FbgTxAg said:
AAPL has to fight tooth and nail to gain every penny. Some folks out there having to fight just as hard against it. When they throw in the towel, it's going to absolutely rip.
Yup....if you have a lot of cash sidelined do something similar to what I did in my dad's account two days ago at lower levels. Trade works the same. Buy the Feb 12 $136 Puts now on however many shares you are going to hold long. Then sit and see if we move higher into close. The Puts will lose some but not as much as the gain in shares. More importantly the call options prices will move upward. If it rips before closing you may consider just holding. If it eases up above $137.30 then you sell a factor of shares $140 covered calls out to Feb 26 that the PREMIUM (Currently $2.64) offsets nearly 2:1 the Put cost and only do so on 50% of the shares bought. Looks like this.
Entered 10k $136.90 shares
Bought 100 $136 Feb 12 Puts $1.50
Enter 50 Feb 26 $140 covered calls at $2.62
You have $3 in gains if AAPL runs like expected on 5000 shares. You have downside protection at $136 on 100% of the trade with the 100 Puts PAID FOR with the 50 covered call premium. You have 5000 shares riding free to amass the top side gains through next Friday before having to make a decision.