Some of y'all giving off highly vaccinated vibes this morning!
BQ92 said:
Bottom line: this is not about solving an active issue. Instead this is leveraging fear to attract votes for unrelated items.
txags92 said:How do you get a warrant with probable cause to prove that somebody is hunting out of season and killing dozens of deer beyond their bag limits on a 3,000 acre property where you can't see their camphouse or processing area from the road? How do you get a warrant with probable cause that people are hunting dove over a baited field without being able to go look for bait in the field?Capt. Augustus McCrae said:
Limiting government is never a bad thing. The "I've never had anybody do anything to me, so I don't see a problem with it" crowd just haven't added "yet" to their sentence.
What's wrong with getting a warrant? If you invite them onto your property to see something suspicious, they don't need a warrant. Otherwise, the 4th amendment protects you from this exact behavior.
fullback44 said:
People that are poachers don't really care about the laws, most don't even poach on their own property, and the game wardens I've known don't really abuse the existing laws on entering your property. I'm not sure this law is going to change much, it will possibly give poachers / game law abusers more leverage but I'm in the opinion it's not gonna swing the pendulum much in either direction.
People that want to break the law regarding animals & poaching will do it either way… but most people (even poachers) don't take deer unless their going to eat it so I'm also of the opinion that they probably need to extend the deer season longer (in some areas) because of the over population of deer we see in some areas..if a person is poor and hungry they will shoot a deer all year long most likely
So how do you classify the warden walking out to a duck blind in a flooded field while hunters are hunting and shooting during the prime time around sunrise? What about a deer blind while hunting? Dove field?INIGO MONTOYA said:
I have not heard of one instance of game warden abuse - maybe some inconveniences. I've had them check licenses while hunting - and frankly I was glad they were out there doing their job. If you want to protect certain things - you may have to give up some freedoms to do so. This would hurt law abiding citizens and help those that are not.
fullback44 said:
People that are poachers don't really care about the laws, most don't even poach on their own property, and the game wardens I've known don't really abuse the existing laws on entering your property. I'm not sure this law is going to change much, it will possibly give poachers / game law abusers more leverage but I'm in the opinion it's not gonna swing the pendulum much in either direction.
People that want to break the law regarding animals & poaching will do it either way… but most people (even poachers) don't take deer unless their going to eat it so I'm also of the opinion that they probably need to extend the deer season longer (in some areas) because of the over population of deer we see in some areas..if a person is poor and hungry they will shoot a deer all year long most likely
So we have 1-2 game wardens assigned to some counties. If they wait until everybody finishes their hunt to go check, they are getting at most 1-2 people checked per day. If they watch, check their database to see if anybody on your land has a hunting license, then approach quietly and ask to see a license, they are at most going to take a few minutes of your time. If they approach any other way, they likely saw something that made them think they needed to come check you right away. You may not be aware that you did something to arouse suspicion, but it doesn't mean you didn't. Maybe they are coming across the field to look to see if it was illegally baited for dove along the way. Maybe they wanted to come at you from the front so you saw them and didn't get surprised by them showing up behind you.Mas89 said:So how do you classify the warden walking out to a duck blind in a flooded field while hunters are hunting and shooting during the prime time around sunrise? What about a deer blind while hunting? Dove field?INIGO MONTOYA said:
I have not heard of one instance of game warden abuse - maybe some inconveniences. I've had them check licenses while hunting - and frankly I was glad they were out there doing their job. If you want to protect certain things - you may have to give up some freedoms to do so. This would hurt law abiding citizens and help those that are not.
drmwvr said:
I would imagine the use of drones will increase if this passes.