Beat40 said:
gigemJTH12 said:
AustinAg2K said:
Osuna can't handle the playoffs. He was garbage last year against Boston, and he was garbage tonight.
I'm no the biggest Osuna fan obvi, but that's on Hinch. Shoulda went Harris after the 8th. No more multiple innings for osuna. Glad we won while learning that.
It's also like we forget the Kenny G experience. Kenny G out there is giving the game away after the first two hits. At least Osuna still battled and competed. A couple of small things go his way and he's out of it.
Again, he still didn't get the job done, but I don't think it's as bad as it's being made out to be.
I think you're giving him too much credit. He was nails in the 8th. In the 9th, he was bad. He threw some strikes, but when he was trying to pitch off the plate to entice swings, he wasn't close, and they were easy takes. It wasn't close pitches that he wasn't getting the call on, they were way off. The hitters figured out pretty quick that if it didn't look perfect at 40 feet it was probably in the dirt.
The fact that he came in for the 8th instead of Harris tells me that AJ is looking at Harris as his most trustworthy reliever this postseason.