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Trophy Hunter shoots sleeping lion

16,108 Views | 143 Replies | Last: 5 yr ago by TxFig
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ironmanag said:

jakeaggie84 said:

Only real way to kill a sleeping lion is with a knife! No more than 8 inch blade.
Knife hell.. You have to choke the sucker out. That is the only way it would be truly sporting.

Hercules style!!
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I know what we need

Caddis Farms
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Seriously??? Only 5% of Americans 16 years old and older currently hunt. That number is expected to sharply decline over the next decade. There is a major shift in the outdoors world and it's numbers of participants are going down the toilet. 30 years from now fisherman and hunters both are going to be drastically different in numbers from where they are today.
Who's to blame? The answer is all of us including the peole who love the outdoors or claim to love the outdoors. We have enough people outside of sportsmen who bag on us for hunting and fishing. The last thing we need are grandstanding elitists who kill our sports from the inside.
Flyfishing is the only way to fish. If youre not flyfishing, you're not a fisherman. Use open sight rifles to hunt deer because scopes are not sporting. Use a .22 for squirrels because a shotgun is not sporting. A buck has to be 8+ years old or you shot the wrong one and are condemed to Hell. Crossbows shouldn't be considered bows and if you use one during archery season you suck/cheat. High fenced property regardless of size is not ethical or sporting and you're a dirt bag for hunting it. Stationary fowl of any type can't be shot because it's too easy and not sporting or ethical. Shooting a sleeping animal is not sporting and it's unethical. The list is much too long and I could go on forever but you get my point.
Reality: Kids or first timers in the outdoors are going to loose interest immediately following the grandstanders in the field. I kind of feel sorry for novices having to endure our sports with people like this.
A LOT of outdoorsmen have gotten too involved in what they THINK the sports are versus legal means and methods. It's your opinions and grandstanding that are keeping novices from taking up hunting and fishing.
It's pretty sad reading some the threads and posts throughout the whole outdoor board. I didn't know there were so many people who claim to be outdoor enthusiasts but bag on others enough so the individuals will give up on our outdoor passions.
As long as you are legally hunting and fishing, I am for it. Go out and get a limit of fish, ducks, deer or whatever you want. I am glad you were successful and maybe a little jealous. Congrats on everything you catch or kill. I'm here to enjoy the stories of fishing trips and hunts regardless of how you caught them or what method you shot the game with.
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ttha_aggie_09 said:

What makes you say this?

From the little I know about African lion hunts, the ones that still have a heavy mane at maturity, are very likely pen/farm raised. This guy has a small mane but I don't know how mature he was.

I am genuinely curious if you're just spewing conjecture or if you have some information about THIS hunt that no one else does?
Look at the numbers - there are only about 20,000 - 30,000 lions left in in the world, and virtually all successful guided hunts are canned hunts (generally illegal, where the animals are heavily drugged, then killed in captivity), and captive hunts, where lions raised in captivity are released, then released to be shot. Before they are released, the legal "captive" lions are raised around people, and are frequently in petting-zoo like conditions (look up "walking with lions" activities), and become tame around people.

Then, they are released to be "hunted," where hunters can "stalk" a tame lion, then shoot it as it dozes. Frequently they don't know how to fend for themselves after being raised in captivity, so they are dehydrated, starved, and fairly docile before you shoot them.

Consider South Africa - there are only 1,000 - 2,000 wild lions left in South Africa, most of which live in the national parks where hunting is prohibited. But, there are 8-10,000 lions in captivity, and these are the ones that are (legally) hunted.

But, Bubba with oil money got his trophy, gets to import it back to the US to show off to his divorcee of the month, and tells his buddies he stalked and killed a wild lion.
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Apache said:

Was the lion shot legally? If so, then it doesn't matter if the lion was sleeping or not.

It may not be ethical to some, but I don't really have a problem with it & have shot several hogs that I snuck up on when they were asleep.

Animals in Africa will go extinct because of poaching & habitat loss; not sport hunting. Period.
Thats not sport hunting! Period HTH
Charismatic Megafauna
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There are only three sports: bullfighting, motor racing, and mountaineering; all the rest are merely games
$3 Sack of Groceries
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CaddisBlackAngud said:

Seriously??? Only 5% of Americans 16 years old and older currently hunt. That number is expected to sharply decline over the next decade. There is a major shift in the outdoors world and it's numbers of participants are going down the toilet. 30 years from now fisherman and hunters both are going to be drastically different in numbers from where they are today.
Who's to blame? The answer is all of us including the peole who love the outdoors or claim to love the outdoors. We have enough people outside of sportsmen who bag on us for hunting and fishing. The last thing we need are grandstanding elitists who kill our sports from the inside.
Flyfishing is the only way to fish. If youre not flyfishing, you're not a fisherman. Use open sight rifles to hunt deer because scopes are not sporting. Use a .22 for squirrels because a shotgun is not sporting. A buck has to be 8+ years old or you shot the wrong one and are condemed to Hell. Crossbows shouldn't be considered bows and if you use one during archery season you suck/cheat. High fenced property regardless of size is not ethical or sporting and you're a dirt bag for hunting it. Stationary fowl of any type can't be shot because it's too easy and not sporting or ethical. Shooting a sleeping animal is not sporting and it's unethical. The list is much too long and I could go on forever but you get my point.
Reality: Kids or first timers in the outdoors are going to loose interest immediately following the grandstanders in the field. I kind of feel sorry for novices having to endure our sports with people like this.
A LOT of outdoorsmen have gotten too involved in what they THINK the sports are versus legal means and methods. It's your opinions and grandstanding that are keeping novices from taking up hunting and fishing.
It's pretty sad reading some the threads and posts throughout the whole outdoor board. I didn't know there were so many people who claim to be outdoor enthusiasts but bag on others enough so the individuals will give up on our outdoor passions.
As long as you are legally hunting and fishing, I am for it. Go out and get a limit of fish, ducks, deer or whatever you want. I am glad you were successful and maybe a little jealous. Congrats on everything you catch or kill. I'm here to enjoy the stories of fishing trips and hunts regardless of how you caught them or what method you shot the game with.

You can call it "grandstanding" or "elitism" or whatever the hell else I've been called in this thread, but if you think for one minute that me as a hunter disagreeing with shooting a sleeping lion is going to turn more 'young people' and 'novices' off of hunting than a video of dude shooting a sleeping lion making the rounds on social media then you're out to lunch. That's the point here.
carl spacklers hat
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One thing is for certain: there are a lot more p*$$ies out in the world than there used to be.

And the same class of citizens that fake outrage at the killing of a lion (hunter paid what, $25,000?) don't bat an eye at the notion of leaving a newborn on a stainless steel table to die.
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So you don't have anything factual, you're just assuming based on the population of lions?
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Prince_Ahmed said:

ttha_aggie_09 said:

What makes you say this?

From the little I know about African lion hunts, the ones that still have a heavy mane at maturity, are very likely pen/farm raised. This guy has a small mane but I don't know how mature he was.

I am genuinely curious if you're just spewing conjecture or if you have some information about THIS hunt that no one else does?
Look at the numbers - there are only about 20,000 - 30,000 lions left in in the world, and virtually all successful guided hunts are canned hunts (generally illegal, where the animals are heavily drugged, then killed in captivity), and captive hunts, where lions raised in captivity are released, then released to be shot. Before they are released, the legal "captive" lions are raised around people, and are frequently in petting-zoo like conditions (look up "walking with lions" activities), and become tame around people.

Then, they are released to be "hunted," where hunters can "stalk" a tame lion, then shoot it as it dozes. Frequently they don't know how to fend for themselves after being raised in captivity, so they are dehydrated, starved, and fairly docile before you shoot them.

Consider South Africa - there are only 1,000 - 2,000 wild lions left in South Africa, most of which live in the national parks where hunting is prohibited. But, there are 8-10,000 lions in captivity, and these are the ones that are (legally) hunted.

But, Bubba with oil money got his trophy, gets to import it back to the US to show off to his divorcee of the month, and tells his buddies he stalked and killed a wild lion.
Wow there is so much wrong with this there is no point in discussing it with you. Do you work for CNN or just have it on 24/7
According to the Biden White House, what Joe Biden says does not represent the official position of the Biden administration.
Caddis Farms
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If it was a legal hunting method than yes you're negatively impacting our sport by socially denouncing his hunt. Any negativity for legal hunting methods will impact future/current hunters regardless if it comes from antis or hunters themselves.
FYI I was out to lunch buying dresses. Please let me know your size so it will fit nicely.
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Exactly the point I was trying to make in my previous post. I'll say it again.......hunting is in a huge decline and we need to stand together as one....or we are going to lose the privilege and freedom to do so. As I stated before.....divided we fall.
$3 Sack of Groceries
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CaddisBlackAngud said:

If it was a legal hunting method than yes you're negatively impacting our sport by socially denouncing his hunt. Any negativity for legal hunting methods will impact future/current hunters regardless if it comes from antis or hunters themselves.
FYI I was out to lunch buying dresses. Please let me know your size so it will fit nicely.
Can't construct a decent argument so you've turned to the personal attacks.

Grow up. Seriously.

Besides, you've completely missed the point. My criticism of this mans actions are limited to this board which, for all intents and purposes, is a hunting discussion board with relatively low traffic. The fact that you think my comments on this thread will have even a tiny fraction of the negative impact of that video circulating on facebook, twitter, instagram, etc. is an insult to everyone's intelligence. I was accused of cognitive dissonance earlier in the thread but your argument is a shining example of it.
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You're still arguing (trolling) this? Good lord man, what did you expect coming to the Outdoor Board?
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Caddis......you posted some valid points, but practice what you preach......if you do that you have to respect Yelnicks opinion as well....you don't have to agree with him..............he has basically said he is a hunter but simply, per his own decision, would not shoot a sleeping or animal lying down...........he is still a hunter ( as I understand it)....so you can make your valid point without adding a child like smart remark about dresses. In you doing that you just contradicted your other well spoken post.
We need to learn how to have discussions on this board without the cutting down of people we don't agree with. At the end of the day most of us are Aggies and at least I thought our tradition was to always treat fellow Aggies with respect whether we all agree or not.
$3 Sack of Groceries
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Thanks, Gunny.

And for the record, yes I am a hunter. Birds only (migratory and upland). Not out of some moral issue of killing mammals, I just wasn't raised by a deer hunter and ergo never became a deer hunter.
$3 Sack of Groceries
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TwoMarksHand said:

You're still arguing (trolling) this? Good lord man, what did you expect coming to the Outdoor Board?
Honestly, I don't see how anyone thinks I'm trolling. I've stated my opinion and frankly, it's hardly an outrageous one.
Clearly I'm in the minority on this board and the sharks have smelled blood in the water and piled on. It's honestly been very eye opening to read the reactions/behavior on this thread. Sure there would be some lively debate on this board in years past, but after being accused of being a general board troll on this thread, the irony of the general board type behavior of quite a few posters on it isn't lost on me.

*EDIT* RE: Your "coming to the Outdoor board" comment. I've been on this board since it's creation (a few usernames ago). I was a member of the FB group until I ditched FB a few years back. I've met more than one poster on the board IRL. This notion that I'm some newbie to the board and not worthy of some strange OB respect/cred/decent debate is strange.
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PorkEatingCrusader said:

Apache said:

Animals in Africa will go extinct because of poaching & habitat loss; not sport hunting. Period.
Thats not sport hunting! Period HTH

It's not Sport Hunting because that is a completely meaningless term and nothing more than an exercise in mental masturbation to make you feel better about yourself for the way you chose to hunt

If hunting were truly sporting, the animal would have relatively equal odds of killing you back. Just because a method is more difficult does not make it more sporting.
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Have you shot a dove out of a tree or a duck on a pond?
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I couldn't pull the trigger on a sleeper. I nailed a pheasant on the ground on a sub-freezing morning once, but only cuz it was too cold for him to give a dam about flying away. Still feel a little dirty about that one. A sleeper - absolutely not.
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Hunting of many species, in most instances is a viable tool for game/population management. Also the monetary benefit of said hunting is also the major resource for continued research and propagation/management of those said species. In its purest form hunting was a means for survival and food.
Today I still believe that most hunters eat whatever they kill and use it for food. I know that most hunters on this board do just that. I also like to believe that most of us hunt for more reasons than the kill. Harvesting the animal is really only the "icing on the cake" as more importantly is the enjoyment of being in Gods great outdoors with your kids, wife, friends family or maybe just by yourself.
It is about the stories around the campfire, tales of times past. It is about feeling the cold crisp air in the morning and hearing the world come alive and seeing and appreciating all Gods creatures and his creation.
To me that is what "Sport Hunting" is all about.

As long as we continue to build and construct and grow our cities and populations we are going to continue to destroy more and more habitat and ecosystems for those said species. As that land gets consumed the hunter will still play a major part in controlling those populations and those hunters will be the same people who will want to preserve those species.

The anti-hunter is always slamming the hunter for going out and killing the animals.....but those same people have no problem with seeing ten bulldozers clearing another 1000 acres so there can be some more buildings and shopping malls.
I ask...who is more apt to take care of the animals at the end of the day......the hunter who loves the purity and freedom of the unspoiled outdoors or the anti hunter who lives surrounded by concrete, pavement and steel?

A few years back when all the droughts were in Colorado, Montana and Wyoming and all the Elk and Mule Deer were starving to death during the winter.....who donated the money, time and effort to haul all the protein feeds and hay into those areas for the survival of those animals?
It was the hunters and the organizations like SCI, RMEF that hauled all the food in. Where was PETA or Friends of Animals? At home snug in there blankets is where.
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This thread is going to enter the halls of OB lore...
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If you were hunting in the mountains with a deer or elk tag and happen upon a big muley or bull bedded down at a distance (sleeping or just laying there), would you take the shot???
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mtngoat3006 said:

If you were hunting in the mountains with a deer or elk tag and happen upon a big muley or bull bedded down at a distance (sleeping or just laying there), would you take the shot???

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Yelnick McWawa said:

*EDIT* RE: Your "coming to the Outdoor board" comment. I've been on this board since it's creation (a few usernames ago). I was a member of the FB group until I ditched FB a few years back. I've met more than one poster on the board IRL. This notion that I'm some newbie to the board and not worthy of some strange OB respect/cred/decent debate is strange.

Second time, same thread:

NRH ag 10
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Yelnick McWawa said:

Thanks, Gunny.

And for the record, yes I am a hunter. Birds only (migratory and upland). Not out of some moral issue of killing mammals, I just wasn't raised by a deer hunter and ergo never became a deer hunter.
So a bunch of big game hunters are telling you why they don't have a problem with shooting a sleeping animal, and are making very valid points that, depending on the circumstances, it can show a greater degree of hunting skill and make for a more efficient kill, and we're the *******s for disagreeing with you?
$3 Sack of Groceries
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NRH ag 10 said:

Yelnick McWawa said:

Thanks, Gunny.

And for the record, yes I am a hunter. Birds only (migratory and upland). Not out of some moral issue of killing mammals, I just wasn't raised by a deer hunter and ergo never became a deer hunter.
So a bunch of big game hunters are telling you why they don't have a problem with shooting a sleeping animal, and are making very valid points that, depending on the circumstances, it can show a greater degree of hunting skill and make for a more efficient kill, and we're the *******s for disagreeing with you?

I never once said anyone was an ******* for having a different opinion than me. There are plenty of folks being *******s to me for my opinion however.
I'm sure STX will just post that eye roll gif again and the blue star brigade will pad his stats despite all that.
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NRH ag 10 said:

Yelnick McWawa said:

Thanks, Gunny.

And for the record, yes I am a hunter. Birds only (migratory and upland). Not out of some moral issue of killing mammals, I just wasn't raised by a deer hunter and ergo never became a deer hunter.
So a bunch of big game hunters are telling you why they don't have a problem with shooting a sleeping animal, and are making very valid points that, depending on the circumstances, it can show a greater degree of hunting skill and make for a more efficient kill, and we're the *******s for disagreeing with you?

Funny - he admits he was not raised as a deer hunter...only birds. Yet early on we got this jewel "shameful and sickening according to everything I was ever taught about hunting.".

$3 Sack of Groceries
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mpl35 said:

NRH ag 10 said:

Yelnick McWawa said:

Thanks, Gunny.

And for the record, yes I am a hunter. Birds only (migratory and upland). Not out of some moral issue of killing mammals, I just wasn't raised by a deer hunter and ergo never became a deer hunter.
So a bunch of big game hunters are telling you why they don't have a problem with shooting a sleeping animal, and are making very valid points that, depending on the circumstances, it can show a greater degree of hunting skill and make for a more efficient kill, and we're the *******s for disagreeing with you?

Funny - he admits he was not raised as a deer hunter...only birds. Yet early on we got this jewel "shameful and sickening according to everything I was ever taught about hunting.".

Is that supposed to be damning?
I think the Chinese practice of finning is horrendous but I only fish for trout and reds. Does the fact I'm not shark fisherman mean I'm wrong about the Chinese?
NRH ag 10
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Do you think, maybe, possibly, you might want to consider that a bunch of people who have experience doing something you don't, who have a different view, might have a valid reason for their views?
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It's pretty obvious you are (self admitted) ignorant on the topic yet that doesn't stop you from denigrating others.

Also seems you are talking out both sides of your mouth when you claim it's shameful based on what you were taught but later say you weren't taught a damn thing.
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What a victim, yet so brave and so strong... like a poor man's kapernick. Stay hard bro.
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To me this is very simple...

Is it legal? - Yes
Is it done under wildlife management/sustainable harvest practices (doesn't jeopardize the species locally or as a whole)? - no
Does it provide the exchange of resources to locals that have very little incentive to protect wildlife, unless they're a valuable resource for hunters? - Yes

I set aside all of my personal feelings about the type of animal shot (I don't care to shoot a lion), how it was shot (sleeping, in a high fence ranch or over a feeder (deer)), and would I personally have done it. None of that matters too me... I will fight for other hunters/fishers/conservationists to participate in any legal hunting/fishing method, even if I don't personally agree with it. We're stronger united and need to stop the infighting.
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Yelnick McWawa said:

I'm sure STX will just post that eye roll gif again and the blue star brigade will pad his stats despite all that.

$3 Sack of Groceries
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LEJ said:

What a victim, yet so brave and so strong... like a poor man's kapernick. Stay hard bro.
See this is the problem. All I've stated was that I wouldn't shoot a sleeping lion and that I didn't think it was sporting. I've not once said he should be tarred and feathered, etc., in fact I stated early on that those on the left that are going to crucify him when his identity is revealed are worthless scum. I just posted my opinion as a hunter/outdoorsman on a board dedicated to such things. And yet it's somehow morphed into responses like what I've quoted above. Just absolute, complete irrational group think.
I get that my opinion on the subject is not a popular one on this board but this thread is a perfect example of why so many of the "OG" posters have walked away from the board.

NRH ag 10,
take a trip off of the OB board onto to some other hunting forums. There are plenty of experienced hunters (yes, big game hunters) who agree with me that they wouldn't have taken the shot. Not that you care, but you'll also find more than one example of folks discussing the "shooting a bird on a wire" topic on various boards and find that I'm hardly the outlier.

Regardless, nothing else good will come from this thread. I'm done with it.
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