Aggie_Swag18 said:
Cinco Ranch Aggie said:
This is about playing or not playing the assclowns from Austin, not whether we should play any of our SEC opponents. But you go right ahead pulling crap I never said out of your ass.
No no no. You misunderstand me, our goals are completely aligned. Together we will make sure we never play another game against a team that has had an unfair or bad ruling by the refs to teach the other team a lesson and show them what a superior football program we are. Alabama is going to be financially hurting after we refuse to play them, just like the longhorns are now. It's certainly not like they will make any money off TV revenue deals, advertisement, or donors. No sir, they depend on us for their money and it's time that we flex our muscles just like we did with the longhorns. Beating them on the field is child's play and won't teach them anything, we have to hit them where it really hurts and refuse to play them. Beating them on the field does nothing to decrease Alabama's reputation, but refusing to play them would turn them into the laughing stock of college football.
Just look at this, Alabama would be in finical hell without being associated with our brand. No one around the country even knows who Alabama is without them being associated with us. They'll be in the same situation longhorns are when we left them to rot.
Well with all of that non-sense you wasted your time typing and I wasted my time reading, it is quite clear that your goals, whatever they are, are not even on the same planet as mine. Actually, since I have no input into the football program and who they schedule, I have no goals.
None of what you say makes a dang bit of sense. I've stated that in a perfect world, a world where sippy behaved like any other program, I'd be okay with scheduling them. But since that is a fantasy world, a world you seem quite familiar with, I'm not okay with that. They are a cancer to whatever organization they belong to. Have you ever heard of the SWC? Do you recall the formation of the Big 12 including schools like Nebraska (in their national championship winning heyday), Colorado, Missouri, and yeah, Texas A&M? The sips do not like a level playing field where everyone has the same opportunities to win because they know they will not win as much as they think they are entitled to win. They do everything they can to tilt that field in their favor. Having said that, A&M is more talented than they are, has a far superior coaching staff, and I believe would blow their sorry asses out of the water.
Something else I'll ask if you recall - Texas A&M offered to continue that series when we left for the SEC, and they cried like the little girls that they are, claiming their schedule was full (right before signing some other program, if I recall right). They took their ball and went home. Now that they see how crappy their schedule is, they suddenly want to play again? Screw that noise. They had their chance. Ship sailed. Why should we give them a life line?
And again, no where have I suggested we not play Alabama because the SEC refs always favor them, or Auburn because of a horse collar in a game played 7 years ago, or LSU because of scary Cajun Cookie Monster yapping at someone. You continuing to make that statement just makes you look like a bonehead.