Official Overwatch Thread

58,990 Views | 786 Replies | Last: 5 yr ago by Cromagnum
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Yeah I agree it's really hard to carry the team by yourself unless you're just light-years ahead in skill from everyone else in the game.

And ouch. Reaper and no medals is pretty bad.

What do you guys think of new McCree?
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IMO the only players that can carry a team by themselves are the badass Tracer/Genji/Widow players. Those three classes have the damage potential to completely swing matches by themselves.

Played a competitive match last night on Kings Row. My team pushed the payload very quickly, only got wiped a single time and that was before we capped the point. On our defense turn, the other team had a single Genji player that did just enough to always relieve pressure so that they were able to push the payload across with no time to spare. Of course this means the game goes to sudden death (bull**** mechanic that makes me want to not play competitive any more) and we have to defend (I honestly can't remember the last time I didn't have to defend on the sudden death) and we lose because 2 tank, 2 healer + boosted Genji ult = team wipe no matter what comp you are playing.

If you are like me and primarily play tank/support/no aim required heroes, you will never be able to carry a game. Oh well.
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I played a game with him last night. If you can aim with his left click at medium-long range, he's super powerful. The big thing I'm unsure of right now is is it better to left click headshot after a stun or just go Fan the Hammer?
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I was watching my brother go absolutely bananas with him last night. The full damage at a medium distance is really what he was missing imo to make the changes that they wanted. It makes him a hero now that truly shines with skilled shooters but still has a few tricks up his sleeve for novices which is what the game is truly going after I think.
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He's certainly fun with his left click. And I think the consensus ever since the FTH nerf is that it's best to headshot with left click. FTH has almost disappeared completely at moderate to advanced levels of play it seems like
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IMO the only players that can carry a team by themselves are the badass Tracer/Genji/Widow players. Those three classes have the damage potential to completely swing matches by themselves.

Played a competitive match last night on Kings Row. My team pushed the payload very quickly, only got wiped a single time and that was before we capped the point. On our defense turn, the other team had a single Genji player that did just enough to always relieve pressure so that they were able to push the payload across with no time to spare. Of course this means the game goes to sudden death (bull**** mechanic that makes me want to not play competitive any more) and we have to defend (I honestly can't remember the last time I didn't have to defend on the sudden death) and we lose because 2 tank, 2 healer + boosted Genji ult = team wipe no matter what comp you are playing.

If you are like me and primarily play tank/support/no aim required heroes, you will never be able to carry a game. Oh well.

I've carried lots of games as Winston. Especially if the opponents are playing tons of junkrats, hanzos, genjis, and other squishy characters. Launch yourself into the middle of them, lay down shield, spray lightning, wait until almost dead, hit ultimate. I've gotten team wipes that way. Plus Winston is one of the few characters (Lucio being another) who can move the payload long distances all by himself.

D.EVA might honestly be in this class now too, with her massive buff.
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Yeah a good McCree can now go crazy. I guess the question is what was he designed to do. If you like him as a medium range alternative to Soldier, idk why you would ever pick soldier over him (assuming you are good at aiming).

I originally thought he was supposed to be an anti-flanker which he doesn't necessarily do very well imo.

One thing is for sure though, he absolutely wrecks Pharah now, which may be the source of my bias lol
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That's interesting. I haven't played Winston very often so I was never able to get a good handle on him when I did play him. I'd always jump in and get melted. Only time I've used him successfully is to harass snipers
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That's interesting. I haven't played Winston very often so I was never able to get a good handle on him when I did play him. I'd always jump in and get melted. Only time I've used him successfully is to harass snipers
The main thing is you have to be sneaky, and learn to get behind people so they don't see you. I've killed Rhineharts solo this way. I've taken out Torb AND his turret. The only character who is a total no go for Winston is Bastion. But he's a total no-go for most characters.

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Reapers shred Winston as well...the key with Winston is to jump in and drop shield while hammering everything with your laser, then jump out to heal or when your shield drops. Heal/rinse/repeat
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Yeah all these buffs to other characters have made Pharah much more difficult to run.

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The problem is that a lot of players think they're carrying when really their just on a good team. Or the try to carry when they're just not that good. Just play your role. If you're good, you'll advance. If you don't advance over time, then its you, its not everyone else.

You can have big swings because everyone is so clustered around 50, but honestly if you're stuck in the 40s then you're a 40s player. You're not a rank 60 player stuck at 40 because others are bad.
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Yeah all these buffs to other characters have made Pharah much more difficult to run.

Yeah have a much harder time with DVa and McCree as Pharah now. Especially a good McCree.
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Yeah all these buffs to other characters have made Pharah much more difficult to run.

Good. I couldn't stand the Pharah Mercy combo.
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IMO The two biggest keys to WINston are knowing that it isn't his role to be a super DPS Tank against a cluster of people. He can 1v1 against most champs very well with high base health, mobility, and an auto aim weapon (Roadhog & Reaper the exceptions). He also excels at taking down pesky people disrupting your backline. And his ult is great at initiating and being a monster distraction for the rest of your team to follow up and do the real DPS unhindered.

If you make a conscious effort to just protect people from tracer & genji and be a big angry displacing distraction with ult, then he is an excellent choice.
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Perfect explanation of effective Winston play. I would add that he teams very well with Zarya. It makes Winston even more durable and because he's always in the scrum, it helps her build energy. Winston's barrier absorbs 600 damage and lasts for 5 seconds, the jump pack is a 6 second cooldown, so you should be able to engage, shield, weave back and forth in your shield, then jump out right after the shield goes away.

Also, a Winston pro-tip, if you are getting support from a healer, you can use the jump pack to jump straight into the air, then find a person to land on. The jump pack does 50 damage and a small knock back when you land. It can be a great finisher against multiple clumped enemies.

Most of my friends that are really good Tracer players are also great Winston players. Oddly enough, their movement style is some what similar (blink in to initiate attack, blink out to escape after expending your magazine). Good Tracers know where all the health packs are, Winston players should also know where these are, as you can use the escape + health packs to sustain yourself away from the team for long periods of time.
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My biggest problem with Pharah is popping up into the air when I shouldn't be, and getting picked off. Have to give it a second of thought before lifting off like that. Depends on the maps I guess.

And Predmid I'll have to give Winston another shot with those tactics.

My favorite tank by far is Zarya. And I hate it when I pick her and the other tank switches to a different class. If played right, she's a lot of fun. You just have to know when to switch from being a back line fighter to front line.
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Something that became very apparently to me yesterday, D.Va is a complete monster against projectile based ultimates and explosions now. I had multiple graviton charges eaten by the D.Va defense matrix when playing competitive last night; and while playing D.Va, I mitigated multiple riptire and pulse bomb explosions. Before the buff, I never had the issue b/c she wasn't played much and the skill had a 10 sec cool down. So if you play a lot of Zarya, Junkrat, or Tracer, you should be aware of where the D.Va is when you use your ult.

D.Va is much stronger now and can fill both tanking and her traditional flanker role. The defense matrix has become one of the best skills in the game.
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And by mitigating the graviton surge, I mean she actually destroyed the projectile before it hit the ground and became active. I honestly don't recall that ever happening before this patch.
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Riptire explosion counts as a projectile? Didn't know that
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Take out her mech suit up close. It's obviously not an easy task but that's how to effectively counter her kit currently. Zarya's laser cant be blocked by it so use that to your advantage.
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I love phara and I've been trying really hard to get better with her. I turned my mouse sensitivity waaay down and anecdotally increase my direct hit percentage by about 10-15% per match from what I can tell. The other key is to go airborne at times the other team isn't in a position to fight back. If you can get behind their front line without being noticed, it can be incredible. Especially with ult, you are a sitting duck in the air when they can fight back before your first rocket can hit it's mark (looking at you new mcree & snipers).

Specific places would be on Temple of Anubis (attack or defending the first point).

On attack going through the "left" path to the room with the big health pack, Pharah and others can rocket out straight ahead instead of turning to the bridge through a high archway. 9/10 you can make it to their flank completely unnoticed and set up devastating flanks.

My other tip for phara would be using her displacing E well to disrupt the other team. Good example is when there's a Reinhardt blocking for a bastion. Hitting an E behind them will disrupt the shield long enough to get 3 good rockets on bastion which is enough to either kill him or force him to drop back from his position.
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Good points. That brings up another question. What mouse sensitivity do you guys prefer? I left the overwatch settings to default but I run 1200 DPI on my Logitech G600 series mouse. As I understand it the pros play at much lower DPI ~800 but it feels too slow for me. On heroes like Genji I often feel I need more than 1200
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I'd have to look it up but i have a button that auto-adjusts dpi between 3 settings. I think I have overwatch at like 13 or so. Play phara at the lowest setting, everyone else at a medium setting.
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Riptire explosion counts as a projectile? Didn't know that
As far as I can tell, the only damaging attacks her defense matrix won't absorb are: Zarya beam (she does absorb the alt. fire), Winston lightning, melee attacks, the Hanzo ult after the dragon appears; however, if Hanzo fires the dragon arrow directly into the defense matrix, it will be completely mitigated. I'm not sure if it absorbs Mei's primary fire or not.
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Meis primary doesn't necessarily count as a "projectile". Im pretty sure it works through the matrix as you cant deflect it with genji
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What about Symmetra? I would think both of her attacks should work considering the orbs pass through Reinhardt's shield.
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What about Symmetra? I would think both of her attacks should work considering the orbs pass through Reinhardt's shield.
Symmetra's left click is not a projectile so it gets through Matrix. I find it funny as heck when they try to matrix the Symmetra beam. I am not sure if the right click orb is blocked by matrix. This may be similar to Zarya where her beam is not blocked but energy grenades are blocked.

As mentioned Mei (left click), Winston, Zarya (left click) are also not projectiles. IMO Lucio's attack should not be considered a projectile either.

I'm almost certain that Mei's right click will be blocked.
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I think you're right, Mei's icicle should get blocked. I'm pretty sure Lucio's is too based solely on the fact that Genji can deflect it.

And yeah people trying to block Symmetra's beam is pretty funny.
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Symmetra beam is awesome, I just wish it was a hairlength longer to avoid Reinhardt's hammer.
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His reach is insane. Also something I only realized recently, the hitbox on the hammer is a rectangle, so if you're chasing someone and turn at an angle, you can hit them even though they're just out of range while facing them dead ahead. Unless ofc they patched this but I don't think I saw anything saying they did.
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Something that became very apparently to me yesterday, D.Va is a complete monster against projectile based ultimates and explosions now. I had multiple graviton charges eaten by the D.Va defense matrix when playing competitive last night; and while playing D.Va, I mitigated multiple riptire and pulse bomb explosions. Before the buff, I never had the issue b/c she wasn't played much and the skill had a 10 sec cool down. So if you play a lot of Zarya, Junkrat, or Tracer, you should be aware of where the D.Va is when you use your ult.

D.Va is much stronger now and can fill both tanking and her traditional flanker role. The defense matrix has become one of the best skills in the game.
I had a good Dva jump in and save 4 players from my Pharah ult last night. Much anguish, but a great play.
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Is shield really blocking explosion damage? Say I blow up junks tire in front of, is the shield stopping it? That should not be considered projectile.
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Got to 52. Alriiiight.
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I'm really digging the upgraded Kenyatta. Playing him most of the time lately.
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