TecRecAg said:
We finish green here.

TecRecAg said:
We finish green here.
Not putting on a tinfoil hat but I wonder if the huge buying of puts on SPY/QQQ the last 2 days has anything to do with Davos. You have a meeting of the elite deciding what is good for us rubes and then volume of SPY puts jumps. Just something to think about. If anyone knew what was coming you can bet those asses would be the one to know.BaylorSpineGuy said:
Heavy put buying in SPY options. Volume on 5/25 385P is 215K.
Danwell Home said:
That's why I'm sitting on a good amount of cash and willing to pay a 10% liquidity/inflation premium. S&P down 2.5% or so at it's lowest because SNAP cut guidance? Give me a break.
Been raining all day over SW Kansas. Good for our country, but I'm not sure WEAT will pop.Farmer @ Johnsongrass, TX said:Article from May 18th - Pratt, KS - hard red wheat country.Farmer @ Johnsongrass, TX said:Entry PointTubTub said:
Interested to know your price outlook on WEAT, SOYB, and CORN. Still holding or exiting in the next week?
CORN = $29.63
SOYB = $28.66
WEAT = $10.99
Today's Close
CORN = $29.23
SOYB = $28.27
WEAT = $11.90
The only one of these 3 that has a near term chance for a pop is WEAT. WEAT is a fund of Futures traded on the Chicago Exchange (soft wheat). The wheat of concern is hard red winter wheat and that's traded on the Kansas City Exchange. So, we have the right crop picked (wheat) but the wrong type (Soft and not Hard Red). The action will be in the Kansas City pit with some spill over into Chicago. Most folks diving into this stuff don't know this detail and most think "wheat is wheat" and that's fine. I am going to enter a sell order at $12.25. I think it has a good chance to hit that number.
CORN and SOYB, I hate to bail on these, but I just want my money back. I will enter orders at cost. If you plan to hold these, I'd exit before the end of June.
If holding for longer than June, I would pick WEAT as the longer term hold.
Basically, my entry points sucked. It happens.
This is bullish wheat.
Maybe I am setting my sights to low at $12.25..
BrokeAssAggie said:
HEB here in Austin
BaylorSpineGuy said:
Heavy put buying in SPY options. Volume on 5/25 385P is 215K.
Inflation is out of control. Inflation expectations are getting out of control. Markets are imploding because investors are not confident that the @federalreserve will stop inflation. If the Fed doesn’t do its job, the market will do the Fed’s job, and that is what
— Bill Ackman (@BillAckman) May 24, 2022
https://t.co/eMB7cw7BAY pic.twitter.com/zgg6mT0uV4
— Cem Karsan 🥐 (@jam_croissant) May 24, 2022
BaylorSpineGuy said:https://t.co/eMB7cw7BAY pic.twitter.com/zgg6mT0uV4
— Cem Karsan 🥐 (@jam_croissant) May 24, 2022
Anyone? We going up or down? Last summer was a good rally, same again?
The market continuously discounts information and tends to be about 6 months in front of what will actually happen. The real question that should be asked right now is "what is already priced in?". The second question that should be asked is "what is uncertain and how could that change things?"XXXVII said:
I'd really like to know what positive news about the summer is making people think there's going to be some big rally upwards.
FJ43 said:
Check out the OI on June monthly VIX calls
Been raining all day over SW Kansas. Good for our country, but I'm not sure WEAT will pop.