quote:I think that all depends on what you find satisfaction in and how you measure it. If your measure of success is having more money, the biggest house, the nicest car - STUFF - then you will never be satisfied as you will always be looking at the next thing or the next million.
First million I felt that "I've arrived" but with the second million I felt it was never enough...
For my family, we have been blessed in that we make a good living doing what we do. But we also live well within our means because we are satisfied with where we are. That doesn't mean we are going to quit our jobs, but it does mean that we don't go out and buy the nicest things just because we can. We have a nice house, but we could afford more and we do not have a need to have the biggest house in town. I would say our only "splurge" spending is that we do not live on a strict budget - but that is just a function of ease and convenience more than it is "gimme gimme gimme". We say no to our 10 year old that wants a phone. We do not go on extravagant vacations multiple times a year. We live modestly compared to what we make, and we are trying to pass that on to our kids by not giving them everything they ever ask for.
If we sold our business to do something less profitable, or even if we had to close our doors, we would be ok. We are not dependent upon our stuff to give us self worth. Sure we would have to adjust as far as our budget, but I am not going to feel unsatisfied if that is what happens.
I say all this to reinforce that if the goal of your life is to make this amount of money or reach a certain level of status, when you achieve those goals you will always look for more. You wont be happy because your priorities are out of order.
That all may have sounded a little preachy, and if so I apologize, but honestly that is the way we live. We were as happy when we made nothing as we are now.