MU will fill its gap it looks like. And what fun! We get to buy calls again!
UPDATE: MU filled its gap $34.12 premarket which is why I went ahead with some shares. But as indicated below $34.75 to fill the upside gap would have me selling the trade intraday OR maybe selling weekly $34.50 covered calls for extra juice and/or automatic lowering of the shares should markets turn all the way over.
Quick! Someone tell me Micron's p/e
UPDATE: MU filled its gap $34.12 premarket which is why I went ahead with some shares. But as indicated below $34.75 to fill the upside gap would have me selling the trade intraday OR maybe selling weekly $34.50 covered calls for extra juice and/or automatic lowering of the shares should markets turn all the way over.
Quick! Someone tell me Micron's p/e