Tasha alone last week.
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ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Another week and another big medical scare as Tasha needed rescuing out in the water. Take us through what happened and your team's response.

JEFF PROBST: That was a tricky one because the challenge course was so long. I was so far away from Tasha and didn't realize how tired she had gotten. Fortunately, we always have safety divers in every water challenge. They are just on the outside of the course always watching. I know from talking with Tasha that she was exhausted but ignored the signs and kept pushing herself harder and harder until her legs simply gave out. She had no energy left. I'm sure from her point of view those safety swimmers seemed far away but as you saw, the minute she said she needed help, they were there to save her life.

I often reference how proud I am to be a part of this show and this is another example. Those swimmers hang out in the water for hours during test blocks and rehearsals and challenges and yet they never lose their focus. They know that at any moment someone could be in trouble. And we are extremely fortunate to have an amazing medical team, led by Dr. Joe. He hopped in a boat and was by Tasha's side in just a few moments. He quickly surmised that she was overwhelmed and rightly so, but she was not in any true danger. He calmed her and then, in typical Tasha fashion, she hopped in the boat, took a quick ride to shore and then with the help of her tribemates walked back to her mat. I think this was the third time I referenced how amazed I was at the camaraderie within such a devilish game.

This was a massive reward visit to Siem Reap because that place is not close at all to where you were in Cambodia. How were you all able to work out the logistics to get them there and back so quickly?

That was a very tough one to pull off for so many reasons. It took weeks of negotiating with the government to get permission to shoot there and to do a fly over in our chopper. They normally do not allow that. Then, as you mention, we had to have them gone for an overnight which is tough logistically and also from a show point of view. It's a long time to be away. But the reward was so amazing that we couldn't pass it up.

We are fortunate to have a chopper that is ours 24/7 for the entire shoot and we don't hesitate to put it to use. It is in the air every day whether it's shooting reality at the beach, covering a challenge, shooting the tribe leaving their camp for Tribal, evacuating players or crew to hospital, or on special occasions taking players on awesome rewards! I wish we had more time to show more of the reward. It was stunning. I was bummed we had to cut it down due to time.

I'm usually a not a fan of players who don't do a lot more than cause mischief, but I thought it was fascinating watching the other players those playing with and against Abi having to adjust their games to deal with this fickle force of nature. How would you sum up Abi's impact on the game?

I think Abi caused a lot of havoc and definitely impacted the game. Just ask Shirin. You could not simply ignore Abi because she has a vote and you need that vote and often Abi was a loyal vote. But there is an invoice and it's a steep one. You have to both live with her and ultimately have faith she will do what she says she's going to do. And you have to do this knowing that the slightest thing might upset her and then all bets are off.

I thought it was interesting that when the loved ones came, Abi was a different person. She had someone there that she felt safe with and it showed. Then, the minute her mother left, she was back to the same ol' Abi. I feel for her because I think she has taken a lot of grief this season and it doesn't appear that she really learned much from the experience. I still root for her.

BONUS QUESTION: You still owe me one dramatic and absurd finale vote delivery. Any chance Keith drives you and the votes back to Los Angeles in a Tuk Tuk?
Ha! I'd love that. I tried to get Keith a Cambodian drivers license as a fun bit for the live sh
ow, but the government wouldn't go for it. So for now it will have to be me walking in once again. Lame, I know.

Okay, six players left as we head to the finale/reunion. What can you tell us about both next Wednesday night?

The finale is phenomenal. Historic. Unpredictable. And ultimately satisfying. I think it will cap off, in grand fashion, what most fans will regard as one of if not THE greatest season of Survivor. I have absolutely loved the way this group played. I am proud and impressed by the level of fierce dedication to playing to win. Everybody went big. I hope future players take a note from this season. You want to be a part of something amazing? You want a shot at being asked back? You want to be remembered? You have to play big. You have to remember that if there are 20 people playing, 95 percent of you will lose. So you truly have very little to lose. GO BIG or do yourself and your family a favor and STAY HOME.
Fat Bib Fortuna
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Sorry for the slow update standings. Been a long week of sick kids and having to burn the candle at both ends to make my work happen. I was initially thinking taking out Abi was a dumb move, but sleeping on it (the decision, not Abi), it makes more sense because she is such a threat to do something irrational and unpredictable. People like Keith & Kimmi are a lot more controllable.

Based on their united front, I think Tasha, Jeremy, and Spencer are the final 3. In this instance, it might be a detriment to all of them to take the other 2, but united they can control the game at this point, if one tries to blindside another, you wind up with Kelley as the champion.

At this point I'd say Spencer is most deserving, but I bet Jeremy plays the pregnant wife card and all of the women vote for him (except Kass, who isn't human). Spencer is young and brilliant, he'll make millions doing something else. Jeremy is a first responder with a son on the way, you can't beat that.

Obviously, next Wednesday is the last episode and I hope to have everything posted late that night. Starting with whomever finishes 5th in the game, the additional bonuses will kick in, which usually wind up deciding which of us wins the overall contest: +2/2.5 for 5th; +4/4.5 for 4th; +6/6.5 for 3rd; +8/8.5 for 2nd; +10/10.5 for 1st.

With Jeremy and Kelley still sporting idols, and based on the brief snippet of the preview maybe likely to play them to save themselves, should be a ton of points put up which could really rearrange the standings. Kudos to us as a group - 21 of the 26 still have BOTH players alive with 6 to go. And 14 people are within 10 points of the lead, currently held by LHIOB, the first person to 70.

1) LHIOB 70

2) gravy97 68

3) CheeseSndwch 67
double aught 67
Quinn 67
Ronnie 67

8) TheSheik 65.5

9) AcctAg11 63
MooreTrucker 63
Bobcat06 63

12) zap 61.5

13) kpaggie05 61

14) MuckRaker96 60

15) Longhorn Nation 58

16) tallgrant 57

17) jdgilberg 56
Moxie 56
Pro Ag 56

20) txaggiefarmer05 54

21) hurleyag 51.5

22) BlackLab 48

23) Unthought Known 47

24) salvatore_ditmars 45

25) tx1c 40

26) ChipFTAC01 35

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I wouldn't vote for Jeremy because he has a pregnant wife, and I'm pretty human.
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