Elden Ring Trailer Leak

56,412 Views | 601 Replies | Last: 2 mo ago by Lathspell
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I agree with the game wearing itself out. Limgrave and Liurnia, and the first 3 legacy dungeons are so good, that's its unbelievable how bad they ****ed up the back half. Rushed development, just like ds1. Nowadays making a quality game takes 10 years.
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What would you compare this game to? Like Sekiro mechanics mixed with Skyrim RPG style?
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Rooster4Ag said:

I am a gatekeeper, I said it in my post. Gatekeeping media is the only way to preserve the original intention of that media, this is especially true in video games where the only way to expand sales is to "dumb down" the content of a game. Accessibility is directly in line with a bland featureless experience since it has to cater to all play styles, and can't do one in depth.

The spirits are an obvious issue, many of these multi enemy bosses aggro are clearly programmed for ashes, where your mimic tear just become a sponge so that you can 1v1 the boss. Look back into the series and the multi enemy boss fights have always been ****, especially in DS2. O&S and Twin princes are good because their aggro isn't designed to be annoying. I would recommend playing ds2 to understand what I mean by this. There is an obvious intended difficulty to these games, and that's tight combat centered around 1v1 encounters, with no summons. Sekiro and bloodborne don't follow this as closely because you have more tools at your disposal to avoid damage, like the rally system in bloodborne, and the blocking in sekiro.

The pistol comment doesn't even make sense. Bloodborne combat was different and was designed around aggressive combat. Parrying was essential to that games combat, in a way summoning wasn't for souls. Elden ring is souls, despite the faster paced combat (which is an issue in its own, since you don't have the tools like in sekiro and bloodborne to avoid taking damage.
Gatekeeping doesn't preserve the original intention, it's something bitter fans use to justify hate toward people who are latecomers to something. Saying that a new game by the same company and same director isn't a "true" entry or "dumbed down" is ludicrous, especially when considering how intentional everything Miyazaki-directed games are. The world evolves - in the case of games, it's technology, design techniques, audience, etc. - and at the same time, the people making the game grow older and have more experience that shapes their approach.

You're also wrong on the intended difficulty. There has always been an easy mode built within Souls games, and that has been in the form of cooperation. Summons (AI or Human) make boss fights easier and messages allow for finding items or warn about enemies hiding in wait or give hints on how to beat tough bosses. If the intended difficulty was 1v1 every boss, then those features would have never been in the game. Spirit Ashes are the next evolution in that and give players more options, just as summoning gave players options in previous Souls games. If you want difficulty, feel free to play without summoning spirit ashes or cooperators or by running around naked and punching everything, but those are all options and are all the intended part of the game, just as it has been in every souls game to date.
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If you mean in response to my previous post? I would of course compare it to the other souls games. If i were to personally say that it's "like" a certain other game, I would say it's bloodborne combat with skyrim exploration, but unlike skyrim it doesn't let you get lost in the world.
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The second part is exactly what I said, summoning and kindling (DS1 only) has been your difficulty switch, however summoning has always been an ancillary feature rather than an intended mechanic. You might use summons your frist playthrough, but eventually you should be weaned off of them. The combat in this game is so precise and tightly designed that progression is all but expected. In elden ring this isn't true because of the bad enemy and boss design. Progression in the previous games involve mastering the mechanics, not memorizing movement patterns over the course of several hours.

Anyone who has ever been in any sort of group or community understands why gatekeeping is necessary, and yes, in a medium such as games, that have a stiffer barrier to entry to new players because they're interactive, it's very clear that the only way to greatly expand the audience is to dumb the mechanics down.
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Rooster4Ag said:

I agree with the game wearing itself out. Limgrave and Liurnia, and the first 3 legacy dungeons are so good, that's its unbelievable how bad they ****ed up the back half. Rushed development, just like ds1. Nowadays making a quality game takes 10 years.
Did you even get to Miquella's Haligtree?!? The capital city? The sewers? Nokron?

This has fantastic standard From-style dungeons, along with a wide open world to explore with their various "Chalice Dungeons" which actually have cool rewards in them.

Edit: Bloodborne is one of my favorite games of all time, and the best part to that game is Cainhurst Castle, imo. Elden Ring has at least 3 levels I enjoyed more than that one.
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By first 3 dungeons I mean stormveil, Raya Lucaria, and the capital city. Nokron imo is half baked, and while I think the haligtree is good, because of the worthless side content I was exhausted with exploration when I got there.

I have the same feelings about bloodborne, imo their best work and one of the greatest pieces of media ever made. Nothing has adapted lovecraft like bloodborne did, no game or move or even book that's not straight from lovecraft himself.
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Rooster4Ag said:

1. Have you played the rest of their games. I only ask because many people are playing this as their first souls experience and they have nothing to compare it to. Elden Ring is already better than 99% of triple A releases of the past 10 years. If this is your first souls game you will tend to defend it pathologically, as I do occasionally with DS2, since that was my first souls game. Sinking 100 hours into that game, death after death, you form an emotional connection to it.

My complaints in ascending order of importance:
- reused assets that ruin the exploration, and totally ruin any replay ability (which all the other games have in spades). Once you see one catacomb with crafting material and a spell, you've seen them all. Reused bosses is criminal, and out of like 150 bosses, only like 3 are original. I remember beating Astel, and then going to the min South of the haligtree only to find another Astel! Imo in about 6 months people the honeymoon phase will wear off and people will notice this, since it will ruin replay ability for non lore-hunters. This isn't even going into the 15 tree spirits, etc.
- Because of above, the open world is empty, just like breath of the wild. The legacy dungeons with their tight design are the best parts of the game, and I think most would agree with me. The legacy dungeons in here are so good, that it's upsetting that the open world was so copypasted.
- Boss design is pretty bad and pretty lazy in this game, oscillating from wildly difficult and unfair, to very easy (bc of the open world) I am pretty good at these games, but after the 50th gank boss fight in a cave I'm exhausted. Triple crystalians, godskin duo, gargoyles, etc. This was everyone's complaint with DS2, but I see no one in the souls community complaining about the exact same issue here, when it's even worse. Additionally, it seems that bosses were designed around summoning spirit ashes, and that's very troubling because unfortunately that's not the "correct" way to play this game. People talk about an easy mode, that's always been the difficulty selector in these games. You can't design fights around spirit ashes, and make it so that the fight is bad, insanely difficult, or just annoying without a summon. Multi-enemy boss fights have to be designed in a specific way or they're ***** Twin demon princes from DS3 is the perfect example of a good multi-enemy boss fight (best multi boss in the series imo). You have to have one boss that is aggro and one that isn't. When you have bosses interlocking their attacks, that boss fight is *****


Lazy non-legacy dungeon design that was clearly padding for the world size, boring exploration with little actual reward, atrocious boss design outside of a few fights.

Imo there are objective methods of judging these games because we can compare them to each other. And I think things like level design and bosses are clearly inferior to basically every other title. Let me pose a question with an obvious answer. What if the world size was shrunk down by 50% and 5-6 more legacy dungeons were added, would the game be better off? Absolutely. The legacy dungeons in Elden Ring are some of the best in the series, with Stormveil/Raya Lucaria/Leyndell probably having THE best design in the entire series.

Armor actually being useful the same way it is for enemies would solve so many of these issues. As it is, armor is virtually useless and in many ways a hindrance because it just makes you slower. I don't understand why knights have armor that negates most of your attacks yet when you wear the same armor attacks hit like a truck.

My other issue with the game is more of a lore one where I don't understand how any human actually survives in that world. How are these people not getting endlessly slaughtered when everything hits for huge amounts of damage? I compare this to Elder Scrolls where you can see how normal people make a living and everyone has routines. Compare it to Kingdom Come Deliverance and it's even worse. I'm okay with dangerous worlds but only if they make sense and nothing about any of this makes sense. You can tell the story is really Japanese in this regard.
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Rooster4Ag said:

The second part is exactly what I said, summoning and kindling (DS1 only) has been your difficulty switch, however summoning has always been an ancillary feature rather than an intended mechanic. You might use summons your frist playthrough, but eventually you should be weaned off of them. The combat in this game is so precise and tightly designed that progression is all but expected. In elden ring this isn't true because of the bad enemy and boss design. Progression in the previous games involve mastering the mechanics, not memorizing movement patterns over the course of several hours.

Anyone who has ever been in any sort of group or community understands why gatekeeping is necessary, and yes, in a medium such as games, that have a stiffer barrier to entry to new players because they're interactive, it's very clear that the only way to greatly expand the audience is to dumb the mechanics down.
You don't put a feature like multiplayer into a game without it being an intended feature. Look up any interviews where Miyazaki talks about it - it's clear he doesn't see it as an ancillary feature and never has. And understanding movement patterns has been a key to Souls bosses since the beginning. Part of mastering the mechanics is knowing the tells and knowing how to properly dodge or counter or get out of range. And I'm not saying all the bosses are well designed (you're definitely entitled to your own opinion on the quality there), but they're not doing anything that isn't present in any of the previous games.

Regarding gatekeeping, the only people who think gatekeeping like this is necessary or good are people who can't stand when something they like gets popular. I can guarantee you that the developers don't want the game (or any of the previous ones) gatekept, and that most in the community who played the past games don't agree with gatekeeping. People are allowed to decide for themselves whether they like the game or not; they don't need someone else saying they don't belong there. And if they use the mechanics placed there by the devs to experience it, it doesn't make them any less than someone who only does naked no hit lvl 1 runs.
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I 100% agree with your first point, armor being actually useful and not just for fashion would help balance the gameplay out, this kinda worked with pose, but poise created such a problem in DS1 that they changed it.

To your second point, at least according to the lore the people in the world ARE dying endlessly, hollowing/beasthood/returning to the erdtree have always been imo very clever lore rationale that prevents "gamification" of the games systems.

Also I like your handle lol.
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The bosses have mechanics that are present games where you as the player have more tools available to not take damage. Since bloodborne, there has been this move that enemies can do that I call a "reactive attack," in which the boss or enemy does this quick strike that is basically impossible to avoid unless you already know the movement pattern of the enemy. The purpose of this move is to prevent the player from taking advantage of the end of an enemys attack pattern, and in a game like sekiro or bloodborne, you can either be aggressive and tank the hits and let rally make the difference, or you coulod dodge. There were a couple enemies that had this in DS3, but basically every enemy in elden ring has this, and you have no tools as the player to avoid this damage except knowing the enemies pattern. Additionally, lots of bosses in this game can read inputs and attack cancel, which the player cant to, and can't avoid (with souls movement and combat).
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My point isn't that these features aren't playstyles, it's that they have always been optional, in elden ring because of gank bosses unless you want to have a very unfun and annoying time summoning is basically a requirement. Idk you've played DS2, but there is a DLC fight where you basically fight 3 NPC's and it's a horrendous fight of just running around in circles if you want to do it without a summon. As I've said before, multi-enemy boss fights have to be designed in a certain way or they just don't work properly for multiple playstyles to be used to combat the bosses. This is why people **** on DS2, and why fights like O&S are beloved. The multi-enemy boss fights that DO work are great. Everyone creamed their pants over abyss watchers bc it was a multi-enemy boss fight that was so well designed. Boss and enemy design is a critical flaw of elden ring, and this is only compounded by the reused assets. It would be one thing if you had to fight royal rat vanguard from DS2 once, but in Elden ring you have to fight him 5 times.

Let me reiterate, the actual level design of the legacy dungeons (as in, when From actually did what they're best at) is exquisite. Idk if you've played Nioh, but the combat in Nioh is a million times more interesting and tight than all of the souls games (sekiro being the exception). But Nioh has **** level design. Combat has not been souls shining light, it's been great bosses and expertly designed areas and levels.
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Coming from someone who has played and beat and platinumed every game in the series I have to say I love Elden Ring. That said I do get some of the complaints and I have some of my own.

For one I will say I do not understand the argument that the back half of the game was rushed. This game is PACKED with content, so much so that I am amazed that there is as much in here without ANY attempt to squeeze extra cash. Of course there will be DLC at some point which I will happily buy but quite frankly I am surprised that the "secret" portion of the map is included in the main game and wasn't itself the DLC.

It should not come as a surprise that bosses and dungeon types are reused. This is an open world game. It comes with the territory. There is no way to have a world this big with every side path/dungeon/miniboss being completely unique. In consideration of then lore aspect, of course there are going to be multiple tree sentinels, crucible knights, watchdogs, etc so it makes sense to encounter more than one as you play the game. As I said a certain degree of repetitiveness is to be expected in this type of game. Some games it is an annoyance but I feel like Elden Ring executes it very well.

One complaint I do share that has been mentioned earlier is the boss fights. Plain and simple I prefer to play these games solo/no summon. For me it is a much more rewarding and fulfilling experience. The other games allow for this no problem. There is the OPTION to summon if you want help but if you choose not to the fight will be fair. In Elden Ring you can clearly tell that some key boss fights are balanced towards summoning spirits. If they weren't they'd be way too easy for people using summons. This comes at the expense of people like me who prefer to play solo. I used summons on 3 fights that I can recall, mostly out of frustration but none of them were what I would consider "main bosses". Yes the summon system opens this game to many players who wouldn't play otherwise but it is a shame that it comes at the cost of the solo/single player experience. I'd like the solo experience to be viable for people who like to play solo but aren't gluttons for punishment like me. I spent 25 hours on Malenia but by golly I finally got her without a summon
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As a married man with 4 kids and on active duty, I like the summons. I typically try to beat a boss a few times without, but will then use a summons because I don't have 10+ hours to put into beating one boss.

With that said, I absolutely love this game. I'm level 101 right now and am still in awe by some of the things I come across or see. I'm still at the point where I don't want the game to end, which is awesome considering how much time I have into it right now.
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Rooster4Ag said:

I 100% agree with your first point, armor being actually useful and not just for fashion would help balance the gameplay out, this kinda worked with pose, but poise created such a problem in DS1 that they changed it.

To your second point, at least according to the lore the people in the world ARE dying endlessly, hollowing/beasthood/returning to the erdtree have always been imo very clever lore rationale that prevents "gamification" of the games systems.

Also I like your handle lol.

Poise is not the issue, it's straight damage. It makes zero sense for a knight to take little damage yet when you wear the exact same armor you're still a glass cannon.

Of course another problem is that enemies have unlimited FP and stamina. They should have FP and stamina bars just like PC does. It's annoying as hell facing magic users who just continually launch spells perpetually especially if you have to face 3 or more at once. It makes it damn near impassable if you're not a high enough level.

These issues artificially increase the difficulty that have nothing at all to do with player skill or willingness to explore for better weapons and items or even grinding for more levels.

Elder Scrolls does armor far better. I know one of the things with Souls games is that enemies hit like a truck but armor and how weapons work should be consistent for both NPCs and PCs.
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Rooster4Ag said:

My point isn't that these features aren't playstyles, it's that they have always been optional, in elden ring because of gank bosses unless you want to have a very unfun and annoying time summoning is basically a requirement. Idk you've played DS2, but there is a DLC fight where you basically fight 3 NPC's and it's a horrendous fight of just running around in circles if you want to do it without a summon. As I've said before, multi-enemy boss fights have to be designed in a certain way or they just don't work properly for multiple playstyles to be used to combat the bosses. This is why people **** on DS2, and why fights like O&S are beloved. The multi-enemy boss fights that DO work are great. Everyone creamed their pants over abyss watchers bc it was a multi-enemy boss fight that was so well designed. Boss and enemy design is a critical flaw of elden ring, and this is only compounded by the reused assets. It would be one thing if you had to fight royal rat vanguard from DS2 once, but in Elden ring you have to fight him 5 times.

Let me reiterate, the actual level design of the legacy dungeons (as in, when From actually did what they're best at) is exquisite. Idk if you've played Nioh, but the combat in Nioh is a million times more interesting and tight than all of the souls games (sekiro being the exception). But Nioh has **** level design. Combat has not been souls shining light, it's been great bosses and expertly designed areas and levels.

I'm actually okay with bosses attacking at the same time. It's more realistic AI than having them do one at a time. I'm also okay with enemies having combos and things designed to deter rolling. These things would be perfectly okay if armor worked as it should because you could actually survive more than 2 hits.
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I've played all the souls games through multiple times, and I have to say.... I think the damage scaling on the bosses is a bit absurd. Even some of the regular enemies can one-shot you even with 20+ vigor. Some of the boss attacks, you can't even survive with high vigor and armor. It's like having to play a no hit run when you aren't trying to.
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If things are hitting you too hard get a bigger health bar, use one of the damage reduction talisman and take off the soreseals. There are tons of ways to mitigate damage in this game you just have to use them.
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Having to pump vigor to 70 (which I did to negate damage) is not good design. This is basically the same as the adaptability scaling people excoriated DS2 for, but bc miyazaki is god nobody will question it with Elden ring. 70 ****ing vigor and I can still get 3 shot in the late game.

In all the souls games I don't think I've ever even had a stat at 70, and the soft cap of 60 vigor is basically a requirement to not get one shot at the mid game.
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This is Elden Ring not Dark Souls. Play this game how it is designed not how you played something else 10 years ago. This game intends for you to pump vigor given how the scaling works across the stats. It also gives you many options to mitigate damage. At 70 vigor and with Morgotts rune active you would be well over 2.5k health. That's enough to live through Malenia's waterfowl with any kind of armor on.
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AgDev01 said:

If things are hitting you too hard get a bigger health bar, use one of the damage reduction talisman and take off the soreseals. There are tons of ways to mitigate damage in this game you just have to use them.
No. Health bar is overrated.

You need to go level. As you level, your damage reduction increases, which increases your survivability. The reason this game has bosses who are seemingly so hard is because it wants you to go out and explore. From exploring, you then level, making the boss fights easier.

Also, you need to stop getting hit as much. From games should not be about taking hits, but avoiding them. Most From bosses will kill you with 2-3 hits. If you are getting chained that much on a fight, you need to learn the fight better.

With all the complaining from Rooster, who claims to be a Souls vet, I have one thing to say... git gud.

Were a few boss fights very hard? Yes. But there are many ways to get passed these obstacles. Because you or I didn't find these ways, and instead proceeded to force our way through our standard play style until we won, it is not the fault of the game.

I was watching some no hit runs of this game the other day, and learned many strats I never thought of for some of the harder fights. For example, on the Godskin Duo, the guy just came in with a few sleep pots. He proceeded to put both of them to sleep and then take them out one at a time. Why didn't I think of that? I didn't use a single Pot throughout my entire playthrough.

I think Elden Ring is better than the other games BECAUSE it gives you so many ways to confront a boss or enemy. If you are getting wrecked, there is usually a better way to go about it. I have already mentioned in this thread how many times I changed my build, ash of war, etc.

Oh, and that complaint that you have to learn the boss' move telegraph in this game but the others are different is ridiculous. That is literally every souls boss. You die until you learn the fight. That is the core mechanic of a From game.
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It's basically Dark Souls, no need to cope. The mechanics of the game are basically exactly the same, just with more quality of life improvements like the jump button. Irrespective of whether it's Dark Souls or not, get your head out of the clouds. A 60 vigor softcap to negate oneshot damage is a game design flaw, it's not that vigor scaling is the system, it's that enemy damage scaling is just bad.
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I agree with this, but the balancing can and will lead to basically powerleveling such that a boss either becomes too easy or too hard, since the scaling is kinda screwy. However, level scaling becomes irrelevant by the end of the game. After the capital everything is a dps race.
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That's just the nature of the open world mechanic. The only way to negate it is enemy scaling, which I hate in an open world game.

If you are not a fan of open world games, then that's perfectly fine. But don't make it seem like it's From Software's fault that you don't like open world games.

At the end of the day... I beat every boss. The longest I spent on one was about 4 hours, which is not the longest I have ever spent on a From Software boss. Most bosses in this game I defeated in 3-5 tries. I didn't even come close to experimenting with all the possible consumables, and still was able to beat the game. Did I use Ash summons? Yes. They are a mechanic of the game, so I used them. It would be like play Skyrim and saying, "i'm not going to use the Shouts because they weren't in other Elder Scrolls games!". That's just silly. If you don't want to, then don't do it.

Again, I have always avoided the other summons in the games, so didn't use them in this one, but Ash Summons I view as different. Hell, in some boss fights, they barely helped at all.
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DallasTeleAg said:

No. Health bar is overrated.

You need to go level. As you level, your damage reduction increases, which increases your survivability. The reason this game has bosses who are seemingly so hard is because it wants you to go out and explore. From exploring, you then level, making the boss fights easier.

Also, you need to stop getting hit as much. From games should not be about taking hits, but avoiding them. Most From bosses will kill you with 2-3 hits. If you are getting chained that much on a fight, you need to learn the fight better.

With all the complaining from Rooster, who claims to be a Souls vet, I have one thing to say... git gud.

If someone is good enough to avoid the vast majority of damage, you are 100% correct, but most people aint. My primary point is if you have 20 vigor (or use something that increases damage taken) dont complain about damage.

My first play through was with a fist weapon run. having to constantly be that close, especially with some of the wonky hitboxes i knew i was going to take damage and adjusted accordingly. What you say about learning the fights is spot on. I see people complain about Rune Bears and other enemies that i found to be a joke because my playstyle forced me to fight them up close where they are at their weakest. people just need to realize they have to adjust to the situation and not take the same apporach to every fight.

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I'm level 105 now and doing a Strength build as a vegabond:

Vigor: 33
Mind: 20
Endurance: 32
Strength: 54
Dexterity: 14
Intelligence: 15
Faith: 9
Arcane: 7

Radahn's Lion Armor (complete set)
Dual welding heavy claymore (+18) and Lordsworn's Heavy Greatsword (+17)
Erdtree's Favor, Great-jar's Arsenal, Dragoncrest Shield Talisman +1, and Crimson Amber Medallion +1

Leveling my Strength to the soft cap of 60 and then going Endurance again until I can equip the jelly shield and a colossal weapon or dual wield colossal weapons while maintaining medium weight (just to try it out).

I don't have any issues with the scaling or the boss difficulty. It is challenging but enjoyable. If I can't beat a boss within an hour or 2, I do other stuff until I am ready to try again.
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zip04 said:

I'm level 105 now and doing a Strength build as a vegabond:

Vigor: 33
Mind: 20
Endurance: 32
Strength: 54
Dexterity: 14
Intelligence: 15
Faith: 9
Arcane: 7

Radahn's Lion Armor (complete set)
Dual welding heavy claymore (+18) and Lordsworn's Heavy Greatsword (+17)
Erdtree's Favor, Great-jar's Arsenal, Dragoncrest Shield Talisman +1, and Crimson Amber Medallion +1

Leveling my Strength to the soft cap of 60 and then going Endurance again until I can equip the jelly shield and a colossal weapon or dual wield colossal weapons while maintaining medium weight (just to try it out).

I don't have any issues with the scaling or the boss difficulty. It is challenging but enjoyable. If I can't beat a boss within an hour or 2, I do other stuff until I am ready to try again.
This is why the game is so enjoyable, to me. All of the options for different builds, and trying other builds. Hit a wall? Go do something else. It is just a different game from the other From games.

I will let the "newness" wear off before i absolutely claim it to be my favorite From game, overtaking Bloodborne. My only issue is replayability. It is there in the fact that you can replay it as so many different builds. However, the length of the game would hinder my desire to replay. Whereas, I can replay Bloodborne and beat it in a few days.
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Same. I'm itching to try a blood build or a pure mage.

I'll probably play through one more time as a wretch so I can respec every stat and try different things.
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the re-playability has been there for me mainly due to the variety of weapons but also things like different quest outcomes help give enough spice as well. subsequent runs are also a lot shorter as im not trying to 100% everything and just do the fights and locations i find enjoyable. the other thing is that its pretty fun to pimp out a new char with the weapon of choice for the run. right now im doing a dex int run with the vulgar halbred. If they buff posion im sure ill do one with the serpentbone blade. I also want to do a run using whips as well.
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Rooster4Ag said:

It's basically Dark Souls, no need to cope. The mechanics of the game are basically exactly the same, just with more quality of life improvements like the jump button. Irrespective of whether it's Dark Souls or not, get your head out of the clouds. A 60 vigor softcap to negate oneshot damage is a game design flaw, it's not that vigor scaling is the system, it's that enemy damage scaling is just bad.
You come across as arrogant calling this a "design flaw". In reality you don't like some of the game design and that's fine. But not every game has to follow the same cookie cutter mechanics as every other game. That would be boring and to deviate from that is not a "flaw"...its just...different. Cope or move on.
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AgDev01 said:

If things are hitting you too hard get a bigger health bar, use one of the damage reduction talisman and take off the soreseals. There are tons of ways to mitigate damage in this game you just have to use them.

I figured there would be, though I'm playing without any guides so I haven't figured out a lot of them. I just figured 20+ vigor would be enough to at least be at two-shot territory, like with previous souls games.

I went with a dual wield blood build, so concentrated more on dex and endurance. Now that I'm at level 50 I'll start dumping more into vigor.
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The soft caps and point distribution can be quite different from prior games. For a melee build i like to be around 40 vigor by the time i get dome with south Caelid and i tend to go to 60 post capital, if i plan to cap my characters level at 150. Mind i usually go to around 90fp which gives me a decent amount of ash usage. Endurance i usually end up at 25 or so since its really just good for making sure im in medium roll.

The way i usually level is pump whatever stat i need to use the weapon i want, then go vigor to 25 then add levels to mind and endurance and finally alternate vigor and damage stats until i hit soft caps. The way i see it is that scaling is so poor when you havent leveled your weapon up that the damage increase from adding a point or 2 is hardly worth it. When i do finally level my damage stats my weapon is usually high enough to start taking advantage of it, and i already have my health cushion.

not sure what weapon you are using but you'll want to make sure to put some points into arcane for a blood build.
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So I beat Renalla's easy ass like a drum and working 50/50 on Caelid and the Capital as it's not clear which one really should be next. Ranni's questline made me believe it was Caelid, but Gideon is telling me to go to the Capital.

In either case. I did my revenge tour on tree sentinel and beat his ass. I didn't realize he had two brothers gatekeeping the capital to gangbang you. Finally got through that cluster, only to realize that they also have an abusive uncle who happens to be a Sithlord just up the road.
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Cromagnum said:

So I beat Renalla's easy ass like a drum and working 50/50 on Caelid and the Capital as it's not clear which one really should be next. Ranni's questline made me believe it was Caelid, but Gideon is telling me to go to the Capital.

In either case. I did my revenge tour on tree sentinel and beat his ass. I didn't realize he had two brothers gatekeeping the capital to gangbang you. Finally got through that cluster, only to realize that they also have an abusive uncle who happens to be a Sithlord just up the road.

Bend over and enjoy it!
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I will say. Of all the boss music so far, nothing tells you an ass beating is coming like the Tree Sentinel's music.
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