*** TRUE DETECTIVE Season 2 ***

266,701 Views | 1788 Replies | Last: 9 yr ago by TX scallywAG
Quad Dog
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So why is Vinci PD so adamant about keeping a deadbeat like CF on the case? The only thing I can think of is the higher ups want the case to fail so it doesn't expose something bigger. And/or CF is their fall guy, so that state ends up going after CF and not the higher ups.
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This season needs to pick up big time. another episode like last night I may not set aside the time for it.

Is it really that different than last season? This show has always been a slow burn detective story.
I don't think so, but they got away with it because of the acting of MM and WH. This story and setting aren't nearly as interesting as the first season was and because of that this one feels much slower, at least for me.

I'm interested in the all the characters but not nearly as much as I was the first season. I'll keep watching but so far it's pretty meh.

I agree that I *thought* the story and setting in S1 had a lot more intrigue - but ultimately the way it played out it was mostly a red herring (or just a plain vanilla story that you kept expecting would be more than that).

I guess I came away from S1 impressed with the acting but not really feeling all that fulfilled from an intriguing mystery standpoint.. Who is the Yellow King? Who all is involved? How high up the political ladder does it go?

And then... Just some weirdo, the rest was swept aside.

At least so far through S2 I feel like there's an actual LA-Confidential-esque mystery and you're not sure who might be involved.
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Season 2 is still better then 90% of everything else on TV, but yeah, three hours in and I could not be less invested in this story/characters. I think I was just in denial, but last night confirmed it for me.

Again, it's good, but part of the problem is that the show has become self-aware. It's now trying way too hard to BE True Detective, if that makes any sense. And in doing so, has lost a lot of the magic from season one.

I really need something to hook me next episode, the end of which will be the halfway mark. I feel like even by this time last season the plot was a lot further along. But maybe I'm just remembering it wrong.
Bunk Moreland
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It's just different. Last season you were so fixated on Marty and Rust and what their involvement was(because at this time last year we were all so certain one or both were involved....ha...)

This season, it's CF driving the show, but it's the story that is the main character for me.

I love TD season 1. I have said before that it may be the greatest single season in TV history. That being said, I am all in on season 2. I am fascinated with Vinci Police chief/Mayor/corruption on that end, and I'm liking that VV is now going into more desperation mode with his business.

No complaints from me. It's different in setting, story, and "feel," but I love it so far.
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I don't know if the writer is borrowing consciously or not, but this episode has more than a little in common with another dark mob story, The Long Good Friday, an English film in which Bob Hoskins plays a mobster trying to get American mobs to invest in his legitimate enterprises so he can go straight. (There's even the long-suffering wife who has to make nice with the out-of-towners.) Then someone starts messing with his business, blowing up the place they were going to meet and also murdering one of Hoskins' most trusted men, scaring off the Americans. He has his associates pull in a bunch of low-level guys in a lineup very much like the one VV sets up.
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I was meh on this episode, but as TCTTS said, I couldn't name many shows on TV that I would watch before TD. I also agree that last season was so intriguing because the characters were just as interesting as the investigation, whereas this season is just a little lighter. Also the first season sort of "came out of nowhere" and surprised everyone, whereas this one has so much weight to build off the first season.

Looking forward to see how everything unfolds this season
Belton Ag
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I could be wrong, but I'm thinking that in the next episode or two something's going to happen to change the whole show up. It'll be great and everyone will have been paid off for not bailing. This is what I hope because so far it's not been as good as I'd hoped for. Even so, it's still been a pretty good show so far.
Bunk Moreland
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Exactly. Much of what people think they are "missing" this season is just the fact that they had nothing to compare last season to, and now they do.

Different story, different characters, different season. Let this one stand alone as well and it's very entertaining and well done.
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Story seems okay, but the characters are definitely not nearly as engaging for me. The maybe gay cop and Rachel McAdams characters are just strange, I think Vince Vaughn is miscast in this, and there's just something about CF where I've never really bought into his characters. I don't think he's necessarily a bad actor, but I've just never been a fan for some reason.

All that said, I'm still entertained and will definitely keep watching.
Complete Idiot
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I agree with TCTTS, the show feels like it is trying too hard. Some of the dialogue is painful ("I'm feeling apoplectic" "I'm feeling apoplectic too" as well as some of the Bezzerides break up exchange) and Vince Vaughn doesn't seem like the best fit for this and he cycles through a bunch of facial expressions to convey his stress.

BUT, I am still enjoying it and want to see how it turns out. Season 1 simply set the bar too high, and trying to create a whole new world with new actors and have it reach the same heights - seems nearly impossible.Having Rust and Marty take on a new case would have been a safer play for sure, I appreciate what they are trying to do with the new setting/cast.

For Ray and Frank, it seems their world is collapsing on them. Ray - lost wife, lost son, gone dirty, drinking problem, anger problem, state investigators after him, his bosses telling him to fix the case. Frank - lost his deal, lost all his money, someone coming after his crew, can't get wife pregnant. Paul to a lesser extant - girlfriend dumps him, having issues with his past haunting him (some military thing? some homosexual thing?), issue with the actress in the papers. Bezzerides seems the most stable although I guess she has family and relationship issues. Will be interesting to see where the writer leaves these characters at the end.
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I'm loving it so far...I don't know how you can say last night was boring, so many things happened. I think the pacing has been fine, and I'm definitely enjoying the acting (even VV who people love to hate on). I thought the scene between Frank and Ray at the bar was great, you could feel the tension & awkwardness. "Booze tends to take the edge off, I want to stay angry"...

And even though a lot happened last night, I still have no idea who the killer is or what his motive is. He's definitely f**ing with the cops & Frank, but I have no idea why. If he has Frank's 5MM, why is he still burning peoples eyes out with acid? Also, someone mentioned it earlier, but are we sure the guy following Woodrough is a Vinci cop (is it the fat drunk guy)?
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CF is carrying this show imo. He is the only character I am all that interested in.

And a point blank 12 gauge blast to the chest would kill you, rubber bullets or not.
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The VV fight scene also stole from The Sopranos when Tony fought the meathead bodybuilding driver. When everyone thinks you're soft, lost your edge, no longer someone who needs to be feared and respected, you beat the s*** out of the toughest guy in the room.

I guess I wasn't paying attention close enough to see who the guy spying on Woodrugh was, but my guess would the a PI working for the actress' lawyer.

Anyone else have to put the closed captioning on for this show? Seems everyone speaks in whispers or mumbles, and then uses some language or code that is hard to pick up.
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So why is Vinci PD so adamant about keeping a deadbeat like CF on the case? The only thing I can think of is the higher ups want the case to fail so it doesn't expose something bigger. And/or CF is their fall guy, so that state ends up going after CF and not the higher ups.
I think that's possible, but also they did mention that Velcoro is their "best detective" and if you recall they have shown us the work of Vinci PD's "finest" with the old fat dude. That is to say, they honestly don't have a lot of options. They whole vibe I'm getting about Vinci is that its a total ****hole, and no one wants to work there, let alone live there unless they have no choice. Even the Mayor of Vinci lives elsewhere.
Ol Jock 99
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The spy looked like the other Vinci cop. The older one who always looked like he rolled out of bed.

I have to CC several scenes an episode.
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We're those VV's teeth? I know he pulled out the grill of the club owner, but he kept running his tongue around when his wife was talking to him. Didn't think he even got hit.
I noticed that too.. Maybe it back fired on him and the rest of those pimps gave the same treatment VV?
Ol Jock 99
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They were the gold eff you teeth.
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Everything Wrong with S2 E3

But on the plus side, Vanity Fair may have unlocked the secret society behind this season.
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I can say that I have had my share of drone/helicopter shots of the California highway system, and I'm pretty confident I don't need to see anymore.

It's like watching someone's first ever PowerPoint presentation, and they're obsessed with the star wipe so it's on every slide.
Bunk Moreland
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Dustin Rowles annoys the **** out of me. I used to semi-enjoy reading his stuff, until I realized that all he does it read the reviews of some of the top bloggers out there, then rips their info and insight and puts his own opinion on it.

That review read like an incoherent child not getting what he wants. He picked apart "things" he hated about the episode that were harmless and that someone could do in every single episode(including s1). While some of his beefs are completely understandable, much of that review was garbage. He is falling prey to comparing it to season 1. That's on him.

I chose not to, and I'm enjoying the season. It's not perfect by any means, but not near what he's rambling about on that "review" either.
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Like everyone else the character development/acting is not the same. All of these characters are mysterious but not even close to Marty and Rust. Some acting but not as good of characters.

I mean Marty was pretty much banging young girls or beating the crap out of someone while you wondered if he was shady.

Rust was in this philosophical thing that was highly intriguing and you didn't know what was going on with him.

None of the characters even come close to Marty or Rust as there appears to be too many with their own story to tell when there's not really a story for the most part other than some normal dysfunction.
Bunk Moreland
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Well, Marty and Rust also had the luxury of having had it already all happen in the past, and they were just recounting the story to CID. That effect alone gives off such a different vibe for when they show the investigation, because you already have some sense of what happens in the end(both lived).

The structure is different. Having interview sessions that are vague, that then get to flash back and show you the investigation is a nice crutch to have. This season doesn't have it. Again, it's a different feel. Embrace it, and people will enjoy it more.
Big Al 1992
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Like most in here - 3 eps in and meh.
Acting and story are good, not great.
S1 acting and story were effin great.
I started thinking how would it play out if Woody and MM had been cast in the VV and CF roles respectively, and VV had been Woodys character and CF was Rust.
Prob S1 would have lost something but S2 would have gained.

PJD Ag 10
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Some of you guys are harsh critics. Man.

If this show doesn't have you intrigued by now, I don't know what to say. There are so many interesting angles that have yet to be unfolded.

Did I hear right yesterday that CF's dad and the current Vinci mayor were cops together?

And what exactly is the role of the Russians? Were they putting up some cash as part of VV's $5mm stack? Or is their involvement in addition to?
Ol Jock 99
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And what exactly is the role of the Russians? Were they putting up some cash as part of VV's $5mm stack? Or is their involvement in addition to?

I think they were bringing the REST of the money. VV would be the general partner and "on-the-ground" guy with the Russians bringing in the bulk of the needed cash.
Bunk Moreland
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I started thinking how would it play out if Woody and MM had been cast in the VV and CF roles respectively, and VV had been Woodys character and CF was Rust.
Prob S1 would have lost something but S2 would have gained.

You, me, and the rest of america would have creamed over ourselves in season 1 just the same, and had complaints in season 2. While MM and WH were a stronger team so far that VV/CF or the crew of 4 this year, I really think some are discounting that the style of how the last season was brought to the screen is what helped shape why we thought it was so epic and amazing.

You had CID doing interviews of two detectives who handled one of the most ****ed up cases in Louisiana history. So the investigation and case already happened, it was in the past. You get this super weird vibe from a mentally on the edge MM, but you also have the luxury of knowing both he and WH survived the investigation, and whatever it was, they closed it. Naturally you're curious, so the flash backs of the investigation and everything are basically free-range to just try and analyze everything that happened and figure it out. The safety net of knowing the detectives live help alleviate some stress that comes from watching shows like that. It's a subconscious crutch that lets your mind focus on the fun stuff in the episodes.

This season doesn't have that luxury. We're watching it unfold in front of us, on all fronts, and we have no idea who will live or die, and who is even behind it all. You feel about as unsure as CF or RM are trying to work the case.

Sure, they could have done the same style of having post case interviews and going back, but that was last year. This is this year.

The writing, acting etc was really great last year, but the style in which they shot the season is what made it so amazing. I'm not going to fall into the game of comparisons when season 2 is so clearly different on so many levels. It's a different story with different characters and different region and different problems, and most importantly, it's a different way of telling a story. That's what's bothering many IMO.
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This far into True Detective 1, people were over the moon with how great Woody Harrelson was with no expectations, plus a super natural bent to keep people intrigued.

After a literal year of talking about who the new cast was going to be and trying to divine the plot, we're 3 episodes in disappointed by insanely and all too unfairly high expectations about what this show should be.

In truth, it's a little plodding. It's a little up-its-own-ass with art direction and music. It's a little overwritten and a little patent. There's no super natural bent to keep the intrigue up. They only give us our "fallen cop" as a washout, so there's no inquiry about his transformation like there was with MM in Season 1. We know why Velcoro is bad, we know that he's dirty, and there's no mystery there, either.

But it's not a bad show by any stretch. It is, however, a disappointing show, and that's why I say this is a problem brought about by expectations. It's like a really expensive restaurant. Half the people will convince themselves that the food was epic because of the money they spent and how excited they were to eat there. The other half will pan it because it didn't come close to those epic expectations. It's uncomfortable to look at something like this and say "It's decent enough" when you were expecting a second installment of one of the best TV seasons in recent memory.
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As the story unfolds and I understand motives and viewpoints of characters, I've found each episode to be more interesting than the last.

Last night was great, and I was on the edge of my seat pretty much the entire episode.
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Did I hear right yesterday that CF's dad and the current Vinci mayor were cops together?
His dad was referring to the black cop with the sweet hair
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Interesting connection by someone in the comments to Sepinwall (I'm not familiar with Ellroy's book so I have no idea if it's true):

Yeah, It's a lot like Ellroy's "Big Nowhere". The book has a detective whose wife was raped. She had the rapist's son and divorced the detective after he killed the rapist. Also that book has a younger cop who is secretly a homosexual. There's also a third cop who's on a gangster's payroll. A plastic surgeon is involved and also a killer with an "animal mask". Sound familiar?

Read more at http://www.hitfix.com/whats-alan-watching/review-true-detective-maybe-tomorrow-death-becomes-him#0RrgD27gAVCFykqq.99
suburban cowboy
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Nothing wrong with foreplay and building things up before the climax.

The quality of this season has improved with each episode. So relax, sit back, and let your entertainment pheening ****orisis be stimulated.
Ol Jock 99
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Favorite part last night was the mayor ranting and raving about (girl cop) and everyone completely ignoring him.
Bunk Moreland
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Yeah. He is worried for sure. That's the part I'm most excited about, when we start getting to peel back the Vinci corruption layers.

I need to re-watch that entire scene too, because it sounds like the mayor was almost certain that an investigation is going to go away. Not one of those arrogant "they wont catch us ha ha!" type of statements, but he almost just seemed like it will be no big deal and the state case will die out due to his connections.
Two Gun Corcoran
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Am liking the show and will definitely stick with it. That said, I'm not too sure about VV's neurotic gangster. It's an intresting take & humanizes him somewhat but I'm having trouble believing how be became this big crime boss in the first place. I guess the fight was supposed to clue us in to how he used to be but even that was clumsily done. Or maybe it's just me and I'm just hung up and can't see VV as scary. Am interested to see where they go with this...
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This season needs to pick up big time. another episode like last night I may not set aside the time for it.
Welp you still have Ballers
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