Cool, for some odd reason I didn't even think to look there.
According to PS online help:
Auto Photoshop analyzes the source images and applies either a Perspective or Cylindrical layout, depending on which produces a better photomerge.
Perspective Creates a consistent composition by designating one of the source images (by default, the middle image) as the reference image. The other images are then transformed (repositioned, stretched or skewed as necessary) so that overlapping content across layers is matched.
Cylindrical Reduces the “bow‑tie” distortion that can occur with the Perspective layout by displaying individual images as on an unfolded cylinder. Overlapping content across layers is still matched. The reference image is placed at the center. Best suited for creating wide panoramas.
I was looking at the sunset/boat picture on your website and had a few questions. Did you filter in post? Why were you shooting at ISO 1600?
quote:Over the past week I kept my eyes out for a good layers tutorial, but most were pretty pedestrian. The main tip I remember is "White reveals. Black conceals." Beyond that, I have a tablet so I can "paint" on my masks, but even without one I use a few tricks, if you want to call them that.
Can you elaborate on editing the layer masks pre-flattening?