I can get more into the plot specifics later - I even posted a breakdown here years ago and can't find it - but rest assured, not even a blind director could screw this one up. The story/concept is too good, and they finally have the PERFECT cast in place with Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence as the two leads (and basically the only two actors in the entire movie). Now, after years of waiting to see this thing get made (I first read the script in '08), Passengers has finally been given the greenlight by Sony, and officially starts shooting in September. Think Gravity meets The Martian meets Titanic (in that it's ultimately a romance aboard a giant cruise ship... in space). And with a fall start date, I'm betting it'll take that early October Gravity / The Martian release date next year as well. Seriously, this one's going to be special. And if anyone wants to read the script, hit me up at my spam account and I'll send it over: theohoff20@gmail.com. Would love to get a conversation going...