Gunny, could the landowner give written permission to the GW to have access to the land anytime he wanted for purposes of law enforcement?Gunny456 said:
Anybody that has read any of my posts over the years are aware that I am a huge property rights advocate. I am also a supporter of our game wardens and biologist and the rigorous enforcement of our game laws.
I would ask you guys, who I'm sure, at one time or another, watched Lone Star Law, ….or any of you who really understand and are educated on our Texas Wildlife Code…, to honestly assess the penalties and fines that Texas has for game violations. For the most part they are minimal in penalties, $$ of fines are laughably lenient.
Yet, our game wardens are charged with the enforcement of game laws on fish and wildlife that are state property that reside almost entirely on private lands.
I agree wholeheartedly on the limiting of government overreach or the government involvement in my life. So, yes, this bill, if passed, will supposedly protect me from abuses of game wardens entering my property.
However, with that being said, as I said above, in all my years of owning a ranch, or growing up on one, or over 65 years of hunting and fishing…. I have never…. Not Once, had a game warden abuse any of their authority. In all my old years of sitting in a deer blind, I have never had a warden drive up to my blind and check anything…..and in all my thousands of dove hunts, I have had wardens check me a total of three damn times and they didn't disrupt anything of my hunt. ….Quite to the contrary, they actually told me where some doves were flying! I'll further that with the statement that I have no knowledge of any of my fellow landowners or ranchers ever experiencing anything abusive as well.
Are there anecdotal examples of the abuse? Seems there is. Is it rampant? Seems it's not. But now we pass another law that is yet another to add to the thousands that the government already has?
Somebody made a statement that the wardens should only be allowed to check you after the hunt. How is the warden supposed to do that on a deer lease if he can't get to the hunters camp to check?
Or how are they supposed to find that baited field your neighbor has for doves? Or check the deer camp with 20 out of state hunters on 400 acres your neighbor leases out and you hear shooting at all hours?
We can't have them ( the wardens) wait and check hunters coolers on the highway because, after all that upsets people as well.
This bill, if passed, imho, will benefit and protect the law breakers. They are the ones who will now take advantage of this law, if passed, to the fullest….and our fish and wildlife will be what pays the price… ultimately the law abiding hunter and fisherman as well.