On the last item...it was not the same day. He says something when he is dropping him off about see you in 2 weeks or something like that. He does also say he has that camping trip "this weekend". But in the first scene the kid has a striped t-shirt on...in the second one he was wearing a plaid button down over a t-shirt. And CF has a sports coat in the first scene over a blue shirt and just a brown shirt in the second one.
It was confusing cuz he was bringing him a sleeping bag. But the campout was before that...just I think kind of the way he is a f-up dad...too late. He says "i know you have a camping trip coming up...", but the other dad (step dad or boyfriend?) says "the campout was last weekend". So it's at least several days lter (and after the weekend he went camping). The dad has no real concept of the days that have passed (alcohol, distracted, etc.).
Nope. It's the same day. Not only is Semyon's presentation intercut/sequenced both before AND after that second school scene, but the time of day gets consistently later in each scene, no matter the character/location.
- Semyon has his coffee at home that morning, has his presentation that day/evening, then meets with Ray that night.
- Bezzerides does her thing with that dude in her apartment that morning, raids the house soon after, sees her dad that afternoon, goes to the casino that evening.
- Woodrugh pulls over the actress that morning/afternoon, is put on leave, f*cks his girlfriend, and leaves for his bike ride that night.
- Casper is taken from his house that morning/afternoon (fairly early in the episode), is dropped off in Point Magu that night (later in the episode).
Each of those scenes are intercut with Ray's story in a very particular order, again, with the daylight progressing as expected, time-wise/chronologically.
As for the camping / sleeping bag thing, in that opening scene when Ray says "this weekend," his son DOESN'T answer. His son's not telling him he ALREADY skipped out on it last weekend, so as to not be embarrassed (the step dad says after school, "He ended up having a stomach ache," i.e. the kid faked it so he didn't have to go).