Prosperdick said:
I just don't understand how you have a guy like Sanchez, who's worst pitch (the sinker) he's throwing nearly one out of every three times. You don't need to be a Sabremetrics wizard to know that's a recipe for disaster.
I'm starting to think a lot of these clubs' pitching coaches are straight stealing from their employers.
I'm pretty confused on this, too. Like, there's obviously something else to it, or everyone would just do this.
Maybe it's being able to quickly teach guys mechanically how to consistently locate a four-seamer. Or how to take that spin rate to the next level on the curve. Maybe it's situational in what counts against which hitters you actually use that high-fastball, etc. (or improved pitch sequencing, etc....) Maybe it is a clubhouse that is so hyper-focused on improvement that you concentrate and absorb more info. Who knows?
But as a rival GM, I would 100% take a quick reset and re-look at my roster and stats if the Astros call about one of my pitchers in the off season.