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Cullen Disagrees with Bjork, Calls Out NeverAgain Ags

42,341 Views | 402 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by Reginald Cousins
Reno Hightower
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Instead of adding 'sip why not add the service academies. Get a h&h with Army follow that with Navy then the same with Air Force....and repeat. Keep the big OOC games we already have and move on.
Wicked Good Ag
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Either play them or change the War Hymn

pick one
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Decay said:

He never played against them so his opinion as a player has limited relevance.

I would go ahead and say his opinion as a player has zero relevance.

needed to have played on teams with better than a 9-4 record to have clout
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Wicked Good Ag said:

Either play them or change the War Hymn

pick one

No and No
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Wicked Good Ag said:

Either play them or change the War Hymn

pick one

Username does not check out.

The War Hymn emphasizes we hate t.u. for their arrogance, pompous, self-serving, cheating, lying, entitled attitude.

Same reasons we should not play them.
Slamn Sharpe
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Wicked Good Ag said:

Either play them or change the War Hymn

pick one

You stop posting.

I pick that
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Dear Cullen,

While I share your sentiment, I have a stipulation. Either DeLoss Dodds crawls on his hands and knees and kisses John Sharp's Aggie Ring and apologizes, or he goes to see Jesus. He should never be allowed to see another Aggie v tu game again. Give it time.

Boomer Dad

Reno Hightower
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Wicked Good Ag said:

Either play them or change the War Hymn

pick one

I agree! Change the lyric, 'we're gonna beat you off to chiga-ruga-rum' to 't.u. can got to chiga-ruga-rum'.

Wicked Good Ag
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Why stop posting because i am not engaged in the circle jerk you have going about not playing them ?

cmon there are many people who want the game unwilling to say anything because everybody bad mouths them on messages boards

Cullen is correct... one of the biggest rivalry games that could be in the nation should be played
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We don't look strong by appearing scared to play our rival.
No........we "don't look strong" by appearing to give a sh** what they or anyone else thinks.

I graduated HS in 1984. A&M in 1990. For every one of those years, plus the 4 that followed, we never lost to them. Not once. And it was fun, in that small vacuum. Know how many people, on a national level, gave a rat's ass that we beat them year in and year out?

None. Because we'd then go out and more often than not, lay a giant turd in the proceeding bowl game. And that's where the "always the bridesmaid", "nice little team, but......" reputation got built. No one takes you seriously until you play and beat the bigs at least occasionally. News flash for you small minded, think locally only guys......tu is not "a big". No matter how much they beat their chests and try to convince you they are.

Beating Bama and LSU should be our primary focus. As much fun as it was beating tu all those years, ask me if I want to go back to playing them at any point and the answer is a resounding "HELL no". They are God awful business partners (always have been) who wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. The only reason this comes up 3 or 4 times a year is that their little media lapdogs realize their schedule has zero sizzle outside of one weekend in Dallas, and they repeatedly think that by trying to shame A&M publicly we're going to capitulate to their little wishes. Now you can either play their sad little game, or realize you have a pair, stand up and tell tu to F off since we're the ones who already have a seat at the big boy table.

And for those who claim we don't have a rival.........how much more BS do you have to hear from the possum-eating swamptards to make you hate them even more? My disdain for LSU has been equal or greater to what I've had for tu since I went to my first game in Red Stick, and nothing has happened to lessen that. If you can't find a rival in those clowns, you're just either dead inside or so infatuated with cow that you're beyond help.

Edit........I stand corrected. We DID lose to them, one time. In 1990. When the d*ckheads at CBS thought it'd be a great idea to show our coaches on the sideline diagramming the playcall, on a whiteboard, for the go ahead 2 pointer on live TV. And sip mysteriously slanted their defense over to that side and stuffed it. Imagine that....
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Bonfire1996 said:

levypantsEOY said:

Bonfire1996 said:

And that's why Cullen gets paid to play the game and not to organize the game. He thinks he knows the situation, but in reality, he has no perspective and therefore, no clue. In other words, he was dumb enough to swallow the bait.

He has no clue but Bonfire1996 knows all?

I think its largely a generational issue. The sad fact is the olds dont want to play the sips because they are still insecure from playing second fiddle for ten decades.
The new kids dont have that fear. They want to win and beat the clowns just down the highway.

B-b-b-but we dont want to help their schedule!! What kind of loser talk is that?! We are only fan base in America with such a vocal opposition to playing another team.

Play the game. Beat them where it hurts the most- ON THE FIELD.

Everything else is crybaby pizza.
You must be new here. But that's OK. Yes, when it comes to the sips, I do know all. My roommate and bonfire brother from A&M was the sip chancellor's son. That's right. I was in the Bauer House Mansion the weekend after the TDay game in 2017 when Mackovic was fired and Mack Brown was hired. I was there when Joe Jamail, Red Mc Combs, Deloss Dodds, and other wealthy Texas alums spent the weekend hunkered down and doing what was best for Texas. I watched the list go from 10 to 5 to 1. I watched as Bill Harris of Stanford was crossed off the list. I watched as Gary Barnett of Northwestern was crossed off the list. And others. I witnessed them talk about their motivations, their arrogance, etc. I listened and I learned.

You probably think the game between our schools has historically been a fair fight. You probably think that all it takes to win that game is to show up on gameday and play better. By defining the game of football, you would be correct. But that doesn't define what the sips do to ensure victory, in every sport.

Do you know who Randy Chrystal and John Bible are? Both were referees for decades in the SWC and the Big 12. They were also umpires in the Spring, and both lived in Austin. So what do you know, both go the pleasure of umpiring a lot of Tuesday afternoon games at the Disch when the sips played. They also got included in the rotation for weekend series. But their real money maker was Tuesday games. Get to drive to the field, collect a check, and be home before dark. No a bad gig if you can get it. Unfortunately for Randy, he got the pleasure of calling balls and strikes for one Roger Clemons for a couple games. Turns out, Roger didn't like his strike zone, and Roger demanded that Randy Chrystal, and his crew including John Bible, no longer be allowed to umpire games at Disch Faulk field. Should a player have that ability? Should a coach have that ability? Should an AD have that ability? Hell no, but Roger Clemons had that power. And Roger Clemons turned off the hometown revenue for Randy Chrystal and John Bible.

All of a sudden, a few weekends later, Randy Chrystal and John Bible were seen back in the Disch Faulk rotation. How'd they get there? By promising to be better. And what is better? Well, you get the picture. Do you think Randy Chrystal and John Bible, who reffed and umped the next two decades of baseball and football for the Sips and Texas A&M ever forgot that? Do you think a man's personal cash flow motivations might trump their integrity every now and then? Because in the early 1980s in Austin, Randy Chrystal and John Bible allowed their integrity to be compromised.

That is but an example of how the sips wield power, off the field. And you are nave enough to think you can jump onto the field with them and play a fair game? I bet you go to Vegas thinking you can beat the house at BlackJack too. You take those 44% odds, or whatever they are, and you love to play. So do I, but I'm not dumb enough to think I'm better than the house. The rules are designed to have the house win, and for over 100 years, the rules were designed to have the sips win. I've had enough, many others have had enough, but Cullen Gilaspia hasn't experienced it, and obviously neither have you.

Finally, did you know the sip referee who threw the flag on Hunter to extend the Case McCoy drive was a die hoard longhorn fan who was a texags user committed to defending the sips, at all costs, on the old rivalries board? How do you think he got assigned to that game? Are you that unaware?
This all makes perfect sense. Clemens is a typical sip....fat,narcissistic, cheating pedophile. There was a time in the old SWC when almost half of the game day officials were tu graduates. We had at least two officiate every game we played them for years. We got screwed many times and nothing was done to change the rules. I consider myself an honest man, but there is no way I could officiate an Aggie game fairly. I couldn't do a sip game either. The official that called the Aggie defensive back out of bounds with the game ending interception in 1963 was a sip. That bad call gave them a natty and cost us a deserved victory. Houston was put on two years probation for essentially the same infractions that tu was given double secret probation. The list goes on and on. Play them on our terms written by our people or wait until we meet in the playoffs.
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Wicked Good Ag said:

Why stop posting because i am not engaged in the circle jerk you have going about not playing them ?

cmon there are many people who want the game unwilling to say anything because everybody bad mouths them on messages boards

Cullen is correct... one of the biggest rivalry games that could be in the nation should be played

Most don't want to engage in your circle jerk of playing the sips.
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Q: What are the two primary goals of Texas A&M football?
A: To win the SEC Championship and the National Championship.

Q: How does beating Texas accomplish those goals
A: It doesn't

Q: Then why do some people want to play them when it doesn't accomplish any goals for the program?
A: They can't function without being able to talk shlt to their neighbor.
agz win
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Yeah, Deloss is waiting for you to give him a hand.
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Who is "them"? If you're referring to the big cigars and athletic department in tu land then I get it. However, even sticking just to horn fans, they represent the minority of the overall fanbase. There are literally hundreds of thousands of horn fans that have nothing to do with whoever "they" are, just as there are hundreds of thousands of Aggies that couldn't care less. That's who this game is for... Whatever wrongs those people have committed against us has lead us to the SEC, the best situation that could happen. They no longer have any control over A&M via their conference commissioner figureheads and loser knee bending programs that should be in the AAC with SMU. It's over, they lost. Now it's time they lose on the field as well.

First of all, what rank and file sip fan wants is not our problem. And seeing as the majority of Ags have 0.0 desire to play them again, the issue is settled.

The bigger issue: that Del ****e and his media toadies are pushing the issue should tell it all. They need the game and cannot/ will not make us a good enough offer. So, they are trying to media-shame us into resuming the game.

F THAT! Media shame is for cowards.

Back in 2011, they terminated the game b/c they thought they did not need it and could hurt us. They equated us with TBAT or baylor. They thought we were just a pesky program with just enough juice to play spoiler every 3-4 years. They thought us going to the SEC was just an irrational hissy fit, and that we would come crawling back in a few years after getting our teeth kicked in. WRONG!

We make beaucoup bucks in the SEC. Our ticket sales are through the roof w/o them on the schedule.

They on the other hand cant sell out their stadium and cant charge what they used to for the crappy home schedule they play.

This is a zero sum game. Anything that hurts them helps us.
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t.u. = the Chinese Communist Party

Game the system to their benefit - check
Control media spin - check
Infect those they do business with - check
Only act in their own best interest - check

I don't want to buy anything either t.u. or China is selling
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tamc91 said:

t.u. = the Chinese Communist Party

Game the system to their benefit - check
Control media spin - check
Infect those they do business with - check
Only act in their own best interest - check

I don't want to buy anything either t.u. or China is selling

Supposedly they were working with the lab where the Wuhan Flu came from too.
Maroon Flash
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Scheduling sips would be a suckered move. We are now measured as a conference peer of the premier division of the premier league.

They tried to screw us. WE DO NOT NEED THEM! SCREW PLAYING THEM!
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Cullen can stfu, sick of his whole look at me shtick. Dude is an attention *****
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I'd be open to bring it back, but with one condition:

It has to be played home and away, on Thanksgiving Day, with kickoff no earlier than 3pm CST and no later than 7pm CST.

If tradition is the reason you bring it back, then respect the tradition.
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Gillaspia is such a hardo
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Gramercy Riffs
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#Mke said:

Decay said:

He never played against them so his opinion as a player has limited relevance.

And one of the big reasons it's being pushed is because the sips have a terrible schedule and want a sellout game.

Meanwhile we have plenty of big matchups every year.

We don't need the game on the schedule for the sake of ticket sales or financials.

When we were planning to leave the B12 they said we're not welcome on their schedule anymore and they tried multiple ways to block us.

A lot of us still remember that. 8 years down, 92 to go.
Meh, that all sounds petty & weak. Play 'em & beat 'em. That's what champions would do.

Champions would beat the championship-caliber teams already on our schedule. Who gives a **** about the horns? Winning that game would do nothing to push us closer to a title of any kind.
Seersucker Ag 2011
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To those that want to play the game, do we:

a) make them the only non-conference power five team that we play, or

b) play two power five non-conference games on top of an SEC schedule?
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Seersucker Ag 2011 said:

To those that want to play the game, do we:

a) make them the only non-conference power five team that we play, or

b) play two power five non-conference games on top of an SEC schedule?
My ideal set up:

Bring Arkansas back to campus.

Home-and-home with rotating ACC/PAC/B10
Home-and-home with Texas.
2 Group of 5's.

That way we are guaranteed 4 SEC home games every year, 5 P5 home games every year.

Playing 3 cupcakes every season is lame. 2 is plenty.
Reginald Cousins
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#Mke said:

Seersucker Ag 2011 said:

To those that want to play the game, do we:

a) make them the only non-conference power five team that we play, or

b) play two power five non-conference games on top of an SEC schedule?
My ideal set up:

Bring Arkansas back to campus.

Home-and-home with rotating ACC/PAC/B10
Home-and-home with Texas.
2 Group of 5's.

That way we are guaranteed 4 SEC home games every year, 5 P5 home games every year.

Playing 3 cupcakes every season is lame. 2 is plenty.

CFPC gives a rat's ass about SOS. No reason to give up a single cupcake.

If you want to win a championship, you'll understand.
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#Mke said:

Seersucker Ag 2011 said:

To those that want to play the game, do we:

a) make them the only non-conference power five team that we play, or

b) play two power five non-conference games on top of an SEC schedule?
My ideal set up:

Bring Arkansas back to campus.

Home-and-home with rotating ACC/PAC/B10
Home-and-home with Texas.
2 Group of 5's.

That way we are guaranteed 4 SEC home games every year, 5 P5 home games every year.

Playing 3 cupcakes every season is lame. 2 is plenty.

And this is why people in your position don't get to make decisions.

Your scenario just removed one home game, every other year, from Kyle Field. You think we built that puppy to not maximize revenue?

Your scenario just guaranteed a top 2 strength of schedule, every year. Think that is smart? Are you prepared to not be bowl eligible every year? You prepared not to attract the top coaching talent? You prepared for fan apathy?

Take 2019 and 2020 for us. We are getting hyped this Fall because we have a manageable schedule that should produce 9+ wins with ease. You prepared for that hype to disappear in your scenario?

It already takes quite a bit of injury luck to catch lightning in a bottle for a championship run. Ask Alabama and Tua. Now you want to make it that much harder? We played the toughest schedule in CFB history in 2019, and you want to make it harder?

You are selfish and you don't realize it would lead to average football over the long run.
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I disagree with Gilly. I was on the original 12th Man team under Sherrill and do not want to see them on the field again till they are good enough to make it to the playoffs. We will be there in the next two years. Can they make it?
BJ Thomas '86
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#Mke said:

Decay said:

He never played against them so his opinion as a player has limited relevance.

And one of the big reasons it's being pushed is because the sips have a terrible schedule and want a sellout game.

Meanwhile we have plenty of big matchups every year.

We don't need the game on the schedule for the sake of ticket sales or financials.

When we were planning to leave the B12 they said we're not welcome on their schedule anymore and they tried multiple ways to block us.

A lot of us still remember that. 8 years down, 92 to go.
Meh, that all sounds petty & weak. Play 'em & beat 'em. That's what champions would do.
No. Let them rot.

We spent the first 115 or whatever years in their shadow and catering to their needs. We are finally out of a toxic relationship for the first time, ever, and can focus on Texas A&M.

The level of Stockholm syndrome many Ags have is astounding. Simply astounding.
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#Mke said:

Seersucker Ag 2011 said:

To those that want to play the game, do we:

a) make them the only non-conference power five team that we play, or

b) play two power five non-conference games on top of an SEC schedule?
My ideal set up:

Bring Arkansas back to campus.

Home-and-home with rotating ACC/PAC/B10
Home-and-home with Texas.
2 Group of 5's.

That way we are guaranteed 4 SEC home games every year, 5 P5 home games every year.

Playing 3 cupcakes every season is lame. 2 is plenty.

And guarantee you that you are the first, longest and loudest complainer when we go 9-3 because we are playing the toughest schedule and injury and flat wear and tear take its toll by the end of the season.

Meanwhile, Alabama, Clemson, tOSU, ou, etc. will play their cupcakes and be in the playoffs.
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Bottom line tu has never been and will never be a good business partner. They will screw A&M any chance they get and not think twice about it. They believe they have the right to rule and everyone else works for them. Anyone who thinks we should get back in bed with those POS doesn't know them.
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Cullen is entitled to his opinion, although I feel he has gone too far overboard.
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