That happened to me on a couple of tries where he'll get to the very edge and just stop. I think the key is to hit him when he's walking back to towards the edge
TriumphForks said:
This is the best early game rune farm that I know about.... don't even have to fight anything.
FWIW the game does not force you to NG+ after killing the final boss. It gives you the choice.DallasTeleAg said:
Wow... the Godskin Duo in the Dragon Temple... **** those guys, lol.
However, after killing them, I just got a massive boost in DPS.
I wonder how many of the Dragon smithing stones there are in the game. I'd like to max out more than just one weapon. There are also still many areas I haven't been to, and I'm afraid of beating the game before going there. I'm assuming they are still ahead of where I am, but I would hate to happen into the main boss, beat it, and then not get to see the areas I missed. I know past games immediately ended upon beating the final bosses, making you immediately go to new game+.
No. You still have a whole other area to go through with multiple bosses.bbattbq01 said:
I beat the fire giant tonight, is that close to the end? I said not yet at the grace after the giant, thinking that might start end stuff… want to explore more first before end.
I've been doing the same... wanted to know how many actually took the time to kill some of these more optional bosses (Ranni questline, Fia, etc.) and where it seemed roadblocks popped up.DallasTeleAg said:
Triple post time!
Every time I get a new trophy, I love looking at what percentage of players have earned it. I'm very curious as to what percentage actually get to some of the later game achievements, and what percentage just rage quit the game.
I will say.... even over leveled, you need to still play very safe. That extra hit will always get you, in these games. Also, make sure you are varying your attack types, and not just spamming R2. The poise break mechanic in this game is extremely helpful. Also, debuffs like hemorrhage or frostbite are very powerful.Sq1dvm said:
Started about a week ago. About lvl 20 with Samurai, 1st souls game. Having a hard time not getting greedy and going for that extra hit that usually gets me smoked. Have been able to beat Magrit, but no one else substantial.
Honestly getting a bit frustrated and may farm some runes for an extra 10 levels or so.
DallasTeleAg said:
Wow... didn't even see the option for the secret medallion... wow...