Is Abbott lifting the state wide mask mandate today?

67,957 Views | 703 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by Captain Pablo
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No it's not. It's about looking out for you and me.

On a personal level, I scuba dive and I've gone cage diving with great white sharks in the Pacific. So don't assume that people live in fear. Most people wouldn't dive with great whites. Why? Because they're fearful of sharks.

However, if you don't have a fear of sharks and would love to see the ocean's top predator up close, I'll happily post the link to the company that offers cage diving tours. I recommend it.

I need my health to dive and do lots of other things. So, I'll continue to follow safety precautions until it's no longer necessary.
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Aston94 said:

wbt5845 said:

Fitch said:

Girlfriend watched a starbucks barista get berated this morning after asking a customer to put on a mask, so this will be a fun couple of weeks it looks like.

Heaven forbid someone working customer service would have to interact with a customer.
Come on, there is interacting with a customer and then there is a kid being required to enforce a rule that half of the population doesn't agree with. You see the difference, right?
I'm the one who is supposed to be the rule enforcer here at my office, ironically enough. 90% of our technicians don't give a damn about masks. But as their quality control manager, I'm supposed to.

Little do they know how ridiculous I think it is and I'm as anti mask as any of them. Hey, I'm for fitted, N95 masks in the right settings. IE visiting grandparents in an enclosed setting for an extender period of time, or something like that.

I'm talking about wearing a mask for 12 seconds at a restaurant only to take it off for 45 minutes. Or wearing a mask for your 7 minute trip to HEB where you aren't in contact with a person for more than 10-15 seconds. Or wearing unsanitary cloth masks at work, sweating into them all day in the field, when our guys aren't even in contact with another person for more than a few seconds at a time, and my desk is 20 feet from the nearest person anyways. But, they are required at all times in the building and even outdoors when on the job site/out of your truck!

This is why I hate mask mandates. We take common sense out of the equation. It's what governments and, to a lesser extent, even more business regulations do when they get more power and control, or fear liability. Overstep, create more rules, that have no positive effect and are only nuisances.
t - cam
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beerad12man said:

tysker said:


The worst part was not getting to go to Europe last summer and I suppose maybe this one as well.
I'm sorry but I have to comment on how elitist and lacking in scope this statement comes across.

I spoke with a family member who is teacher and is/will fail, flat out fail, about 30% of their students many of which have grade averages close to or just above 0. Not 60 or 65. Zero. But those kids are on Zoom everyday with a black screen simply to be counted as present and yet have done basically no work. And the ISD/Principal is asking the teachers what they did to contact the parents (emails, phone calls, etc) as if it's the teacher's fault for a lack of engagement.

We have a large segment of our young generation losing a year of education because of our response. Kids that should now be held back but I'm sure many will be socially promoted. It's not only damaging to the kids but the community at large. These are often the kids that were already unlikely to vacation in Europe over the summer and now are even further behind.
What we have done to children for a year now due to politics in reprehensible and unimaginable to me.

Whose kids in Texas aren't in school this year? I was pretty sure it was optional across the state.

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LostInLA07 said:

There aren't enough people eligible to receive the vaccine under the EUA to achieve 80% of the population, so yes we'll likely never achieve 80% anytime soon - certainly not in 2021. Assuming every single person over age 16 gets the vaccine (which won't happen due to allergies, personal choice, or whatever reason) you might get to the high 70s %age of the population.

Also infections aren't going to count towards the herd immunity numbers because there isn't enough data to determine how long and how effective a recovered covid patient will be in avoiding another infection...and it's difficult to determine who was infected and also got a vaccine (so you can't add recovered patients and vaccinated people together because you'd double count.)

I'm sorry but this is just completely wrong. They found some folks from the 1918 spanish flu a few years ago who STILL had the memory T Cells from that virus. On top of that People infected with the original SARS also still have a T Cell response that protects against SARS-CoV-2 as well. This is basic immunology.

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Not sure about texans, but texas kids aren't the only kids that matter.
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Marissa99 said:

No it's not. It's about looking out for you and me.

On a personal level, I scuba dive and I've gone cage diving with great white sharks in the Pacific. So don't assume that people live in fear. Most people wouldn't dive with great whites. Why? Because they're fearful of sharks.

However, if you don't have a fear of sharks and would love to see the ocean's top predator up close, I'll happily post the link to the company that offers cage diving tours. I recommend it.

I need my health to dive and do lots of other things. So, I'll continue to follow safety precautions until it's no longer necessary.

You keep saying the same thing - great. I hope you get to dive with sharks again and do whatever it is that you enjoy. Others might enjoy the simple day to day routine that they are excited to return to. That is great as well. Just like you can make a risk assessment on your diving with sharks can you give others the courtesy to make risk assessments for activities they would like to participate in?

Wear a mask, avoid situations that make you uncomfortable, etc. Nobody is demanding that you do anything.
t - cam
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beerad12man said:

Not sure about texans, but texas kids aren't the only kids that matter.

I agree, was just thinking in the context of this post.

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tysker said:


The worst part was not getting to go to Europe last summer and I suppose maybe this one as well.
I'm sorry but I have to comment on how elitist and lacking in scope this statement comes across.

I spoke with a family member who is teacher and is/will fail, flat out fail, about 30% of their students many of which have grade averages close to or just above 0. Not 60 or 65. Zero. But those kids are on Zoom everyday with a black screen simply to be counted as present and yet have done basically no work. And the ISD/Principal is asking the teachers what they did to contact the parents (emails, phone calls, etc) as if it's the teacher's fault for a lack of engagement.

We have a large segment of our young generation losing a year of education because of our response. Kids that should now be held back but I'm sure many will be socially promoted. It's not only damaging to the kids but the community at large. These are often the kids that were already unlikely to vacation in Europe over the summer and now are even further behind.
If you want to take shots at least don't cherry pick a segment out of the comment completely out of context.

Have some decency.
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Alta said:

Marissa99 said:

No it's not. It's about looking out for you and me.

On a personal level, I scuba dive and I've gone cage diving with great white sharks in the Pacific. So don't assume that people live in fear. Most people wouldn't dive with great whites. Why? Because they're fearful of sharks.

However, if you don't have a fear of sharks and would love to see the ocean's top predator up close, I'll happily post the link to the company that offers cage diving tours. I recommend it.

I need my health to dive and do lots of other things. So, I'll continue to follow safety precautions until it's no longer necessary.

You keep saying the same thing - great. I hope you get to dive with sharks again and do whatever it is that you enjoy. Others might enjoy the simple day to day routine that they are excited to return to. That is great as well. Just like you can make a risk assessment on your diving with sharks can you give others the courtesy to make risk assessments for activities they would like to participate in?

Wear a mask, avoid situations that make you uncomfortable, etc. Nobody is demanding that you do anything.
This is the craziest thing to me. We literally demand nothing of those that want to wear masks, social distance, and look out for themselves. go for it. Make the decisions you see as best fit for you. Just stop demanding it on others.

Guess what, if you want to avoid people who aren't wearing masks because it makes you uncomfortable? We are very, very easy to spot. Just look for our face. Keeping your distance is INFINITELY more effective than wearing a mask, so no non-mask wearer should ever put you at risk unless you are also in the wrong. Now, if someone is an ass*** and just gets up in your face? Well again, that makes them an ass****. but someone coming to HEB without a mask on, just keep your distance and you have virtually zero chance of getting sick from them unless you stay around them for 10+ minutes at a time, with or without a mask.

Especially if that mask isn't a fitted N95 mask which almost assuredly hasn't changed your chances of getting covid over the last year. Even an N95 masks is hard to show data that it truly works in most settings unless you also keep your distance.
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After one gets past the wall of words and feelings, the reasons I've seen for why I need to continue to wear a mask:

1. To protect others more effectively since them and me wearing masks is MORE effective,

OK - this is the question of "how much protecton is enough". No one really knows for certain. So for many, as much as possible is preferred. Both of us should wear two, maybe three masks. Stores should all close We should all stay home. Where does one draw that line? I say the individual who is most concerned about protection needs to be the one responsible. It's not my job to protect you.

2. Hopsital personnel who have to deal with the sick being overwhelmed.

There is a fire break for this on % of hospital beds taken by COVIDS. Irrelavent.

3. Waitstaff, store clerks having to face extra exposure.

Best reason of all IMO. Employees can insist their store make masks mandatory. Workers always have had the right to demand a safe workplace. If stores refuse, employees can vote with their feet. Not perfect, but how far does the state need to go in enforcing work environment rules?

EDIT: I bet most stores, in an effort to protect against employee lawsuits, will require masks.

4. People griping at teenagers over being told to wear a mask in a store with posted signs

BFD. People gripe at store workers for all sorts of things all the time
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The CDC actually originally recommended (assume it's still the same) masks when social distancing was unachievable.99.999999999999% of the time in day to day life you can ensure you aren't close enough to someone long enough to catch the COVID,
Capitol Ag
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culdeus said:

GAC06 said:

What happened to other states that removed mask mandates?
No idea. I focus on the people around me. I don't care what happens in Florida.

I don't feel like there is a bunch of pent up demand of people just waiting out a mask order to be lifted to go spend more money. I feel like this will have at best a neutral effect, and at worse a decline in the economy in the 2Q as people are now more fearful to go do stuff.

I'd argue more people are happy the mandate is over and so this shouldn't changes that much in terms of people going out. In the end we will just have to see. Here in Collin County, there's only been light enforcement by retail, if any. Many still wear masks but quite a few do not.

It also seems like there's not much that's realistically changed. Restaurants already ignored the capacity guidelines, gyms had no enforcement, and schools aren't changing anything. I haven't really found one thing that seems markedly different than yesterday, other than it's likely to freak some people out that are a month or two from a shot back into hiding.

If they do indeed need the shot still and feel the need to stay home, that is a choice. The likelihood of catching the virus from stints at retail is very slim, mask or no mask. But, at least here the individual gets to decide. Again, in the end this is only about hospital's being overwhelmed. If they are not threatened than it really shouldn't matter and if the individual feels compelled to wear a mask b/c they perceive it might lessen the threat of spread to those around them or to themselves, they can.

Where's the upside here? Can I go to a sporting event, no, concert, no. Visit grandmother in a home? probably no. I'm looking at the list of the things that are lifted, and none of them were either enforced or a big deal before. Yet you see people ITT spiking the football, for what?

Well, per Governor Abbott, starting next Wednesday, 100% capacity at sporting events is allowed. And even with limits you could attend sporting events and concerts. Not sure why you think event attendance is still not allowed. Movies too. All open. A&M has already stated they plan on 100% attendance at football this fall. And if A&M wishes, they can open all other sporting events without the state restricting attendance.

This was a pure posturing move, and I can see how it backfires if there is a late spike. That being said I think it's the right move to loosen restrictions, but I mean why come out with such a high profile announcement and actually do nothing?

There for sure is a political component to this. People HATE the masks. And Rs hate them and Abbott is an R. Of course he will lean towards the constituency he represents. No matter what we think personally about masking, it's just a fact that one can pretty much tell which side of the masking debate one falls on if you see their voting history.

Full disclosure I'm 1 week past Moderna shot 1.

Just got my 2nd Pfizer yesterday. Glad you've gotten your first.
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culdeus said:

tysker said:


The worst part was not getting to go to Europe last summer and I suppose maybe this one as well.
I'm sorry but I have to comment on how elitist and lacking in scope this statement comes across.

I spoke with a family member who is teacher and is/will fail, flat out fail, about 30% of their students many of which have grade averages close to or just above 0. Not 60 or 65. Zero. But those kids are on Zoom everyday with a black screen simply to be counted as present and yet have done basically no work. And the ISD/Principal is asking the teachers what they did to contact the parents (emails, phone calls, etc) as if it's the teacher's fault for a lack of engagement.

We have a large segment of our young generation losing a year of education because of our response. Kids that should now be held back but I'm sure many will be socially promoted. It's not only damaging to the kids but the community at large. These are often the kids that were already unlikely to vacation in Europe over the summer and now are even further behind.
If you want to take shots at least don't cherry pick a segment out of the comment completely out of context.

Have some decency.
If I misread the point or tone in your comment I apologize. But I stand by my point that some people and communities will have negative effects for our response for years to come. And others have had much more than 1% of their lives changed. This whole thing is a lot more than wearing a mask into restaurant.


This. I had to wear a mask on the way to a table once. The horror. 99% of my life was the same. I'm sorry others had it worse or far worse but the way people talk I was chained to my bed for a year.

The worst part was not getting to go to Europe last summer and I suppose maybe this one as well.
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The polarization on this thread is a microcosm of the larger issue with society today. What happened to the middle ground and why can't we get along?

I am ecstatic that the mask mandate has been lifted. But don't tell me I am spiking the football.

I don't care if you wear a mask. I am not judging you. Unless you're in the car by yourself with it on.

Don't judge me if I don't wear a mask. If it bothers you make a wide berth.

Everyone needs to do what's right for them and leave the others alone.

Most of us know someone who's passed from complications with Covid. I don't think there are many who says it isn't real. But it's time to get back to living life and accepting risks on an individual level.

Respect one another. Be nice!

Silky Johnston
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Yeah, looking forward to the stories of mask wearers running up within 2 feet of someone to yell at them for not wearing a mask.
Capitol Ag
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t - cam said:

beerad12man said:

tysker said:


The worst part was not getting to go to Europe last summer and I suppose maybe this one as well.
I'm sorry but I have to comment on how elitist and lacking in scope this statement comes across.

I spoke with a family member who is teacher and is/will fail, flat out fail, about 30% of their students many of which have grade averages close to or just above 0. Not 60 or 65. Zero. But those kids are on Zoom everyday with a black screen simply to be counted as present and yet have done basically no work. And the ISD/Principal is asking the teachers what they did to contact the parents (emails, phone calls, etc) as if it's the teacher's fault for a lack of engagement.

We have a large segment of our young generation losing a year of education because of our response. Kids that should now be held back but I'm sure many will be socially promoted. It's not only damaging to the kids but the community at large. These are often the kids that were already unlikely to vacation in Europe over the summer and now are even further behind.
What we have done to children for a year now due to politics in reprehensible and unimaginable to me.

Whose kids in Texas aren't in school this year? I was pretty sure it was optional across the state.
As an educator I can say that it should not be optional. Kids should have to be in school as they were before the virus. Distance learning is not good for kids, the majority of which are in more danger of a severe reaction to the flu than from Covid. I get the issue for us teachers. And no doubt the teachers need to be vaccinated in group 1. Schools are essential. But parents who are just irrationally keeping their kiddos home when those kids do not have a serious comorbidity are doing their kids no favors and need to be forced to send their kiddos back. I am ok with certain exceptions. Serious at risk people living in the same household or of course children who are at risk. But lets face it, a majority of the students home in TX don't have either of those situations going on. And don't get me started about states whose kids haven't been back to school since last March. That is boarder line criminal to me.
Capitol Ag
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Gilligan said:

The polarization on this thread is a microcosm of the larger issue with society today. What happened to the middle ground and why can't we get along?

I am ecstatic that the mask mandate has been lifted. But don't tell me I am spiking the football.

I don't care if you wear a mask. I am not judging you. Unless you're in the car by yourself with it on.

Don't judge me if I don't wear a mask. If it bothers you make a wide berth.

Everyone needs to do what's right for them and leave the others alone.

Most of us know someone who's passed from complications with Covid. I don't think there are many who says it isn't real. But it's time to get back to living life and accepting risks on an individual level.

Respect one another. Be nice!

Wish I had more stars. There are very few situations in public where the masks are that beneficial. And lets face it, the biggest spreading events are people meeting with others to socialize in homes without masks most likely. Many of these same people are the ones wanting the mandate to stay. Yet ironically they do not wear them with friends in certain cases.

Again, just avoid situations where you might be around spread if it makes you more comfortable. If you feel that you owe it to others, keep masking. Remember, all federal and travel locations (ie airports) plus planes, buses and the like still require the masks. Until the federal government drops them, you'll still have to wear one there.

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Gilligan said:

The polarization on this thread is a microcosm of the larger issue with society today. What happened to the middle ground and why can't we get along?

I am ecstatic that the mask mandate has been lifted. But don't tell me I am spiking the football.

I don't care if you wear a mask. I am not judging you. Unless you're in the car by yourself with it on.

Don't judge me if I don't wear a mask. If it bothers you make a wide berth.

Everyone needs to do what's right for them and leave the others alone.

Most of us know someone who's passed from complications with Covid. I don't think there are many who says it isn't real. But it's time to get back to living life and accepting risks on an individual level.

Respect one another. Be nice!

The problem is, it's hard to find middle ground when only one side demands something of another side whereas the other side is just merely asking for personal choice for everyone. I've seen a couple of instances where they A) get in someone's face about it, although rare. And B) much more common, at the least imply you are a horrible person that doesn't care for others if you make a different decision.

I've yet to see anyone who doesn't want to wear a mask ever demand that someone else takes their off. if they do, they are an ass**** and need to be put in check. At worst, I've seen people mock others behind their back for wearing one alone in a car, just to get a laugh. Meh, no big deal. You can mock me and think I'm an idiot who will get covid and die if I don't wear one for all I care. Just don't demand anything of me or get in my face about it

My theory is simple. This should have never been government mandated. Do what makes you feel comfortable. If you don't want to wear the mask, don't, but on the other hand keep your distance as best you can from those that are wearing masks and/or clearly want you to keep your distance. If you want to wear a mask, do. But again, keep your distance from those you can easily see aren't wearing masks as this is infinitely more effective than the mask.

Don't call someone who doesn't wear one selfish and imply they don't care about others. And don't call someone a sheep if they do wear one.
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And I'm happy about Abbott rescinding something he had no right to do in the first place.

Truly frightening that Gov/county judges/mayors can shut down business and dictate personal behaviors by executive fiat.

I truly hope that over the next several years there are thousands of lawsuits around the country and that eventually the SCOTUS definitively rules the petty tyrants can behave so.
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t - cam said:

For those who have been able to voice your opinion without belittling others I appreciate it. It really is complex and is important to understand where both sides are coming from. I've flipped back and forth at least a dozen times since yesterday.
My personal opinion is we should have waited till all high risk groups have the option to be vaccinated. That said I i understand that they can continue as they have been and watch out for themselves if they want. Just don't see the issue with waiting one more month till this group was able to access the vaccine if they wanted to.

My folks are not in group 1a or 1b, and have their appointment to get first vaccine dose tomorrow. Who hasn't had a chance to get the vaccine that truly needs it if my healthy parents in their late 50's are able to get it by appointment?
t - cam
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Txhuntr said:

t - cam said:

For those who have been able to voice your opinion without belittling others I appreciate it. It really is complex and is important to understand where both sides are coming from. I've flipped back and forth at least a dozen times since yesterday.
My personal opinion is we should have waited till all high risk groups have the option to be vaccinated. That said I i understand that they can continue as they have been and watch out for themselves if they want. Just don't see the issue with waiting one more month till this group was able to access the vaccine if they wanted to.

My folks are not in group 1a or 1b, and have their appointment to get first vaccine dose tomorrow. Who hasn't had a chance to get the vaccine that truly needs it if my healthy parents in their late 50's are able to get it by appointment?

I'm 1b and am still waiting.

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t - cam said:

Txhuntr said:

t - cam said:

For those who have been able to voice your opinion without belittling others I appreciate it. It really is complex and is important to understand where both sides are coming from. I've flipped back and forth at least a dozen times since yesterday.
My personal opinion is we should have waited till all high risk groups have the option to be vaccinated. That said I i understand that they can continue as they have been and watch out for themselves if they want. Just don't see the issue with waiting one more month till this group was able to access the vaccine if they wanted to.

My folks are not in group 1a or 1b, and have their appointment to get first vaccine dose tomorrow. Who hasn't had a chance to get the vaccine that truly needs it if my healthy parents in their late 50's are able to get it by appointment?

I'm 1b and am still waiting.
What exactly are you waiting for?
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wbt5845 said:

Fitch said:

Girlfriend watched a starbucks barista get berated this morning after asking a customer to put on a mask, so this will be a fun couple of weeks it looks like.

Heaven forbid someone working customer service would have to interact with a customer.
LMAO, getting berated for enforcing store policy = "interacting with a customer".

Ask me how I know you're Karen.
Capitol Ag
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beerad12man said:

Gilligan said:

The polarization on this thread is a microcosm of the larger issue with society today. What happened to the middle ground and why can't we get along?

I am ecstatic that the mask mandate has been lifted. But don't tell me I am spiking the football.

I don't care if you wear a mask. I am not judging you. Unless you're in the car by yourself with it on.

Don't judge me if I don't wear a mask. If it bothers you make a wide berth.

Everyone needs to do what's right for them and leave the others alone.

Most of us know someone who's passed from complications with Covid. I don't think there are many who says it isn't real. But it's time to get back to living life and accepting risks on an individual level.

Respect one another. Be nice!

The problem is, it's hard to find middle ground when only one side demands something of another side whereas the other side is just merely asking for personal choice for everyone. I've seen a couple of instances where they A) get in someone's face about it, although rare. And B) much more common, at the least imply you are a horrible person that doesn't care for others if you make a different decision.

I've yet to see anyone who doesn't want to wear a mask ever demand that someone else takes their off. if they do, they are an ass**** and need to be put in check. At worst, I've seen people mock others behind their back for wearing one alone in a car, just to get a laugh. Meh, no big deal. You can mock me and think I'm an idiot who will get covid and die if I don't wear one for all I care. Just don't demand anything of me or get in my face about it

My theory is simple. This should have never been government mandated. Do what makes you feel comfortable. If you don't want to wear the mask, don't, but on the other hand keep your distance as best you can from those that are wearing masks and/or clearly want you to keep your distance. If you want to wear a mask, do. But again, keep your distance from those you can easily see aren't wearing masks as this is infinitely more effective than the mask.

Don't call someone who doesn't wear one selfish and imply they don't care about others. And don't call someone a sheep if they do wear one.

Very well put. I've been so surprised how this subject has become such a polarizing issue. I see some benefits in wearing masks. But I also completely understand when others do not want to wear one. This isn't a situation of a small few who just don't want to be a "team player". It's obviously more than an annoyance for quite a few. Those against masks don't seem to be the ones shaming. It's the same with people shaming those who go out, go on vacations etc. Facebook is filled with many in support of shutting down shaming families for going on trips and vacations like they are monsters. I've always held that all of this is a very personal thing. I totally respect if you don't feel right not masking or not doing 'non essential' activities and vacations. But in turn, just realize that if you do feel that way you owe it to the rest of us to let us live our lives how we feel is best. I have small children. We went on vacation last summer, took multiple day trips and are about to visit San Antonio this coming week. My kids deserve to be able to get out and see things. They need to socialize with friends and since last May we have had multiple in person play dates. 4-5 year olds don't get anything out of virtual play dates. Older kids already do virtual play dates with video games. But little ones do not and they absolutely need socialization at their ages. To me, that is just worth whatever other risks it might cause. That might sound insensitive, but it's how my wife and I feel.
t - cam
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AggieAuditor said:

t - cam said:

Txhuntr said:

t - cam said:

For those who have been able to voice your opinion without belittling others I appreciate it. It really is complex and is important to understand where both sides are coming from. I've flipped back and forth at least a dozen times since yesterday.
My personal opinion is we should have waited till all high risk groups have the option to be vaccinated. That said I i understand that they can continue as they have been and watch out for themselves if they want. Just don't see the issue with waiting one more month till this group was able to access the vaccine if they wanted to.

My folks are not in group 1a or 1b, and have their appointment to get first vaccine dose tomorrow. Who hasn't had a chance to get the vaccine that truly needs it if my healthy parents in their late 50's are able to get it by appointment?

I'm 1b and am still waiting.
What exactly are you waiting for?

I'm on wait lists. I do think I'm getting close.

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AgsMyDude said:

LostInLA07 said:

There aren't enough people eligible to receive the vaccine under the EUA to achieve 80% of the population, so yes we'll likely never achieve 80% anytime soon - certainly not in 2021. Assuming every single person over age 16 gets the vaccine (which won't happen due to allergies, personal choice, or whatever reason) you might get to the high 70s %age of the population.

Also infections aren't going to count towards the herd immunity numbers because there isn't enough data to determine how long and how effective a recovered covid patient will be in avoiding another infection...and it's difficult to determine who was infected and also got a vaccine (so you can't add recovered patients and vaccinated people together because you'd double count.)

I'm sorry but this is just completely wrong. They found some folks from the 1918 spanish flu a few years ago who STILL had the memory T Cells from that virus. On top of that People infected with the original SARS also still have a T Cell response that protects against SARS-CoV-2 as well. This is basic immunology.

I'm not referring to immunology. I'm referring to how government is counting %age of the population who are immune this year and how infected and recovered people aren't going to be counted unless they are also vaccinated.
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cecil77 said:

And I'm happy about Abbott rescinding something he had no right to do in the first place.

Truly frightening that Gov/county judges/mayors can shut down business and dictate personal behaviors by executive fiat.

I truly hope that over the next several years there are thousands of lawsuits around the country and that eventually the SCOTUS definitively rules the petty tyrants can behave so.

cecil, I agree with you, but if you think our Supreme Court is going to rule that the government is over-extending its power during a pandemic by health mandates then I think you are probably going to be disappointed. There will be an outlier or two (Thomas, Alito, maybe Barrett, need to see more of her rulings) but in general we have too many on the court that are willing to cede freedoms to government, especially in cases of emergency like this.
In talking with sources connected to Meyer's family on Sunday, there was laughter about the persistence of the Texas pursuit.
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Where do you live? I don't know why you wouldn't have been contacted you, to be honest, and happy to help you get an appt if you need assistance with that. The HEB and CVS websites make it possible to get an appt within a couple days if you're persistent.

HEB just opened a bunch of appts btw. Probably the J&J vaccine freeing up additional allocations or the extra allocation Biden is pushing to pharmacies to try to get teachers vaccinated this month.
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I really don't understand the logic of masks.

Has it actually been proven scientifically that covid (or any virus) can spread at all or effectively in people who are asymptomatic?

If the answer is yes, then why have US scientific authorities not advocated for masks previously to stop the flu? The US has typically viewed masks as ineffective, as opposed to some Asian countries which have generally recommended them.
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It's not that masks have been viewed as ineffective, but that the US citizenry was unlikely to adopt wearing them.
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Okay. But where are the studies that show masks are effective with daily use by the general population?

The cdc and others have estimated mask compliance is at least 85%. Where are the results?
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Marissa99 said:

No it's not. It's about looking out for you and me.

On a personal level, I scuba dive and I've gone cage diving with great white sharks in the Pacific. So don't assume that people live in fear. Most people wouldn't dive with great whites. Why? Because they're fearful of sharks.

However, if you don't have a fear of sharks and would love to see the ocean's top predator up close, I'll happily post the link to the company that offers cage diving tours. I recommend it.

I need my health to dive and do lots of other things. So, I'll continue to follow safety precautions until it's no longer necessary.

That's the justification you and others like you love to use to pat yourself on the back while wanting others to comply to requirements that make you feel better. The only thing the mask was effective in doing was hiding how high up your nose was.

As far as diving with sharks, I want to get scuba certified, and if I ever do, you can bet your butt I'd hop in a cage and dive with sharks if I had the opportunity. I have sailed across the Gulf in a '46 foot sailboat and loved every minute of it, including the storm we got caught up in.
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If you are still waiting, look at Sams and CVS websites. You have to try in the mornings. Also, you do not have to be a Sams member.
t - cam
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Agthatbuilds said:

Okay. But where are the studies that show masks are effective with daily use by the general population?

The cdc and others have estimated mask compliance is at least 85%. Where are the results?

Google provides plenty of studies and articles that claim they help. I'm sure I can find the inverse just as easily.
For me the idea of a masks working is mostly from common sense. If I sneeze or cough, I don't have to bend my mind very much to visualize how a face covering would keep my germs to my self, at least to some extent.

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t - cam said:

Agthatbuilds said:

Okay. But where are the studies that show masks are effective with daily use by the general population?

The cdc and others have estimated mask compliance is at least 85%. Where are the results?

Google provides plenty of studies and articles that claim they help. I'm sure I can find the inverse just as easily.
For me the idea of a masks working is mostly from common sense. If I sneeze or cough, I don't have to bend my mind very much to visualize how a face covering would keep my germs to my self, at least to some extent.
You didn't answer his question.

The mask mandates have zero data to show they work with community spread. Ie, actually helping prevent the hospitals from being overwhelmed, which is what this was supposed to be about. The virus still tends to spread in the community of areas with stricter mask mandates than areas with less strict mandates according to many, many graphs.

The reason? Your common sense as you put it fails to account for human behavior. It falls to understand that forcing businesses to require them in situations where the spread is highly unlikely does minimal to no good. The spread occurs in private gatherings almost exlcusively. Not your 5-7 minutes you spend in HEB, with or without a mask.

So short of sneezing directly on someone, it's a highly irrelevant public policy, and won't show a noticeable reduction in community spread
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