Rewatching from the archived video, at 3:11 mark Ellis makes the motion to give all elected officials who "played by the rules" (omitting Ogg) a 2% pay raise.
Lina seconds. 5-0 vote. Meanwhile, other than 1% raise to the average worker, they've received nothing.
Ellis then withdrawals his motion after some confusion of what they've just done.
3:48 Election item as related to the report released on the ballot paper issue.
Ramsey speaking and trying to question the Election Administrator Tatum. Who's not present.
Ellis: changes tact to promote their efforts to show how they made it easier to vote. And completely ignoring the facts Ramsey presented. He and Garcia state they can only discuss this in executive session. Then Ellis warns speakers if they're unruly they will be removed.
County Attorney states they've advised everyone to remain quiet due to pending lawsuits from local GOP and county DA.
Ramsey states he will not participate in closed door session discussions. He requests some dialogue with the public based on facts.
Ellis retorts any questions to Tatum should be in writing, then simply not respond.
Tatum: due to litigation he's hesitate to respond because his statements are misconstrued and "I'm held to a different standard". The bulk of news reports you've read are inaccurate. 3:58 mark.
On the $1.1B Road and Park Bonds, they're figuring out the distribution of funds.
10% to engineering for project management
63.64% split evenly by PCT
26.36% based on worst SVI percentages
Ramsey raises the point that PCT has 250% more roads than the other precincts. And 3x as much park acreage of pcts 1& 2, but PCT 4 has 4.5x as much park space as 1 & 2.
PCT 1 & 2 are mostly covering incorporated cities, which means fewer county maintained roads and parks. Yet worst poverty.
What does this mean? 1 & 2. Are pulling massive funds out of unincorporated County to spend on mostly incorporated cities that already have local government and tax streams to fund local publicly owned infrastructure. And it passed 5-0.
2018 Flood Bond, massive shortfall in Flood Control funding and now they're discussing using HCTRA funding to cover this gap.
From a prior court when they passed the County Climate Action Plan.
aTm '99