I have mixed feelings about this.
1) I don't think anyone should be able to enter private property without permission. Especially a governmental agency looking to punish you for something you may
Or may not have done. I'm all about limiting govt power.
2) As mentioned previously many many times, the people who are committing crimes are the ones who will benefit the most here, imo greatly outweigh the inconvenience of an entry and search without a warrant. Example: few years ago, game warden showed up on opening weekend at owned property . He had to go through 2 gates without permission. We had harvested 2 deer, which were in various stages of dressing. He immediately said "well, it's not why I'm here, but because I am here, need to check out your tags and licenses. But finish what you're doing, don't rush or stop." He then proceeded to tell us he had caught some guys poaching / road hunting right outside the property and suspected that they had probably entered the property at some point. Suggested that we should put some cameras on the gates if we could and it would help and/or prevent future prosecutions, and to let us know that he would probably be coming by from time to time to check on poachers. We finished with the deer, cleaned up, he checked tags and licenses, and was on his way. He thanked us for having licenses and tagging our deer properly. I fail to see how any of this is somehow impinging upon rights as an American or land owner. Again, I am a HUGE proponent of warrants, limits on govt powers, preventing illegal search and seizures. I just can't see why anyone would be against a game warden entering a property. And before anyone says it, it's always been this way, it's not a slippery slope to no warrants and martial law.