Official Overwatch Thread

58,054 Views | 786 Replies | Last: 5 yr ago by Cromagnum
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If you play Xbox1, add me. agranger65.

I do zarya the best, but also good with lucio, 76, mia, and bastion in certain situations. Almost always do bastion just as a change up if we are losing, and there is no junkrat or genji.

I'm getting better at roadhog, reaper, Pharah.

I'm a terrible sniper.
I try sniper in quickplay sometimes and people get all pissed and tell me to DIAF I am so bad at it. Makes me laugh though how seriously some people take quickplay.

The key for me with reaper is to stay mobile jumping and moving in random movements with guns blazing and trying my best to land a head shot or two. Be willing to wraith out if it is not looking good, and you should always be flanking not really running with the Reinhardt pack. They are terrible at range but within 10 yards are so are a total knightmare. I usually teleport to some back tunnels, run up behind and kill lucio/mercy, then wraith back to my group with people chasing me who then get chewed up for getting out of position.

The only thing that gets me typically is a good sniper I didn't know about, a Bastion who I didn't know about, or pharrah with jump jets active.
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With reaper and tracer, the key is never to engage anyone who is engaging you. Wait until they are not looking at you, then attack. Move in, hit hard, move out.

With reaper, it is almost always advisable to save his wraith for for escape, unless you have a good death blossom possibility, but wraithing in for a blossom will draw attention, so you are likely going to waste your ultimate.

With tracer, don't get hit. Bounce around. A lot. She has three jumps, and the one reverse. If you use three of those and other players are engaging you, use the last one to run. Her ultimate recharges quickly. Use it often, especially on tanks and turrets.
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Good tips guys. I'll play around with it. Good Reaper and Tracer players are a pain in the rear to play against.
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Good tips guys. I'll play around with it. Good Reaper and Tracer players are a pain in the rear to play against.

Yeah, Tracer especially can be very disruptive in the hands of a skilled player.
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Most of my hours have been on console, and I'm still working to get to 25 on PC but would be interested in grouping up for QP or competitive once I get there. I hovered right around rank 50 on console. Hoping to better on PC.

BattleTag: Pigeon#11850
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After playing several matches this weekend with Mercy I decided I don't like to play her. She is so one dimensional and helpless I just get bored and frustrated. I much prefer Lucio personally.

I have similar feelings about Reinhart. Just kind of boring to play relative to Dva & Roadhog. I'm glad people are good and like to play Rein & Mercy but not for me!

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I actually like Mercy. She is super dependent on the team though. You just can't be effective if you have a team that sucks at keeping others off you. In that case you are much more self sufficient with Lucio. I can get into switching targets and between heal and damage. It can be pretty fun.
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aggressive mercy is op. people usually think you'll just stick to your tank and heal, but if your teammate is healthy enough whip your pistol out and chomp away at their health with headshots. I was having the same issue until I started to unlock her true kit potential. doing damage gives ultimate faster and if you utilize everything you are given (your dash is almost tracer like if you're with alot of teammates) you can carry a game
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her pistol does do good damage, but you're usually better off dmg boosting someone else, IMO. Given your team isn't ******ed. The gun is good for self defense though.
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Its more for reaper or a mccree or someone who can wipe out your buddy before they have a chance to do good damage to them. I usually use it for a clip then go back to heals or damage boost instead of reloading. You give a free ~100-200 damage sometimes and it helps you get your ult quicker so that if your teammate dies you can just rez if its an important situation.
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got to rank 50. feels like that's the right spot for me.
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Here's the new class:

I really like the idea of the single target crowd control. Should make dealing with good Roadhog and Mei players a bit easier.
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Here's the new class:

I really like the idea of the single target crowd control. Should make dealing with good Roadhog and Mei players a bit easier.
Interesting. So her ult is the power boost thing that she puts onto Reinhardt, it looks like the thing she shoots at the Widow is her alt fire (?), the thing she shoots at the Pharah is her regular fire (?) (these two could be backwards or they could just both be primary fire), the thing she shoots at the Roadhog is her E ability on PC and the thing she shoots at the McCree is her Left Shift.

She's a very different type of support so that should be interesting.
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Ana's primary weapon is her Biotic Rifle. The gun fires long-range darts that heal her allies and deal damage to her foes. She's also equipped with a Biotic Grenade. As seen in her debut gameplay video above, Ana's Biotic Grenade, like her rifle, heals teammates and damages enemies caught in its small area of effect. For a brief period, the grenade also boosts all incoming healing for allies and prevents enemies from being healed bad news for opposing Roadhog and Soldier: 76 players.

She'll also be armed with a Sleep Dart, which can knock enemies unconscious for a brief period. As seen in the above, expect many an ultimate ability to be summarily shut down by quick-thinking Ana players.

Ana's own ultimate, Nano Boost, sees her fire a dart at an ally and grant them faster movement, increased damage and improved resistance to incoming attacks.
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Yeah very interesting. The ZZZ mechanic makes me think that any damage will break the crowd control which is good. It will be tough for genji & Reaper to kill her though like they can the other snipers.

I won't be playing her much though I'm not very good with sniper mechanics.
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You can see her abilities in action here:
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It looks like the basic attack/heal is a small burst, then DoT/Hot. From the original preview, it was roughly 1/3 of Pharah's health, so probably around 75 burst heal, then a short duration HoT. The same thing happened when she shot the Widowmaker, took out a few blocks of health instantly.

It will be interesting to see if the projectile is a physical projectile or a hit scan item.
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Gotta be a scan hit, I think.
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So the sleep dart is another version of a flashbang?

Sure sounds like it, maybe a little more difficult to hit if it isn't AOE. Still weird that the most asked for nerf (flashbang) just got a cousin.
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Flashbang is an AOE that lasts what, 2 seconds? It's range is also very short. Sleep dart is a single target CC for 5 seconds that breaks on damage.

I don't think McCree's flash was what people were complaining about with him, it was the damage his fan the hammer/roll/fan the hammer combo was doing.

Also, here's the "Hero Balancing" portion of the current PTR patch notes. I think the DVa and Zenyatta buffs sounds solid:


  • Self-healing abilities now charge ultimate abilities. As a result, some heroes' ultimate costs have been adjusted (see below).


  • Configuration: Tank

    • Ultimate cost increased by 10%

  • Defense Matrix

    • Cooldown decreased from 10 seconds to 1 second
    • A new resource meter has been added. This meter will deplete while Defense Matrix is active and then recharge when it's not in use.

      • Defense Matrix takes 10 seconds to reach full charge from empty
      • At a full charge, Defense Matrix will last for 4 seconds
      • Defense Matrix will now remain active as long as its assigned hotkey is held
    • Defense Matrix has been reclassified as an alternate fire and is now bound to RMB (by default)

      • An option to "Toggle Defense Matrix" has been added under Options > Controls > D.Va
  • Self-Destruct

    • Ultimate cost decreased by 15%
    • Explosion delay reduced from 4 seconds to 3 seconds
    • Explosion no longer damages D.Va (the player who activates it)

Developer Notes: D.Va isn't being selected as often as our other tanks, and we feel a lot of that stems from the underperformance of her damage absorption abilities. So, we've reconfigured her Defensive Matrix, making it more flexible and giving players the ability to use it more often. We've also given Self-Destruct a little more oomph, because it felt slightly underwhelming when compared to many of Overwatch's other ultimate abilities.

  • Sound Barrier

    • Ultimate cost increased by 10%


  • Peacekeeper

    • Now maintains full damage at longer distances, but will deal less damage at extreme ranges

Developer Notes: While the game does feel better following the nerf to McCree's close-range damage in a previous patch, it left him a little too weak. So, we're increasing his effective distance, making his range similar to Soldier: 76's. This should hopefully give players another option for dealing with pesky long-range damage dealing heroes like Pharah and Hanzo.

  • Caduceus Staff

    • Damage Boost

      • Bonus damage increased from 30% to 50%
      • Effect will no longer stacks with bonus damage provided by another Mercy
  • Resurrect

    • Ultimate charge cost increased by 30%
    • Movement is no longer prevented during activation
    • Guardian Angel instantly resets upon use

Developer Notes: Mercy's ultimate is one of the most powerful abilities in the game; however, players would often fly into the fray and die while using it. With this update, Resurrect will now take a bit longer to charge, but Mercy will be a lot safer when activating the ability in the middle of combat. In addition, we always intended Mercy's Damage Boost beam to be her primary method for dealing damage, but it often felt so weak that you were better off pulling out your blaster. To help address this, we've slightly increased its potency.

  • Whole Hog

    • Ultimate cost increased by 45%

Soldier: 76

  • Heavy Pulse Rifle

    • Spread recovery will begin after a short delay (rather than instantly)
  • Tactical Visor

    • Ultimate cost increased by 10%


  • Base shields increased by 50 (now 50 Health/150 Shield)
  • Orb of Discord and Orb of Harmony

    • Projectile speed has been increased from 30 to 120
  • Transcendence

    • Movement speed is now doubled upon activation
    • Healing amount increased from 200 to 300 health per second

Developer Notes: While Zenyatta has never had the healing abilities of Lcio or Mercy, he made up for it by dealing more damage. However, his lack of mobility and low health has meant he's struggled to find a place in many games. To increase his effectiveness, we've made several changes, the biggest of which is an increased shield pool. This will allow him to go head-to-head with more enemies. The Orb of Harmony and Discord changes are also a quality of life change, helping Zenyatta move his orbs around and apply their effects more quickly. And lastly, we've increased Transcendence's healing throughput. This ultimate was designed to be the most effective against sustained, high-damage fire and least effective against short, high-damage bursts (like D.Va's or Junkrat's ultimates). But, due to the amount of healing it provided, there were times when it was possible for even sustained fire to overcome Transcendence's output. We've made the heal powerful and also allowed Zenyatta to move around more quickly while it's active.

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A little help to McCree. Good idea since the nerf really hurt.

Boo on the Roadhog change. I guess with the ultimate change on healing, it had to be done.

Not sure about the Mercy changes, will have to try.

They appear to be pushing Zenyatta as a support with his changes and with the changes to the other healers.

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They made d va's matrix another Reinhardt shield. The explosion reduction was needed, I've noticed how the first few weeks it was devastating. But then everyone realized you could easily avoid it and had a lot of time to prepare.

They can't see to figure out where to put mcree, I don't think in 76's area is correct. Should be more short/med range. His flashbang is only used in short distances and his roll gets him out of those bad situations.
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Interested to see if there is a charge on Ana's rifle like WM. Would think that a sleep bomb, headshot combo would be a little too overpowering. Also wondering the buff rates on the nano bomb.
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I do like the new DVa changes.
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my lawd that D. Va buff. now I can go back to beasting with her again
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1) That anti-healing grenade is going to be very tough on Mercy / tank combos. rolling with Mercy / Roadhog at the front of the pack just got a lot more dangerous. It will put him back where he was designed to be, just behind the front line, pulling opponents into the fray for execution.

2) That mercy damage boost is really huge. If you stack it with a Zenyatta, who looks a bit better now, look out.

3) The boosts to Zenyatta are significant. Having most of his health as shields makes him more durable, and having his ult speed up a lot gives him an escape. He should be much easier to keep alive.

In general, it seems like they want more teams with more than one support player. Imagine some of the support player combos now

Ana/Mercy Imagine 76 with a Mercy boost and an Ana nanobot. His ult would wipe out another team instantly.

Ana / Lucio - Lucio just flies around the fight, keeping the healing up, but ana focuses on critically injured. Should increase durability of the team significantly. In addition, if Ana is in position to put a players ult to sleep, would give lucio time to break it down, too.

Mercy / zenyatta - orb of discord, orb of healing, mercy boost + any character with decent distance = dead tank

Ana / Zenyatta - Together with one other character, these two could really wreck any tank quickly.
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Wow so many huge changes, wonder how far off the patch is? I am excited about both Zenyatta & Dva changes.

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I believe it's playable in the "Development" Region or whatever it's called so I would think the patch is imminent.
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Just finished placements matches on PC. Sucked pretty hard core. Ranked 44. Anyone around there playing tonight?
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Just started my placement matches. Man it's rough.
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I'm about 48 or so. Add me on pc and I'd be glad to join up.
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Just got ranked 54. SIGMA13 on Xbox One.
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That sleep attack lasts a long time. That's going to be annoying, I always hate getting stunned by Reinhardt
hot dog
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Hey late to this thread! I play on PC yall should hit me up! This new character Ana looks dope! I basically only play Mercy so I could see my self switching things up
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