I'm not sure about "conspiracy" so much. What is that saying? Something about not attributing to malice that which can be explained by
ignorance ineptness or along those lines.
Given that St. Joe's is the only data entry point for sign up and knowing they had an info breach some years back, I'm a little leery and want to know more. Normally, I'm pro vaccine, and I am in this case as well, but since I'm not in the 1A groups, I'm going to watch the 60 minutes show about the health data collection and China this weekend; it piqued my interest. It isn't the shot as much as who has access to the health info....
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/china-us-biodata-60-minutes-2021-01-28/?ftag=CNM-00-10aab7d&linkId=110169507(Not meant to be a derail, sorry).
Edit to add (No states accepted the Chinese company's offer I should clarify; but I still want to learn about the security).