195,776 Views | 1132 Replies | Last: 3 mo ago by Tex117
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TecRecAg said:

Paging everyone that said I didn't know anything about 9 this morning

Yeah, some folks owe you an apology. Even your numbers were correct (allowing for a little increase from continued negotiation). I've seen some of your posts in the past where you had good info too - enough to know not to call you out like that.
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GrapevineAg said:

TecRecAg said:

Paging everyone that said I didn't know anything about 9 this morning

Yeah, some folks owe you an apology. Even your numbers were correct (allowing for a little increase from continued negotiation). I've seen some of your posts in the past where you had good info too - enough to know not to call you out like that.

I posted that he was leaving Saturday after the Game 1 win…apparently the topic was off limits then and my thread was deleted. On Saturday the idea of him leaving couldn't even be stomached, now we're here. Wild couple of days.
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ChubbyHubby said:

barbacoa taco said:

barbacoa taco said:

God I hate coaching rumor mills.

Schloss came out last night and slammed the door on leaving for Texas, and there are still posters and people on twitter saying "well ahkshually what he really meant was..."
well i look pretty stupid now

When coaches avoid flat out saying "I'm not leaving" then you really can't trust them

He could have simply said "No" amd left it at that. What he did was a huge red flag.

Especially the comment about Braden. I think he said it was selfish because the night belonged to the team, but he let his emotions get the best of him and it came out like microwaved dog *****

Because the answer was yes. Braden is going to sign in the draft. So he did answer the question, in a roundabout way, we just contorted everything else to make it seem like he was staying.
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HowdyTexasAggies said:

TecRecAg said:

I'm going to get burned at the stake for even posting this, I know. I have friends that are deeply, deeply connected to Texas baseball.

The short of it is - Schloss is gone. Expect it to be announced tomorrow morning. 10 yr/$32M.

Expect us to go hard after Skip @ OU. Skip will take the job in a heartbeat and plans to lobby for the job as well.

Sorry, that sounds like nothing more than the same wishful rumor that has been circulating. I am sure deeply connected sips believe it and are passing it around.

Well, my apologies, you were dead on!
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HowdyTexasAggies said:

HowdyTexasAggies said:

TecRecAg said:

I'm going to get burned at the stake for even posting this, I know. I have friends that are deeply, deeply connected to Texas baseball.

The short of it is - Schloss is gone. Expect it to be announced tomorrow morning. 10 yr/$32M.

Expect us to go hard after Skip @ OU. Skip will take the job in a heartbeat and plans to lobby for the job as well.

Sorry, that sounds like nothing more than the same wishful rumor that has been circulating. I am sure deeply connected sips believe it and are passing it around.

Well, my apologies, you were dead on!

So, wait, sip hires A&M's coach and A&M hires OU's coach?

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My faith in humanity just took a serious blow.
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Arizona is RED!

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DallasArchAg05 said:

Really really really inappropriate to ask that question right now. Not cool at all by that reporter. Reporters should not base their questions on Texags baseball thread topics.

This post cracks me up
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TecRecAg said:

Again, nothing is final until it's final. I'm just passing along what I've heard from people who played/coached at Texas and wouldn't go out of their way to blow smoke up my ass.

If I'm wrong, I apologize for passing along what I was told.
Many people on here owe you an apology.

Just suggesting that his comments & reactions didn't look good last night had people on here getting out the pitchforks.
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FriscoKid said:

The hysteria of him going to Austin was created on this board yesterday and then a board reporter asked him about the hysteria. (At a bad time). It's pretty ridiculous. That question couldn't wait a day or two or more? It had to be asked in that moment when the coach and the team just wrapped up the most successful season ever and came up two runs short? That was an emotional time for coach and the players and that's what you want to ask him about?

Yes. It had to be asked then. Was the only opportunity.

Good for Zane and **** Schloss
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LB12Diamond said:

I'm not tricking myself. I'm taking Schloss for the way he has acted all three years he's been here. Everything he has shown since he's been here is he love it's. Loves the fan base. Etc

There is only one thing he has shown at anytime that he has been displeased here. His importance on updating Bluebell.

Thus, the only thing that would possibly make his thinking change would be if A&M dropped the ball on that one. I'm not expecting that one so at this time. Yes, my thinking is there is zero chance of him considering another job.
This didn't age too well.

Diamond could have manned up and admitted he was wrong and apologized for calling people names last night. But I could tell he wasn't the type that would do that.
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LB12Diamond said:

Another poster justifying his bad posts by using a crazy assumption. Maybe change your name to Ag that breaks down instead of builds.

Hey there
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People that attack other posters using "[insert coach's name] truly loves A&M and would never leave and their love for everything here should never be questioned" are useful idiots. I thought we had all realized that coaches are just paid entertainers with no real or imagined loyalty when Gillispie left. The exact same things were said then to shout down anyone who dared admit out loud that Gillispie might not stay

It's psychological projection. Poster loves A&M, wants successful coach to stay, projects his own emotions onto coach to convince themselves and others that 1) coach will stay no matter what the rumors say, and 2) they are morally superior because they alone truly understand how the coach really feels
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LB12Diamond said:

Agthatbuilds said:

Sponge said:

How about this question: Zane, have you been fired yet?

What for? Doing his job?

This has already been covered on this thread multiple times from the very first responses. That question did not have to be asked last night. It's that simple. Rise above how sips handle things and handle things the right way.

Schloss's opening statement should have given Zane pause on holding that type of question off until Schloss's next interview following such a great season. Do your job correctly, not like the sips act.
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LB12Diamond said:

Another obtuse poster. Shocking
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LB12Diamond said:


Now I see why you responded this way. You were the one I used obtuse on when you earlier could not see the similarities.

And now I see why you picked that other post to respond to. It aligned with you trying to blame the sips as well.

You are right about one thing. I have wasted to much time on this thread trying to help others understand why it was wrong to ask the question. If they cannot see why, it's just not in their DNA.
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Before I hit the sack and forever move on from this...

Schloss wasn't mad the question was asked.

It was disrespectful, but not because of the rumors or because of the moment.

Schloss thought the question was disrespectful because texags was the only crew who knew what was about to happen, and they had the gall to call him on it. He was disrespected, not because it was a disrespectful question, but because his little scheme was brought to light.

Schloss immediately went into defense mode because he's a little ***** at heart and couldn't take the heat. He reacted the same way all cheaters do when they get caught, defensively, aggressively and without merit.

**** that guy and here's to whipping his ass for the foreseeable future. Or at least until his own actions bring him down.
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Yep, that's definitely what happened.

I am still shocked so many on here last night thought that was a positive interview and had slammed the door on him leaving. I didn't get that vibe at all. I was scared that he reacted so defensively.

People not guilty usually don't get that defensive. I was hoping it was because they just lost but as we know now that was not it.
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Need to be a place players want to be and the right coaches will find us.

NIL has addressed greatly whatever issues we faced pre-NIL in recruiting.

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I really thought he was offended because why would he leave with the program in amazing shape and it was ridiculous to even consider. But I was wrong. Turns out it was so ridiculous it was true and he was pissed they called him out. At the time I felt like it was bad timing for the question but if Texags already knew, then it makes perfect sense and could have gone even more aggressive.

Anyone that would leave A&M for Austin right after going to the national championship and talking about loving the 12th man is a special kind of deranged. He deserves every ounce of ridicule and distrust.
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Agreed. In all the hindsight and second guessing, it makes the most sense out of everything given what we know about human nature and psychology.

Dude got caught in a massive question he was trying to keep under wraps and got caught unprepared and so simply reacted. By lashing out and redirecting the question into a personal attack. I mean, it truly is Psych 101.
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I was wrong I admit it. The irony is astonishing, what seemed like a poorly timed question last night now makes sense and exposed what a selfish ****head schloss is. Thank you Zane for enlightening me and I apologize for my initial skepticism. I still cant wrap my head around how poorly this has played out. The timing of this all seems intentional by schloss and cdc.
tandy miller
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Agthatbuilds said:

Before I hit the sack and forever move on from this...

Schloss wasn't mad the question was asked.

It was disrespectful, but not because of the rumors or because of the moment.

Schloss thought the question was disrespectful because texags was the only crew who knew what was about to happen, and they had the gall to call him on it. He was disrespected, not because it was a disrespectful question, but because his little scheme was brought to light.

Schloss immediately went into defense mode because he's a little ***** at heart and couldn't take the heat. He reacted the same way all cheaters do when they get caught, defensively, aggressively and without merit.

**** that guy and here's to whipping his ass for the foreseeable future. Or at least until his own actions bring him down.

Bingo. Plus, when put in a position where any answer makes you look like you're leaving or a huge *******, the natural reaction is to get defensive. Notice he never flat out said "I'm not leaving Texas A&M".

IMO his defense was in response to the fact that all of this came to light (Texags) before he thought it would more than feigned disrespect he felt towards the question.

Also I'm drunk and not sure if any of that makes sense. Take it for what you will. I'm not re reading that novel
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TA folks have confirmed they've known it was a real possibility for months. And they repeatedly asked him privately to comment. This was the last chance to put him on the record so they did.
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He is staying. In Austin.
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TexAgs or ESPN needs to make a 30 for 30 about this unveiling a timeline and the conversations that happened between Schloss and the players, AD's, and the other staff at TAMU; ultimately rubbing a smear or the Texas program and Schloss for what he did ruining his name and reputation every time it airs.
tandy miller
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TheRealJacob said:

TexAgs or ESPN needs to make a 30 for 30 about this unveiling a timeline and the conversations that happened between Schloss and the players, AD's, and the other staff at TAMU; ultimately rubbing a smear or the Texas program and Schloss for what he did ruining his name and reputation every time it airs.

Why the **** would ESPN besmirch a program they so heavily promote?
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TheRealJacob said:

TexAgs or ESPN needs to make a 30 for 30 about this unveiling a timeline and the conversations that happened between Schloss and the players, AD's, and the other staff at TAMU; ultimately rubbing a smear or the Texas program and Schloss for what he did ruining his name and reputation every time it airs.

Yeah, I see eSIPn doing that. Wake up!
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Agthatbuilds said:

LB12Diamond said:

Another poster justifying his bad posts by using a crazy assumption. Maybe change your name to Ag that breaks down instead of builds.

Hey there
you going to take that from LB12CubicZirconia?
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TecRecAg said:

I'm going to get burned at the stake for even posting this, I know. I have friends that are deeply, deeply connected to Texas baseball.

The short of it is - Schloss is gone. Expect it to be announced tomorrow morning. 10 yr/$32M.

Expect us to go hard after Skip @ OU. Skip will take the job in a heartbeat and plans to lobby for the job as well.
Mister Mystery Guest
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I would have been ready for the question actually.
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kyledr04 said:

I really thought he was offended because why would he leave with the program in amazing shape and it was ridiculous to even consider. But I was wrong. Turns out it was so ridiculous it was true and he was pissed they called him out. At the time I felt like it was bad timing for the question but if Texags already knew, then it makes perfect sense and could have gone even more aggressive.

If they really knew, I wish they'd been even more aggressive and gone for the throat.

"Coach, what do you have to say about the rumors that you've reached an agreement to become the head coach at Texas A&M's biggest rival on the day that you were playing for a National Championship?"
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annie88 said:


annie88 said:


I am so sick and tired of supporting this university's athletic programs with my time energy and money only to be kicked in the nuts again and again.
I don't believe this is on the athletic program though. This is primarily on Schloss. He knew he was dealing this for a while. at that point, all our people could do is offer him what they could. Which apparently wasn't enough. Seriously don't let this dim your support for our athletes.

I have nothing but respect for the individuals that choose to attend. My anger is with Sharp and his team.
Sharp has been a piece of **** for years and I've been saying it for years. We need to get rid of that guy. He's at the root of a lot of our problems and not just about athletics.
It is time for new blood at the high seat...but this still boils down to the integrity of the coach. If its always an only about money, then we would all be numb to the emotional side of getting kinked in the nards. After what he said many times about A&M being his last job and then to take those kids to that level and kick them to the curb for money really says more about the state of college athletics. I have a feeling it will only increase how cynical we are about any new coach.
Now we just need to beat t.u. in both F ball and B ball next year. That would go a long way in healing this betrayal.
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