Amazing to me that, in the 21st Century, these drones cannot be detected and tracked.
they can be
Amazing how many Americans will just sit back and believe that nobody in our government has a clue what these things are and we're just allowing them to race around the sky above our houses. My bet is they're our drones. They're testing us out to see how much we are willing to give them.
A lot of people on this site refuse to think critically and instead resort to the closest "what are they hiding from us?" conspiratorial thinking if they can't easily understand what is happening.
Amazing to me that, in the 21st Century, these drones cannot be detected and tracked.
they can be
Amazing how many Americans will just sit back and believe that nobody in our government has a clue what these things are and we're just allowing them to race around the sky above our houses. My bet is they're our drones. They're testing us out to see how much we are willing to give them.
A lot of people on this site refuse to think critically and instead resort to the closest "what are they hiding from us?" conspiratorial thinking if they can't easily understand what is happening.
They're sucking the power away like vampires. That's why they don't need to recharge.
"Dying". So your very common and easily jammable commercial comms protocol reported a dead battery when your airframe got jammed out of the sky, got it.
Kind of like the swellpro and dji drones all magically lose signal and RTH when you get to close to most NASs trying to fish.
Someone earlier said that they fly DJI all the time and their battery wasn't dead, it just wasn't allowed to fly because of FAA rules, or being too close to something.
Someone earlier said that they fly DJI all the time and their battery wasn't dead, it just wasn't allowed to fly because of FAA rules, or being too close to something.
I heard the size of a "hood of a car", which isn't really that insane in terms of the end-to-end length and width a drove could be. People keep thinking these droves are the actual size of cars.
People are terrible at estimating sizes of things even in clear weather and daylight. I'm not surprised at the variance in sizes reported for these things, whatever they are.
yes .. see plane sightings on 9/11 in Manhattan.. no accuracy...
They may have been deemed not a threat at this point, and they don't want to shoot them down. Far more likely explanation is that they're govt operated( or a contractor).
I dont think the video is the firing something, I think it's likely a lazer or some variety being hit by vapor or dust and creating the effect. Just doesn't look right, but I could be wrong.
Im curious what frequency they're operating on, and how autonomous they are. I can pretty well guarantee the .gov has that information.
The vast majority of videos we are seeing coming out from locals are airplanes. One guy posted a picture of a Cessna private jet. He got community corrected but good Lord the number of gullible people out there is not surprising but still sad.
The vast majority of videos we are seeing coming out from locals are airplanes. One guy posted a picture of a Cessna private jet. He got community corrected but good Lord the number of gullible people out there is not surprising but still sad.
So you are telling me they are spewing chem trails?!?!? /sarcasm
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
People are terrible eyewitnesses. I have a pilot's license and always been an aviation buff, I've farmed and thus been outdoors all my life, I have a telescope and am interested in stars and planets.
I've never seen anything I couldn't explain.
99.9999% of this is hoax, hysteria, and mis-identifying normal flight operations.
People are terrible eyewitnesses. I have a pilot's license and always been an aviation buff, I've farmed and thus been outdoors all my life, I have a telescope and am interested in stars and planets.
I've never seen anything I couldn't explain.
99.9999% of this is hoax, hysteria, and mis-identifying normal flight operations.
How could they be normal flight operations if the people on the ground have not observed it before?
People are terrible eyewitnesses. I have a pilot's license and always been an aviation buff, I've farmed and thus been outdoors all my life, I have a telescope and am interested in stars and planets.
I've never seen anything I couldn't explain.
99.9999% of this is hoax, hysteria, and mis-identifying normal flight operations.
How could they be normal flight operations if the people on the ground have not observed it before?
People don't pay attention. Now that it's a hysteria, everyone is paying attention
Even if the govt shot one down, we'll never know their findings. They'll immediately wisk it away to area 51 or something and all we'll be left with is speculative netflix documentaries in a couple of years.
People are terrible eyewitnesses. I have a pilot's license and always been an aviation buff, I've farmed and thus been outdoors all my life, I have a telescope and am interested in stars and planets.
I've never seen anything I couldn't explain.
99.9999% of this is hoax, hysteria, and mis-identifying normal flight operations.
How could they be normal flight operations if the people on the ground have not observed it before?
Because the first witnesses were really seeing these:
New moveable wing design that is nothing like any other drone, takes off vertically from ships or bases, around the size of a small car, and has FAA navigation lights. The early videos show drones that look a lot like these. The company has been doing prototype testing for a while now.
Unfortunately, now that the hysteria has kicked into high gear and every person with a cell phone is taking videos of normal commercial aircraft, the early reports have been largely forgotten.
I am retired and cannot by law give legal advice on specific legal questions for individuals. My only advice would be to contavt a currently practicing lawyer within that field.
People are terrible eyewitnesses. I have a pilot's license and always been an aviation buff, I've farmed and thus been outdoors all my life, I have a telescope and am interested in stars and planets.
I've never seen anything I couldn't explain.
99.9999% of this is hoax, hysteria, and mis-identifying normal flight operations.
there are a TON of Air Force and Navy pilots, even on active service that go on record discussing things they cannot explain that they have seen.
one of my best friends, the only other Jewish guy in my OCS class was a DC ANG Gulfstream pilot for a decade and tells stories about UAV he would see that were completely unexplainable