I will say heb has done a tremendous job with partners who test positive. Both my store and my husband's store had one partner test positive. Here are the steps that occur. The partner doesnt feel well all of a sudden and we immediately have them isolate themselves and call a special hotline where they are advised if they need to quarantine or can return to work.
In my stores case a bagger came in to work and 3 hours into the shift was sent home. They were advised to go to a clinic and tested positive. Their symptoms were very mild.
The top leaders after getting results then watched video of the partners entire shift to see if and whom they came into contact with. Luckily for my store this had been the partners only shift in the past two weeks. This partner wore their mask the entire time and did not come close to anyone. They even took their break in their car.
Had this partner been near anyone then those people would have been contacted directly.
We had a social distanced huddle to tell all the managers a few hours before heb sent out a mass text about it. We were told to call all of our ppl to let them know all the details we knew to make sure they felt comfortable returning to work. Later that afternoon we got the text and it was on the heb Facebook page because of course it's only fair the public knows as well.
Luckily it has been our stores only incident and that was over 3 weeks ago. It is very scary though and a big wakeup call on how many people we come into contact with every day.
The stores do not shut down. Our showtime and cooking connection teams now pretty much just walk around sanitizing everything. They hit my scan gun as I'm walking around with it prob 3 or 4x a day and thats not including me wiping it down. We are required to wear masks which I appreciate.
proudest member of the fightin texas aggie class of 2005.