We're not there yet, but at the pace we're going, we should get there pretty soon. When I graduated from my MBA program, my wife and I had a negative net worth of about <-50,000> . In eight years we've turned around our net worth by almost $725,000 with just me working. My wife stays at home with my three little girls, which is how we like it. I'm not a saavy investor, but we've had some very good fortune in our home purchases as well as good timing. The home we're in now could be sold for roughly $160/sq. ft., but we got in a short 3.5 years ago at about $85/sq. ft. We did the same on our first home purchase as well, and made a tidy sum of money off of it.
We also had some good fortune off of purchasing physical gold. We bought in under $900/oz. and then added to our position at just under $1,000/oz. We slowly sold some of our position off hundreds of dollars per ounce higher than what we paid. This helped.
We also took an expat assignment in Singapore which also made us a pretty tidy sum of money.
I disagree with the posters above that said that you won't get rich working for someone else. There are some of us who make very good salaries working for others. To say that you can't get there working for someone else is simply not correct.
We do have some struggles, however. I do like nice things. I have an extensive collection of firearms, etc., but for the most part, we live well beneath our means and we save roughly $70,000 per year, but if we micrmanaged our spending, could easily move this up to $80,000.
Right now we're sitting on a lot of cash and I'm trying to decide whether to invest it somewhere or just pay off my home.
Once again, we're not there yet, but we'll get there soon enough.
[This message has been edited by RightWingConspirator (edited 5/6/2014 8:17a).]