i finally fought Swan ... For those of you that have fought him ... We're you a little underwhelmed by the encounter? Level 14 and I took him down with about 10 shots maybe.
Yea he really wasn't too bad. I fought him really early in the game before I had legit weapons and still took him down without dying due to buffs
I sniped him 4 times with a pipe bolt action .308 drop a mini nuke on him as he started moving my way, then pumped some .45 rounds from combat rifle. Only playing on Hard difficulty, not survival or anything, no chems, no even really using the terrain.
Only thing I can think of is that my .308 is silenced and I was in sneak mode, so I was still in "Caution" when he moved toward me and I popped him with the Fat Man ... I may have gotten a stealth modifier for the Fat Man.. possibly? That all brought him down pretty low then the combat rifle worked wonders.
Oddly enough ... I had heard about him, but I really ended up stumbling upon him while look for the Railroad (probably pretty common) so it wasn't like I was out to get him, just kind of happened.