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Dear Fish Campers, Greeks, FLOs, etc...

34,264 Views | 386 Replies | Last: 13 yr ago by Viper16
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I was in FLIP. It rocked. All other FLOs are unworthy of FLO-status.

Well, here's one chode. Plus, anyone dumb enough to join this "David Brinkman FLO" is also clearly a chode.
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I haven't heard someone say chode in years....ah I miss college!!
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I see your hipster sensibilities are inflamed by the idea of being associated with the dewshbaggery that are FLOs...

P.S. I live in Austin. In SoCo. I know a thing or two about hipsters.

No, not a hipster. I do know enough of them to know that Fish Camp is absolutely NOT something they would be into though.

Tom, Bert, & Bill
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the david brinkman flo supports this thread.
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This is me and my friends after a recent game. I don't see what's so wrong with the neon colors that others were complaining about. Each game we wear these shirts in pride of our group, we're capable of being spotted from a mile away, and value each other's uniqueness (plus it's not like Maroon is a nice color).

As for the yell leaders and why people don't yell. They're overrated. Back when I was in high school we had cheerleaders, they were both attractive and grabbed my attention, motivating me to support my team. When I see yell leaders, I just think of a bunch of guys who weren't allowed on their cheerleading squads in high school, looking for their moment to shine. This is why I like to sit there and chant the classical "DE-FENSE" or "GO AGGS GO" or a We Will, We Will Rock You chomp clap and shout.
Brick Tamland
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I was a counselor in fish camp, and I can tell you that at the football game we went to altogether, not ONE person wore anything other than maroon, freshmen included.
all 24 counselors, both co chairs, and all 135 freshmen in MAROON
I hate it when people wear anything not maroon to football games and I have never seen a fish camp counselor wear a fish camp shirt to a football game. maybe you have, but I haven't

disagree entirely with the guy right above me

[This message has been edited by bthotu13 (edited 11/17/2010 9:32p).]

[This message has been edited by bthotu13 (edited 11/17/2010 11:30p).]
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As someone who was in a flo there's nothing I hate more than people not wearing maroon to a game
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Really? There is NOTHING that you hate more than that?

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Why do you people care so much about what other people wear to a game, whether or not they take their hats off, whether they sit or stand or yell or be quiet? GO TO HELL ALL OF YOU!
This thread reminds me why I never sat in the student section as a student. If everyone would mind their own damn business Kyle Field could actually turn into a fun place to watch a game.
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First off, it blows my mind that so many people have nothing better to do with their time than bash people wearing neon shirts at games. Seriously do you not have some studying to do?

Secondly, I realize this school is huge on school spirit and if you are all "red ass" that's awesome congratz im sure you are super cool and such but honestly why do you guys feel the need to deem everybody "ghey" because they arent like you? The arguements that yall have used are absolutely ignorant and its people like ya'll who give a&m the bad rep it has when it comes to lack of diversity and acceptance. ChoppinDs termed fish camp as the "devil's ghey son" really? Do you honestly deem that a successful arguement? It's embarassing really, to know that is your defense on why fish camp is evil.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with Greek life, FLOs, Fish Camp or anything else that goes on at this campus. If that stuff isnt for you that's great, but it might be for someone else so why don't you just let it go and find something worth while to discuss.

WE ARE AN AGGIE FAMILY did ya'll forget that part of ya'lls red ass tradition? So why are you deeming it so necessary to trash your fellow ags? Because they were neon shirts from time to time at games? REALLY? Do you not see how absolutely petty that is? There are over 80000 people up in the stands i do not think it makes THAT much of an impact if a group of 50 or so choose to wear something not maroon to a game.

To sum this all up, get over yourselves, its just flippin t-shirts at a football game. Thanks & gigem. :]
Jock 07
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What exactly is a FLO? is it something new?
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lowren, thank you. You are so right. You summed up my thoughts exactly. The fact of the matter is even if you don't like those FLOers, Greeks, or Fish Campers, they are still backing the college football team of the greatest college in the US. Why waste our time bashing them, when a small percentage of them are not following the "Red@ss handbook"? We should provide them with the upmost respect that the Aggies are well known for. We should take pride that Texas A&M has so many outlets for people to come and get involved, whether its in Greek Life, Bonfire, Student Government, Fish Camp, a FLO, or our awesome Corps of Cadets, not bash people because they get involved in some way different from us.
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What happened to the supportive Aggie family? If I were a prospective student, this forum would be the biggest turn-off seeing how intolerant of differences A&M is portraying it to be by you guys.
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This is me and my friends after a recent game. I don't see what's so wrong with the neon colors that others were complaining about. Each game we wear these shirts in pride of our group, we're capable of being spotted from a mile away, and value each other's uniqueness (plus it's not like Maroon is a nice color).

As for the yell leaders and why people don't yell. They're overrated. Back when I was in high school we had cheerleaders, they were both attractive and grabbed my attention, motivating me to support my team. When I see yell leaders, I just think of a bunch of guys who weren't allowed on their cheerleading squads in high school, looking for their moment to shine. This is why I like to sit there and chant the classical "DE-FENSE" or "GO AGGS GO" or a We Will, We Will Rock You chomp clap and shout.

This ought to be grounds for expulsion...
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To all you "redass" Aggies who are bashing students who are giving back to this university through selfless service, why are you wasting your time on posts like this when we should be coming together as a family to remember the 12 Aggies we lost 11 years ago. If you head to Bonfire Memorial tonight, I guarantee you will find these students you are calling "ghey" there to support Aggies they didnt' know. Organizations play a big part in this university. Organizations are the reason this university develops the student leaders that will be leaders in the future. Organizations have had their part in just about every tradition on this campus. From Muster Committee to FLOS, Traditions Council to Fish Camp, these students are giving up their time and energy to make this University that they love a better place. They are helping A&M move into the future, are helping to develop peers as student leaders and through that they develop as leaders themselves. Many other schools can only dream to have organizations that help transition the freshmen class and for you to degrade these students who put their heart and soul into something because they love Texas A&M is a disgrace.

On a lighter more important note: Bonfire Remembrance tonight, 2:42 at Bonfire Memorial. Be there to unite the Aggie Family and support the families who lost their loved one.
Brick Tamland
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mike, you're awesome
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FLO's and Fish Camp kids probably voted for Obama!! And watch ghey artsy films by the coen brothers!!

Ahhhh this is such a serious issue!!!
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Haha you can tell on this most recent page that these people who are posting paragraphs defending FLOs have never been on TexAgs before and this was brought to their attention by their cronies...

As for those saying that first generation Ags would be lost if not for Fish Camp, I am here to say that is BS... and I am living proof. Didn't go to Fish Camp. All you need to do is live on Northside and associate with the bonfire types and go to Yell and you got it by the second week of school.
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I like how all of the Rookie level posters just started randomly showing up...HA. FLOs & Greeks = stupid & not needed at all. Fish Camp, they're not as stupid to wear neon to a football game..well most aren't.
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If you head to Bonfire Memorial tonight, I guarantee you will find these students you are calling "ghey" there to support Aggies they didnt' know. Organizations play a big part in this university. Organizations are the reason this university develops the student leaders that will be leaders in the future. Organizations have had their part in just about every tradition on this campus. From Muster Committee to FLOS, Traditions Council to Fish Camp, these students are giving up their time and energy to make this University that they love a better place. They are helping A&M move into the future, are helping to develop peers as student leaders and through that they develop as leaders themselves. Many other schools can only dream to have organizations that help transition the freshmen class and for you to degrade these students who put their heart and soul into something because they love Texas A&M is a disgrace.

That is EXACTLY what I was thinking when I was heading to campus tonight. One of the girls in the Fish Camp picture that was posted earlier happens to be a friend of mine. She is a member of Traditions Council and will be assisting in running the program tonight. One of my organizations will be attending tonight as a big group. As for Fish Camp, we took our freshmen, as most camps do, to their first midnight yell as well as their first silver taps. How is that bad for the University?

and for the record, I am still a rookie. I post infrequently, but have been posting for close to year.
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Sean Parry embraces everyone. He does strongly encourage maroon out but will not shun a fellow Aggie for choosing to wear something different.
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There are a lot of ignorant people on this thread.

I guess I should not assume any different though.

Internet "Tough Guys"
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Dont try and be "cool" by wearing anything not maroon this Saturday. Wearing neon shirts on Maroon Out isnt cool and will not make you stand out in a positive light.
As a matter of fact, don't do it ever again at Kyle Field.

[This message has been edited by old_ARMY_soul (edited 11/18/2010 4:48a).]
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Just thought that I would let you all know that I'm about to go to the bonfire remembrance ceremony with my MSC organization. I know of at least 2 FLOs that will also be there.

Too bad we're all gay, ***gots, hipsters, 2%ers, attention *****s, neon-wearing idiots, and un-aggie, right?
Tom, Bert, & Bill
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the david brinkman flo went to bonfire memorial
Tom, Bert, & Bill
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[This message has been edited by dbrink (edited 11/18/2010 3:39a).]
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AggieLish- They are talking about the people with 2 total posts to their name which are all on this thread
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I was thinking a lot about this thread while I was out at the memorial tonight.

I thought a lot about my experiences at A&M, and how my time here was far different from what the 12 aggies who died eleven years ago must have experienced. I'm even sure my years at A&M were vastly different from the years of the cadet standing right in front of me. I've been a part of MSC organizations my entire time at Texas A&M, and he's been a member of the corps of cadets. We go to the same school, but we have different interpretations of what Texas A&M is to us.

It didn't matter though, because for forty-five minutes in the middle of a cold november morning, we were both shivering as we stood silent to pay our respects to the past. We both held each other around the shoulders as we softly sang the war hymn. In that moment, we were both living the Aggie Spirit, but I'm sure it meant something different to both of us.

"But there's a spirit can ne'er be told
It's the Spirit of Aggieland."

It's there, plain as day. "There's a spirit can ne'er be told," but too often, we try to define what that spirit is, and tell other people how to properly show that spirit. To me, that verse speaks clearly that the Aggie Spirit is not meant to be rationalized, it's meant to be felt inside of an individual. My spirit is different from the person standing next to me, but our willingness to combine them without prejudice is what makes the Aggie Spirit.

Calling people derogatory names because of the organizations they choose to be in, and looking down on them because their interpretation of what it means to be an Aggie is different than yours is not what this university is about. A&M used to pride itself on friendliness and inclusiveness, but all I'm seeing on this site are people actively searching for ways to create division and hate. Stop with the name calling, stop with the childish comments, and stop trying to force everyone else into your little box of "True Aggie Spirit."

There is no single way to experience Aggieland, and that's what makes A&M great. There is so much here for people to get involved in that no two people will EVER create the same meaning from their years at A&M - sop trying to force them to.
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OK lots of stuff to respond to in lots of posts, go figure, all the Rook FLOers. Here goes

This is me and my friends after a recent game. I don't see what's so wrong with the neon colors that others were complaining about. Each game we wear these shirts in pride of our group, we're capable of being spotted from a mile away, and value each other's uniqueness (plus it's not like Maroon is a nice color).

As for the yell leaders and why people don't yell. They're overrated. Back when I was in high school we had cheerleaders, they were both attractive and grabbed my attention, motivating me to support my team. When I see yell leaders, I just think of a bunch of guys who weren't allowed on their cheerleading squads in high school, looking for their moment to shine. This is why I like to sit there and chant the classical "DE-FENSE" or "GO AGGS GO" or a We Will, We Will Rock You chomp clap and shout.
Clear troll. Even a FLOer or greek wouldn't say that. Seriously. I'm going to believe you're either a troll or joking.
I was a counselor in fish camp, and I can tell you that at the football game we went to altogether, not ONE person wore anything other than maroon, freshmen included.
I've seen no evidence to believe this to be true. What session/camp?
Why do you people care so much about what other people wear to a game, whether or not they take their hats off, whether they sit or stand or yell or be quiet? GO TO HELL ALL OF YOU!
This thread reminds me why I never sat in the student section as a student. If everyone would mind their own damn business Kyle Field could actually turn into a fun place to watch a game.
We don't care about that person, we care about preserving what Texas A&M is. No, a neon shirt won't ruin A&M, but it's a slippery slope with New Army and their antics. Clearly you're not on board with Aggie Traditions including class. Go to hell? Cool. And mature for that matter. "Could actually turn into a fun place to watch a game"??? One of the nation's best game day atmospheres but you don't have fun? Maybe if you didn't intentionally try to be different you wouldn't have problems. I'm not for conformity or group think, but i'm not for people TRYING to break every norm. Lots of schools with norms that would suit you better.
lowren2013/ congratz/ ya'lls red ass tradition
For starters the class year and spelling of congrats explain a lot. Second, you gave yourself away in the sense you don't embrace or care about Aggie traditions by saying "yall's" not "our". Ignorant means lack of knowledge. Everyone has knowledge as to traditions and what their opinions are, "Stupid" would be a better term here. And it's a completely legitimate argument, I know a guy who knows a guy who knows the devil, and flos are his ghey son. And no one has anything against organizations that suit your personality. We are against those organizations having to be so different and change Aggie norms. Why is it so hard to wear the damn school colors on game day?? That's logical. Just do it. You're need to stand out is self centered and suits your generation perfectly. Entitled is the best word to describe how you all feel. And I've always noticed flos and greeks at games and they're there to socialize 100%. Don;t watch the game or do yells etc. Don't embrace other traditions around campus for the most part. Etc. Tonight at Bonfire Memorial I had to tell a group of 10 greeks to please quit talking about their drunken night as loud as they could and have some reverence for once.
hey are still backing the college football team of the greatest college in the US
Yeah? Who? Directly backing the football team.
What happened to the supportive Aggie family? If I were a prospective student, this forum would be the biggest turn-off seeing how intolerant of differences A&M is portraying it to be by you guys.
Agtag? Kidding. Not intolerant, just passionate about preserving who we are.
This ought to be grounds for expulsion...
To all you "redass" Aggies who are bashing students who are giving back to this university through selfless service
Keggers? Neon? Date parties? What exactly are you referring to? No fish camp isn't currently about the school they love so much. It's about having with your co-leaders for a year. I'm speaking in general terms, not hard and fast rule. But generally its about fun.
s for those saying that first generation Ags would be lost if not for Fish Camp, I am here to say that is BS... and I am living proof.
+1. 1st Gen, no fish camp, and I'm about as redass as they come. Usually told I'm overly Aggie. Nothing makes me more proud than being a Texas Aggie and all that that means.
Sean Parry embraces everyone. He does strongly encourage maroon out but will not shun a fellow Aggie for choosing to wear something different.
I do. Why wouldn't you wear maroon to an Aggie game?? I still don't understand WHY. That isn't conforming, it's basic logic. Dont TRY and be different. Don't do whatever one else does just because, but the opposite extreme is TRYING to be different. Hell, wear maroon to a game. Or white, grey, etc to non maroon out games if you must.
and stop trying to force everyone else into your little box of "True Aggie Spirit."
HAHAHA. We're arguing for maroon shirts to a maroon out game not anything extreme here. And on that note, no 1 wants to put people into a box, we simply want to keep A&M different than every school which are all the same.

Sorry for the length and my goal is not to offend anyone. My problem I guess in short is that these groups are focused on socializing and being goofy and not on Texas A&M. You can argue otherwise, but for the most part ,that is the case. We're a special place, this isn't high school anymore, be an adult and be proud of what we stand for. Same can be said for the same age group and America. Take sometime to think about the country, our servicemen, forefathers, etc. I bet you for the most part just accept it and don't realize the responsibility you have, we all have, to continue that with our civic duty or military duty, caring about current events, politics, elections, etc. Exact same problem with the younger generations at Texas A&M. Feeling entitled and focused on you and only you. I focus on what I can do to make an impact or serve A&M in whatever way that may be. FLOS and greeks aren't terrible, just don't bump heads with Aggie Traditions and values a lot of the time. When you value your organization more than being an Aggie, then there is a problem. And just to clarify, I'm not an old guy, I'm 23, so I'm not out of touch with this age range. Yes, we are all Aggies and one family, but family comes first and preserving the integrity of that family trumps all else. And you have just been a part of my longest post ever. You're welcome. Gig 'Em and beat the hell outta those damn children of the corn
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We don't care about that person, we care about preserving what Texas A&M is. No, a neon shirt won't ruin A&M, but it's a slippery slope with New Army and their antics. Clearly you're not on board with Aggie Traditions including class. Go to hell? Cool. And mature for that matter. "Could actually turn into a fun place to watch a game"??? One of the nation's best game day atmospheres but you don't have fun? Maybe if you didn't intentionally try to be different you wouldn't have problems. I'm not for conformity or group think, but i'm not for people TRYING to break every norm. Lots of schools with norms that would suit you better.

You say you're not for conformity or group think, yet you want to control an entire student body's actions all the way down to what clothes they wear. I swear for a supposedly conservative university we sure do have a bunch of commies. Shouldn't we be more concerned with individual freedoms rather than controlling the way people act and dress?
And as for the gameday atmosphere, I have a great time tailgating and watching the game while sitting down. What sucks is the student section. Between the retards yelling uncover to the idiots who don't know what a seat number is, it just makes for an underwhelming experience.
I'm not intentionally trying to be different, but if I feel like wearing a hat, or sitting down, or wearing a white shirt I'm gonna do it, and the fact that anyone has a problem with any of those things is absolutely absurd. I don't hate A&M, I love A&M, had a great time there and chose to go there because there are many great things about the school, but not everything, especially not the conformity and group think.
As for the FLO kids and fish camp. Yes, they are queer(weird not gay) and can be annoying at times. But so what? As long as they aren't trying to control my actions and keep to themselves I could care less if they were wearing pink spandex to the games. Making them wear maroon isn't going to make them any less queer, and they'll still be queer if they aren't in fish camp or FLO. They'd probably be in Quidditch Club or some other weird crap like the corps, instead. I really don't give a damn, that's their choice, not mine or yours.
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This is all kind of silly to me. I don't understand why you wouldn't wear maroon to a game. It's not about conforming, it's about supporting the team and wearing your team's colors. As someone said before, we are the aggie family. We aren't several little greek families or whatever the new thing is that's making you wear those hideous neon shirts. It's not a new idea that if you go to a sporting event, you wear something in support of your team.

I understand many of you weren't there for the first maroon out game or the red, white, and blue out, but trust me when I tell you that it was amazing. The aggie family standing as one, supporting our team and country. You're not doing it for the other ags around you. You're doing it for the team. Several times the team has said that they appreciate the fan support. If you aren't there to support the team, I'm not sure why you are even going.
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For some reason, this thread makes me hate FLOs and Fish Camp even more. If only Fish Camp was still about what it used to be about, facilitating a time for freshmen to meet other freshmen, but it is not. It is about the counselors now, and you can't convince me otherwise.
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I don't understand why you wouldn't wear maroon to a game.

To be a dewsher and want to stand out to represent your organization.
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