I guess I'm one of the few who loved this season, and even loved the finale. I realized as I was watching the finale, that Ani's full name "Antigone" was this years "Yellow King". The season WAS a Greek Tragedy. It wasn't just like a Greek tragedy, like a lot of shoes do, it had all the elements of an Ancient Greek play.
It had a Chorus. Both the intro song, which kept changing lyrics, but moreover, the bar singer, who kept singing the same refrain every time we saw her.
It had a true Monologue, as Ray recorded his last words for his son, only to have them be heard only by the audience.
Every character had "daddy" or "mommy" issues, just like Oedipus, Antigone, Electra, etc.
Velcro has a moment of "pathos" where he feels he's untouchable and decides to visit his son, which is ultimately his downfall.
Frank takes a trip through Hades where he is confronted by the spirits of his life before he dies.
Oh and for good measure lots and lots of sex, even an orgy.
So for those of you who hated this season, perhaps you are just not a fan of Greek Tragedies.