gbaby23 said:
Tramp96 said:
gbaby23 said:
Tramp96 said:
gbaby23 said:
Tramp96 said:
gbaby23 said:
Vivek? The guy who just tweeted that White Americans have a bad culture?
He never used the term white Americans anywhere in that tweet.
If you have to resort to lying about what he actually said, maybe you should sit this out and go learn about how to have honest debates and not lie and put words in peoples mouths they did not say.
Ironically, your post is an indictment on what is wrong with our current culture. What you just did is exactly what he's railing against. Dishonesty and laziness.
You should not call me a liar flippantly when I already explained this in previous post. I am right about this issue and you are the mark being placated by a con man.
You assert he's talking about "white culture" even though he never says that.
Tell me this. Has American culture always been this lazy and uneducated and unhealthy? No it has not. So what has changed? Do we suddenly have more whites now than ever before? No we do not. But have we changed our educational system and our minimum expectations over the past 50 years to accommodate low-performing groups? Yes we have.
So it's no white culture, it's American culture that has changed. And what has caused that change? A desire for "social justice" and "racial equality" to "serve" certain minority groups.
So yes, you inserting the words "white culture" was a blatant and lazy lie on your part.
American culture is white culture.
No, it's not. That's my point. In 2024 American culture is NOT white culture.
Again, answer my question. What has changed in the last 50+ years?? More whites? Read the census results. Nit the case percentage wise.
So is American culture has change, but the percentage of whites has gone down, how can you possibly sit there and assert that "American culture is white culture"?????
Again, you are either a liar or incredibly ignorant and uneducated. I was trying to be nice and accuse you of the former. The latter seems worse to me.
Yes, the culture created by Americans and instilled in this nation that we hope to assimilate all immigrants into is white culture. This country has ALWAYS been a supermajority white, of which it still is. American culture is white culture. And we built the best culture and society on Earth.
I would agree with that our culture has degraded the less white this country has become.
Regardless, we still have more than enough workers to fill the tech industry. You're getting duped by an Indian con man. I hope your children (if you have them) hide your phone and computer when you get older.

So, you hate the Indian guy who is a self-made billionaire by inserting "white" into the comment he made so you can make your point, even though that wasn't the point he was making at all.
Look at Japanese and Chinese cultures. They are industrious and hard-working. And highly educated. Way more educated than we are right now.
Newsflash Sparky: we have to CHANGE our current culture, our educational system, and our minimum expectations if we have any hope of keeping our current way of life.
Continuing with the status quo is not going to do it. That's the definition of insanity.
I think Vivek knows better than you what is lacking and what is needed. By the way, he was born in OHIO, so if you are going to accuse him of favoring importing Indians because he's partial to Indians, then you are missing the point entirely.
But you hate his words because he is brown and has a non-Anglo name. I suggest you put your racism aside and listen to what he is saying. We have to get back to our early 20th century expectations of both education and work culture. Period.