No muzzy deer tag for me. Gotta feed the Muley obsession. Arizona otc archery or Meredith as a last resort.
LEJ said:
How close is that area to Stage 3? That's total closure, right?
LEJ said:
Agreed. But what does that mean as far as access to NF and Wilderness in that area?
What don't you like about them?Quote:
but I'm not sold on the micro diameters yet.
How heavy an arrow and what brand/weight heads?agingcowboy said:
I've been hunting with micro diameter arrows for several years. I really like them and (anecdotally) think they have superior penetration. They group tight as well. When they first came out it was harder to find tips, inserts and broadheads which was annoying but now they are readily available. For my set up with heavy micro diameter arrows and 80 pound limbs I have had complete pass throughs on all (n=2) of my elk since making the switch.
People with 32" draws at 80# don't have to.Quote:
I don't sweat no calculations.
Tomorrow.LEJ said:
June 21... like tomorrow? Or did you mean July 21?