Official Overwatch Thread

57,822 Views | 786 Replies | Last: 5 yr ago by Cromagnum
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I do just as well with Hanzo as I did before and I am by no means a top tier player.

Same here, add D Va as well, after the update she has been awesome to play with
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Everyone is playing DVa since the buff. I can't believe the already nerfed McCree again. Someone at Blizzard must play him a lot because he has been adjusted more than most chars.
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No way she's broken. A bit more damage, or (even better, imo) decrease the spread/falloff of her shotguns would be nice though.
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If you made D. Va a more solid DPS hero as well then she just becomes god tier
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Totally agree ... I arguing she was already too strong and makes taking the first point very easy, making Symettra useless.
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Yes, that's true.

But as someone who has spent way too much time playing her, I can wish.
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I generally agree, but it just seems there are a few heros that are completely useless right now. I think Symmetra is approaching that level. If the enemy team has a D.Va, rushing the first point is so ridiculously easy to take (of course it does take an ounce of coordination so that may be too much for some teams) making Symmetra useless.

D.Va is probably my favorite hero to play, but she is flat out broken right now. There is no discretion in when to use the defense matrix. I think putting the matrix on a two second cooldown would fix her perfectly.

I also think Hanzo is at that useless level. After they nerfed the hitbox sizes for projectiles, he went from situational to useless.

On another note, I am at level 16 on PC, so hopefully I can get to 25 this weekend. Feel free to add me: Uplift#11403. I got to rank 69 on console, so I want to see what I can get to on PC.

Added you.
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Literally just had the most toxic person on my team I have ever seen. My PC competitive experience had been relatively pleasant before that barring one bastion main. Sorry, Sal, I didn't voice chat back at the end because I was reporting him and I didn't realized I couldn't chat.
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Haha no worries man. That was definitely one of the worst I've encountered also. The chat on PC leads to more people being *****, but that due was straight vocal from the start. I don't get people like that.
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Nice patch today with Olympics stuff. The soccer brawl mode is pretty dang fun!
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I'm not super impressed with most of the new skins, but dang that McCree skin. Also wouldn't mind a Lucio soccer one.
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This is the first time I'm seeing these highlight intros too, they're pretty cool
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Like that McCree skin.
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Like that McCree skin.
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Tons of changes coming to competitive. I watched the dev stream on the opening screen and man that guy annoys me. Such a wussy generation we have they are so concerned about people "feeling bad" if they drop some rank.

Anyway looks like they are going to a 0-5000 scale with Tiers (bronze, silver, gold, etc). Once you get a tier you cannot drop lower than that tier (lame). No more overtime, which is great.

I think he is full of crap saying rank 60 is in top 6%. I'm 61 right now and no way I'm in the top 6% of players. Sorry I couldn't play with ya last night Nav but my daughter and son-in-law were on at the same time for the first time since launch so I was playing with them. My daughter started med school so she has been overwhelmed with the study load.
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I'm glad they're flattening/extending the skill rank curve. If rank 60 really is the top 6% then 88% of players would be between 40 and 60. You could easily progress through 30-40 skill percentiles in a single night which definitely isn't indicative of how your actual skill is changing. It should be a much slower process, which the tiered system will probably show better.

Regarding rank 60 being the top 6%, I guess there are just a lot of really bad players out there. I'm bouncing between 71-73 and I know there are quite a few flaws in my game, and those of the players around me. I do think at a certain point you start to become more self-aware and honest with yourself regarding your mistakes, which frankly a lot of players, especially those below 60, have a hard time doing.
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Having spent time playing the game with my cousin who is rank 38....


High thirties and low 40s have so many people. So so many people that are just the worst.

60 is top percentage. Before team comp hero limits, I played a game on defense on anubis. I played road hog. Three genjis. Two hanzos.

We won because I was unkillable, not because of great teamplay.
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Having spent time playing the game with my cousin who is rank 38....


High thirties and low 40s have so many people. So so many people that ate just the worst.

60 is top percentage. Before team comp hero minutes, I played a game on defense on anubis. I played road hog. Three genjis. Two hanzos.

We won because I was unkillable, not because of great teamplay.
Good point. Anytime I get gold dmg and/or elims as a tank you know the team is not very good. I've had 4-5 gold games with Dva and Winston(all good but healing of course) and that should not happen if you have damage classes that do damage.

On the other hand in some quickplay games I face people that just destroy me over and over. Especially with Genji or pharrah those seem to have very high skill ceilings.
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Be careful not to put too much focus on the damage medal, and elims are basically worthless since if you just touch a guy you can get credit for that.

It's much more important when you do damage, and who you damage. Let's say you're a DPS player defending the first point on King's Row. Defense has gone pretty well for a minute or so, but then you overextend and get picked off. The other team capitalizes on the 6v5, pushes in, and eventually takes the point. You have respawned and arrive back at the point as they're nearly done capping, but you're alone since you died first and the rest of your team is respawning. You use your ult, even get 2-3 kills, but you die. It doesn't matter, the other team has capped the point and has favorable spawns negating those kills, and now you have a staggered respawn and no ult to help defend. You've cost your team the first point and a lot of progress towards the second even though there's a very good chance you're the top player on your team in damage.

An average player in this situation thinks "my team is bad, they need me to do everything". A good player thinks "I shouldn't have overextended and definitely shouldn't have wasted my ult, I put my team in a very bad position".
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Be careful not to put too much focus on the damage medal, and elims are basically worthless since if you just touch a guy you can get credit for that.

It's much more important when you do damage, and who you damage. Let's say you're a DPS player defending the first point on King's Row. Defense has gone pretty well for a minute or so, but then you overextend and get picked off. The other team capitalizes on the 6v5, pushes in, and eventually takes the point. You have respawned and arrive back at the point as they're nearly done capping, but you're alone since you died first and the rest of your team is respawning. You use your ult, even get 2-3 kills, but you die. It doesn't matter, the other team has capped the point and has favorable spawns negating those kills, and now you have a staggered respawn and no ult to help defend. You've cost your team the first point and a lot of progress towards the second even though there's a very good chance you're the top player on your team in damage.

An average player in this situation thinks "my team is bad, they need me to do everything". A good player thinks "I shouldn't have overextended and definitely shouldn't have wasted my ult, I put my team in a very bad position".
Exactly! Drives me nuts when DPS overextend and die on defense.
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IMO there are two things to consider when it comes to rank 60 being top 6%. First, there are a ton of players who did their 10 placement games, were placed between 45--55 and had a horrible experience in the first couple of weeks and never played competitive again. I have noticed a lot of the better players in quickplay games that have less than 25 wins in competitive when looking at their player profile. Second, most people are really good at a single class, maybe 2 or 3. Season 1 had so much fluctuation with the new hero added and balancing changes, that some classes (like Widowmaker and Pharrah) went from always being on your team to never/rarely being on your team. Same with Mercy. A lot of players only want to play a couple of heroes and will never attempt to learn others.

Some of the other news they came out with are which classes they are looking at for balancing. They have said that they are trying to find a way to re-balance Mercy, Mei, Zenyatta and Genji. IMO damage is out of control right now because of discord orb. I don't know which way they will go with it (add a cooldown or duration limit vs reducing the damage multiplier from 50% down to say 30%) but something needs to change. Honestly, I freaking hate Genji, so they can't "re-balance" him soon enough IMO.
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There is nothing more strategically beautiful when defending than when your team can get the attackers' spawns scattered out so that they continue to attack 1-2 at a time.

I've cut back on playing if there aren't some people I can group up with. Playing on teams of 6 solo players is, in my opinion, why there is such a glut of 30-50 ranked players. No one thinks of group play.
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There is nothing more strategically beautiful when defending than when your team can get the attackers' spawns scattered out so that they continue to attack 1-2 at a time.

I've cut back on playing if there aren't some people I can group up with. Playing on teams of 6 solo players is, in my opinion, why there is such a glut of 30-50 ranked players. No one thinks of group play.
I disagree. With my current rank in the 60's in competitive I have had outstanding 6v6 with no premade groups as far as communication. Games almost always go to overtime and are pretty intense.

I play a ton of Zenyatta, love him. Discord orb is overpowered and his heal is underpowered. The balance I would like to see is drop discord orb to 35% and bump his heal from 30 hps to 45 hps or so. Maybe 40. 30 hps takes forever to heal a tank.
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I've been doing almost entire solo-queue as well. Definitely a lot of teamwork and communication at the higher ranks.
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You've both broken through the glut of casual players in the lower ranks to the more competitive level.

I played with my nephew (mid 70s rank) and his group of players were incredible.

Really, I just need to play a few more comp games to get there. At least that's what I'm telling myself. It can't be that I'm dragging the rest of the team down...
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Sorry I couldn't play with ya last night Nav but my daughter and son-in-law were on at the same time for the first time since launch so I was playing with them. My daughter started med school so she has been overwhelmed with the study load.

No worries.
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I solo grinded from 51 to 60, with a huge losing streak in the middle from playing with a group of uncoordinated friends. Even in the low 50's, I found the games to be much better when I played solo. Also, I changed my mindset from being the person that always played support, to the person that played the flex position. I feel like I can play a decent number of heroes at acceptable levels, but none of them at an extremely high level. I then adjust based on what the other team is doing. If they have a good Genji, I will get on Winston and make his life miserable, etc. Also, if you are playing solo, take it upon yourself to direct action in voice coms. More often then not, people will follow the lead of the person confident enough to speak up.
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New map announced:

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Current PTR patch notes. I love those changes to Genji ... but I can also admit that they may be a bit extreme. Stupid Genjis.

  • Ultimates that consume the ultimate meter when activated will now drain the meter more quickly (.25 second instead of 1 second)
  • Reverted a recent change to reduce size of heroes' projectiles

Developer Comments: Altering the size of projectiles in flight had too many unintended side effects to keep in the game, at least in its current form. We will continue watching this and make additional changes if necessary.

  • Defense Matrix
    • After being activated, Defense Matrix will begin regenerating following a 1-second delay (formerly .5 seconds)

Developer Comments: Defense Matrix was too efficient when tapped repeatedly, instead of being held. Now, the recovery delay matches the ability cooldown.

  • Hanzo will now experience a 30% decrease in speed while aiming (formerly 40%)
  • Maximum projectile speed has been increased by 30%

Developer Comments: Hanzo has the potential to deal a lot of damage, but he can feel really inconsistent, even at a medium distance. By increasing the projectile speed, we're extending his reliable range, making it easier to land shots without having to perfectly predict enemy movement.

  • Blizzard
    • The Blizzard projectile now pierces barriers
    • Radius has been increased from 8 meters to 10 meters

Developer Comments: Mei has an interesting toolkit, but her ultimate often felt like it was too difficult to use effectively. Consequently, it felt weak compared to many other ultimate abilities. The freeze effect has been piercing barriers for some time now, but the projectile would still be blocked. Now, you can throw it down exactly where you want it, so it's much easier to utilize the full radius effectively.

  • Deadeye
    • Now drains over a .25-second period (instead of displaying a 50% reduction on the ultimate meter when activated and 0% when confirmed)

Developer Comments: If players managed to counter or avoid McCree's ultimate, it would often regenerate very quickly since only half of the ultimate charge was spent. Now, this ultimate works like every other ultimate that has a duration.

  • Caduceus Staff
    • Healing Beam
    • Healing-per-second has been increased by 20%
  • Resurrect
    • Resurrected allies will be able to maneuver after 2.25 seconds (reduced from 3 seconds)

Developer Comments: Resurrection now allows teammates to jump back into the fight more quickly, which should help Mercy survive after activating her ultimate. Mercy's healing is also getting a boost to solidify her role as a strong, single-target healer.

  • Double jump no longer resets when wall climbing
  • Dash
    • No longer deals damage to traps like Widowmaker's Venom Mine or Junkrat's Steel Trap
    • No longer bypasses Junkrat's Steel Trap
  • Swift Strike
    • No longer interrupts quick melee attacks
  • Dragonblade
    • Duration of Genji's ultimate has been reduced from 8 seconds to 6 seconds

Developer Comments: Genji was a little too difficult to pin down, and these changes will balance his speed. Swift Strike no longer cancels the recovery time from a quick melee attack, so players will no longer be able to get a free melee attack before using Swift Strike. Lastly, Dragonblade's duration was long enough that it often felt too difficult to reasonably counter.

  • Amp It Up
    • The boosting of movement speed has been decreased by 30% (from a 100% increase to a 70% increase)

Developer Comments: Thanks to Lcio's speed increase, he was almost a must pick in every lineup.

  • Chain Hook
    • If the hooked target isn't in Roadhog's line of sight when retracting the hook, they will be moved back to the position where they were originally hooked

Developer Comments: This change means that hooked targets will be less likely to slide along walls, potentially ending up in an odd place after they've been reeled in.

  • Orb of Discord
    • The amount of damage amplified by a target with Orb of Discord has been decreased from 50% to 30%
  • Orb of Destruction
    • Damage has been increased from 40 to 46

Developer Comments: Zenyatta is in a far better place since the last update, but the strength of Orb of Discord has turned him into an almost mandatory pick. These changes reduce Orb of Discord's effectiveness, but his damage-dealing potential has been increased. The amount of damage that he delivers should feel largely unaffected by the change.
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I like those changes. I think the Genji changes are a little extreme too, he wasn't that OP with decent team coordination. I like the support changes a lot though, I feel like they'll finally all on equal footing if they wind up going through.

I'm not sure if y'all have been keeping up with the competitive scene, but the meta was getting really stale and this will help a ton.
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Oh thank good on the genji / junkrat tap change. Holy *****
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What are they changing about Junkrat?

ALso I would like to see Zen's healing orb bumped a bit. It is pretty dang slow.
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So now there will be 10x as many annoying ass Hanzos.
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What are they changing about Junkrat?

ALso I would like to see Zen's healing orb bumped a bit. It is pretty dang slow.
Genji can't dash through a Junkrat trap any more.
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So now there will be 10x as many annoying ass Hanzos.
Hanzo is pretty annoying. RIght when I get killed as a tracer or something by a Hanzo and think wow what I shot! I watch the replay and they are just spamming a spot with arrows and just got a lucky hit.
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