Gary Johnson 2012
a figyt they couldn't win
The Officer did not randomly contact this dip stick he responded to a call of a citizen. If a citizen reports suspicious activity the Officer will investigate such activity.
If he would've handled it without the self-righteous attitude, I'd agree with it more.
PORTLAND, OREGON with a gun. Hell, I'd be nervous if I saw a guy walking around with a gun in downtown Houston. Kent is right, this is not the Wild West
I realized something the other day...the reason our rights are being utterly destroyed is because this country is full of vaginas walking around claiming to be men.
If the cops were called by concerned people, would that count as suspicious activity?
Not all cops are out to get you and infringe on your rights. A lot of them are hard working and really just trying to uphold the law because they believe in it.
No, we just dont have open carry and rightfully so. Police need a "No Call" list so that people who are anit-police cannot call for help when the **** hits the fan. Idiot
why was I pulled over for an illegal u-turn on a half deserted street still beats me