I really don't think this bill goes anywhere and hope it doesn't, but that's not the point of my replies here. My main objective here is to jack with every person who wants to expand government intrusion into our lives. Hash out all the facts you think you know about the subject and try to be reasonable while I post wank memes in your face. This is either the exact or perceived treatment I receive from damn near every encounter with government officials, from the VA, local/state/federal LEO, DMV, TSA, etc., and I'll take every opportunity to return the favor in kind. They mostly suck and I'm tired of pretending they don't and I want 90% of them to go away and never hold any type of perceived authority over me or anyone I know ever again. The other 10% can quietly carry on providing services which suit me and my way of life, after all, that's what I pay for. I do not pay to be, nor do I deserve to be treated as a second class citizen or an a-hole, so until we collectively demand better public service, I will continue to call it what it is. I took an oath to the constitution too and observed enough to know I'm a 10th amendment guy with heavy emphasis on the people part. I'm done, nothing personal, just leave me alone til I need the thing I pay for.