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Harris County Commissioner's Court

72,706 Views | 568 Replies | Last: 8 mo ago by TJaggie14
Jugstore Cowboy
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I'm not. She started bringing in a lot of new young people and outside consultants (paid for by Harris County taxpayers) beginning in 2019. When she was first elected, I said that Rodney Ellis would be the real county judge. Now, I think I vastly underestimated her ambition and arrogance. I've heard too many stories about Lina and her staffers coming around to interfere w/ day to day business; people getting moved out or released when their bosses got moved or released; and any longtime employee with the option of retirement taking it. I think it's really underestimating her and her squad to say that she's just a rubber stamp for Ellis and Garcia (who took office the same day as Lina) when she and her people are actively trying to run longtime employees off and replace them w/ political loyalists.

No doubt she and Ellis and Garcia comprise a solid 3 vote bloc conspiring together, but I really her ambitions & arrogance go much further than just going along to get along with the boys.

And don't forget she initially ran fairly independent of the local structure, using national lefty resources like ActBlue and Run for Something:

If you have a lot of time to kill some time, go over her campaign finance reports and see how many of her donors and campaign workers were from out of state.
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Yes, perhaps rubber stamp was too dismissive of a term. I realize that she and her staff have been involved in a lot of these things, and some of them are almost assuredly her doing. However, my experience has been that a lot more of these personnel moves were pushed by Garcia and Ellis, either as a means to remove a roadblock to their ultimate goal, or to settle a score from sometime in the past. Once they get their guy/gal in the door, then the major shake-up occurs in that department, and they are able to install all their operatives in the lower positions that actually deal with the implementation of their political schemes.
Jack Klompus
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YellAg2004 said:

Yes, perhaps rubber stamp was too dismissive of a term. I realize that she and her staff have been involved in a lot of these things, and some of them are almost assuredly her doing. However, my experience has been that a lot more of these personnel moves were pushed by Garcia and Ellis, either as a means to remove a roadblock to their ultimate goal, or to settle a score from sometime in the past. Once they get their guy/gal in the door, then the major shake-up occurs in that department, and they are able to install all their operatives in the lower positions that actually deal with the implementation of their political schemes.
Seems to me that Garcia is the one in charge, not Ellis. Garcia's former Chief of Staff is now County Engineer. Garcia hired a program manager (consultant who has lined his pockets) for the Recovery & Resiliency Projects in his Precinct instead of using county staff to manage them like every other precinct.

He's also driving selections on the Ship Channel bridge project.

Looks like he's also involved in raiding the coffers at HCTRA for who knows what with this program is - HCTRA Opportunity Career Academy.
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Jack Klompus said:

YellAg2004 said:

Yes, perhaps rubber stamp was too dismissive of a term. I realize that she and her staff have been involved in a lot of these things, and some of them are almost assuredly her doing. However, my experience has been that a lot more of these personnel moves were pushed by Garcia and Ellis, either as a means to remove a roadblock to their ultimate goal, or to settle a score from sometime in the past. Once they get their guy/gal in the door, then the major shake-up occurs in that department, and they are able to install all their operatives in the lower positions that actually deal with the implementation of their political schemes.
Seems to me that Garcia is the one in charge, not Ellis. Garcia's former Chief of Staff is now County Engineer. Garcia hired a program manager (consultant who has lined his pockets) for the Recovery & Resiliency Projects in his Precinct instead of using county staff to manage them like every other precinct.

He's also driving selections on the Ship Channel bridge project.

Looks like he's also involved in raiding the coffers at HCTRA for who knows what with this program is - HCTRA Opportunity Career Academy.
From my contacts at the County... Ellis is the "brains" behind all of the changes/power grab and Garcia is the "front man". The belief is Ellis doesn't want any bullets coming his way if there's blowback and Garcia has higher asperations politically and wants the "credit" to use later.
Aggie Band '82
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Sea Speed
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Thats a dude.
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Well when you read her website (link), it explains why the last election went "so well"...

She's basically a Democratic political consultant with ZERO experience overseeing/managing elections. Appears she was put in the position to ensure a local party keeps control over the County.
Aggie Band '82
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Sounds like the head of IT. Drove off 65 experienced employees. Now the jail software doesn't work.

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Court has started today back at 10am.


They're now discussing Crime Stoppers. No surprise the D's have an issue with the language of the resolution, they're striking the resolution. This is item #6.
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And back to the Crime Stoppers, Garcia making amendments to specify as violent crime (vs all crime), and striking 'district judges' who give defendants multiple bonds.

Ellis, giving cover to the criminals at large and sort of going after Crime Stoppers. His beef is that as a non-profit, Crime Stoppers is out of their lane because they're going after liberal judges and the failure of the democratic policy of weak on crime. "Crime Stoppers is now a political organization which is using politics as a club for people they don't like." (paraphrased). Ellis want's Crime Stoppers audited because he disagrees with their habit of pointing out the truth of failed democratic policies.

This takes place right after the 12pm break.

1st speaker "Crime Stoppers is a white supremacist's organization." Targets Cagle & Ramsey, says they need to be audited because they take kickbacks at Golden Corrale (?!)

2nd speaker "Harris County Chief Public Defender" opposition to resolution.
a. Bail is too politicized.
b. Crime Stoppers is a political org because they pay the CEO more than they paid for in tips (for crimes)

3rd Victim Services (Crime Stoppers)
In support of the resolution. Essentially pushing back on the idea CS is a political org.
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Some dude just basically called Cagle and Ramsey white supremacists.
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So NYT and Marshall Project went after Crime Stoppers.

A rebuttal is here: https://www.texasstandard.org/stories/traditionally-nonpartisan-crime-stoppers-houston-has-a-new-target-democratic-judges/

Part of this is if the republicans are donating to this organization to go after democrats, which is what Ellis is arguing. Except Adrian Garcia (D) was also made a huge donation, but this information was left out of the reporting.
Jugstore Cowboy
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The coordinated hit on Crime Stoppers is pretty impressive. 2 different reporters at the Chronicle hitting them for different aspects of the operation, while some supposedly non-profit criminal justice website teams up w/ the New York Times because they've called out Democrat judges. At least the NY Times was upfront about their motives, mentioning the criticism of Democrat judges in the lead.

Followed up by speakers lined up to accuse them of white supremacism at commissioners court. Impressive.
Jugstore Cowboy
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Has there been any mention of this item from Bill King's blog: https://billkingblog.com/harris-county-commissioners-to-consider-40000-per-month-for-no-bid-contract-for-executive-protection-services/

$120k no-bid contract for a personal bodyguard for the county administrator.

The company is registered to a former HUD investigator at a storefront mailbox, with no prior experience in "executive protection services."

In the past, I've never heard of Harris County elected officials having full-time protection, let alone a low profile administrator.
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I haven't heard of that, not at this court, and actually, not ever. They've just started the regular court docket, so they have not gotten to this item yet.
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Harry Lime said:

The coordinated hit on Crime Stoppers is pretty impressive. 2 different reporters at the Chronicle hitting them for different aspects of the operation, while some supposedly non-profit criminal justice website teams up w/ the New York Times because they've called out Democrat judges. At least the NY Times was upfront about their motives, mentioning the criticism of Democrat judges in the lead.

Followed up by speakers lined up to accuse them of white supremacism at commissioners court. Impressive.
This has been the process for at least the last few years. Either Garcia or Ellis will have an item on the agenda, and will have a ton of people from multiple different "grass roots" organizations signed up to speak in support of the item.

I'll give them credit. Their ability to activate and mobilize all their pawns on a moment's notice is impressive.
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Harry Lime said:

The coordinated hit on Crime Stoppers is pretty impressive. 2 different reporters at the Chronicle hitting them for different aspects of the operation, while some supposedly non-profit criminal justice website teams up w/ the New York Times because they've called out Democrat judges. At least the NY Times was upfront about their motives, mentioning the criticism of Democrat judges in the lead.

Followed up by speakers lined up to accuse them of white supremacism at commissioners court. Impressive.
Add r***rds Gene Wu and Miya Shay to that group. Two terrible wastes of flesh.
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Sea Speed
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AlaskanAg99 said:


120 grand for THREE effing months? Jfc. And it was a no bid. Such a joke.
agz win
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Monthly $40k cost. Breakdown is in article.

Lina Hidalgo private security contract approved | khou.com

HARRIS COUNTY, Texas A three-month contract proposal providing security detail for Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo was approved at Commissioners Court on Tuesday.

The no-bid contract is for $121,524 and gives XMi Protection, a private company, the duty of protecting Hidalgo for 12 hours a day, seven days a week from Tuesday through July 25.

The proposal passed 3-2. While everyone agreed that Hidalgo needs protection considering the documented threats against the judge since she has taken office, the two votes against the proposal came from commissioners who were opposed to the no-bid part of the contract.
Earlier this month, a contract ended with the Harris County Precinct One Constable's Office which had been providing security for Hidalgo.
"It's totally up to her. I mean, we were on a contract basis and so it was perfectly fine. I want the judge to be protected at all times and that's all that matters to me," Constable Alan Rosen said.

Several citizens spoke about the contract proposal earlier Tuesday afternoon. At least one of them wondered why Hidalgo needed security in the first place. Another questioned the no-bid process and ditching county security.
The long-term plan is to have the Harris County Fire Marshal's Office take over the security duties.
Here's a look at the cost estimate for the three-month contract:

Sea Speed
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The county should just buy a 2003 Tahoe and keep the rest instead of paying 24 grand for a 3 month rental.
Al Bula
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Lina and her security detail are literally Napoleon and his guard dogs from Animal Farm.

The Dimtards definitely believe they are more equal than others.
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"Credible threats" my ass. They probably cited people on this board calling her Dora.
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I'll put a legit reply for all the people clicking on the link out of their watchlist only to find more shadow moderation.
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Met Cagle yesterday. Pretty funny guy.
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Court is open. Garcia (COVID, attending remotely, not sure if he can vote yet) and Cagle are out for today.

3 Sheriff's standing near the podium. Joined late, and topic of public speaking is on abortion. I believe the court is going to pass a resolution on abortion, but with only 3 members I guess items can pass 2-1.
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JWEB is the next item up for discussion with 'many speakers'.

Oops, they just called a 10 min break, then called an audible to have an 'Harris Health Disparity Study 2022' give their presentation, then JWEB.
Sea Speed
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Heath disparity
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They did the presentation for the Harris Health, which at the end just stated there wasn't enough business being award to women or people of color business.

They started the presentation on the JWEB failures, and after an hour or so they suspended court for one hour (I think) so Ellis could give a press conference. Ramsey wasn't happy as there is a room full of people waiting to speak and they were just punted. Lina became testy at Ramsey because he said breaking was rude.
Sea Speed
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How tf can someone break court to give a press conference. These people are pulling out all the stops to postpone the people kicking their dicks in with their comments.
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TarponChaser said:

"Credible threats" my ass. They probably cited people on this board calling her Dora.
She's in so much danger she can't even run alone in the marathon. Oh wait.
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Speakers now up on JWEB.

Sheriff up first. They lost their CAD system (computer aided dispatch). They were down to paper for 40hrs.
The mobile terminals in patrol vehicles also failed. They were unable to run license plates or ID's.
All intakes were stopped for 40 mins, but because it couldn't communicate with JWEB, they were stuck.

102 prisoners were released because they weren't processed. Which has never happened before.

Kim Ogg. Everything came to a grinding halt. US unaware it was down until the DA and Sheriff made multiple reports. 250-300 cases are filed each day, which resulted in a rapid buildup in back log. Which violated the defendants rights. Magistrate ordered the 102 to be released without being charged. Another 200 defendants released on a $0-10,000 released on bond regardless of their crime.
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What is JWEB?
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Mikeyshooter said:

What is JWEB?
The software system used by the Sheriff and DA for processing people who've committed crimes. It's used for damn near everything on the law enforcement side.
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Court adopts a resolution to condemn the Supreme Court. 3-2

They also adopted a $53M plan called "Active Transportation Plan". No idea what that is, there was no discussion. 3-2

They're doing rapid voting.
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