Gonna reitterate, I feel like Disney is one of the ones that got beat up bad and will likely over produce; however, that guidance will DEFINITELY get pulled going forward and that's been a stock killer. I have a long position on Disney so I'll likely hedge with a put as protection but I feel like this one will have decent 1Q results, but with a major warning about 2Q and possibly 3Q numbers.
***If this post is on Business and Investing, take it with a grain of salt. I am wrong way more than I am right (but I am less wrong than I used to be) and if you follow me you will be too.***
B&I Key:
ETH - Extended Trading Hours --- RTH - Regular Trading Hours
ORH - Opening Range (1st 30min) High --- ORL - Opening Range Low
R1, R2, R3 - Resistance 1, 2, or 3 --- S1, S2, S3 - Support 1, 2 or 3