OnlyForNow said:
So he created a time loop, and everyone is in a quantum realm. Problem is thanks has the time stone. Gonna have to beat him to get everyone back
I'm saying that making a time loop is a cop out, b/c that was used just a year or two earlier to defeat a potentially even bigger threat (since Dormammu exists outside of space and time).
I feel like using another time loop would be lazy writing. I have no problem with them having a time travel element to A4, it just needs to be handled in another manner. I do think that Strange did
something, i just have no idea what.
One thing that i had noticed is that when Thanos rewinds Vision, the time stone makes the same glyph symbol that it did when strange used it. so maybe Strange did put a spell on it. the reason that sticks out to me, is because it looks like the orange shield glyphs that strange and wong conjure up, just green. Why would they be so similar if they weren't linked somehow?
Thematically, strange's shield are similar to the stone's activation. I assumed it was b/c the Time stone was being used in conjunction with a spell, and not necessarily the stone's native function. I.e. for the time loop against Dormammu, strange could cast a spell that says "when stone wearer dies, have stone revert to DD:MM:YYYY:HH:MM"