Harris agrees to FoxNews interview

7,252 Views | 89 Replies | Last: 14 hrs ago by P.H. Dexippus
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Bret Baier will immediately call Arizona for Kamala in the interview.
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Houston Lee said:

I think Harris is going to do better in the interview than you think. I think the audience for this interview will be huge. She has done a lot of interviews lately and made some key mistakes. But, as with anything, the more you do of something, the better you get at it. She did all the softball interviews and knows that she has to do something in the big leagues and face tough questions.

I don't think her performance will change any minds. But, I bet she does Ok.

I fully expect the National media to tout her interview as a big win (no matter how she actually does) and you can bet they are going to sing her praises.

It's a bold move on her part.
My gut tells me she will do ok since Baier isn't going to doggedly follow up on her evasive non-response answers.

No matter how well she performs, she's still got a huge likeability problem. She does not have a charismatic personality. She looks uncomfortable, almost frightened when giving interviews. Her voice is annoying. She isn't going to overcome the fact that she is an empty suit, lightweight, insincere, vacuous POTUS candidate that can only clumsily spout talking points.

I've been saying for several years that Trump's negative numbers were too large for him to win again. But Harris is such a weak candidate that he may pull it off anyway.
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A shame its Baier. Of their news people, I'd have rather it been a woman like Martha McCallum or Bream so they couldn't use the misogyny excuse if Bret tosses her some curve balls or presses her. i imagine most of her answers will be shots at Trump rather than her own stances.

They need to treat her the way Stephanopolos, Raddatz, Muir or any of those clowns treat Trump and Vance. Hostile and argumentative. Despite the heavy editing from CBS, that interviewer on 60 Minutes actually pressed her for answers. Bret needs to be at least that tough if not tougher but somehow I doubt he will be.

I also wonder under what conditions she agreed to do this with Fox.
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sam callahan said:

He needs to ask her, "You've had more access to President Biden than anyone else. When did you start noticing his mental and why didn't you raised concerns earlier?"
Not "why didn't you raise concerns earlier" but "why you never raised concerns AT ALL." She never raised anything.

Also, ask her directly "Were you appointed the border czar by Joe Biden, that countless news outlets reported at the time, and do you think you did a good job?"

These better be direct questions demanding direct answers. Of course Bret is part of the establishment so I'm sure it will be mostly softballs, maybe one or two legit questions that then are heavily edited.
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I wonder if Fox agreed to let her wear her "special" pearl earrings.
Deputy Travis Junior
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You might be right, but you don't have to be much of a journalist to push back when you receive a lecture on Canadian lawn care habits in the 70s in response to a question on inflation reduction plans in 2025 and beyond.

I don't expect him to crush her, but Kamala is a bad interviewer to start, and exacerbating that, she's decided that her best strategy is to shovel fluff and stay away from substance no matter how patently ridiculous it sounds (see my lawn care example that even had Oprah making a WTF face). The only requirement to demolish that approach when practiced by somebody with her background and record is to not be wildly partisan. That is, at long at you're not a Democrat mouthpiece who's actively trying to hide her myriad weaknesses while claiming to practice journalism, you're going to make her look bad to awful.

I think Bret is up to that at least. Even the 60 minutes interview was bad; I expect this to be worse.
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No Spin Ag said:

This is about as desperate as it gets. Her team must be seeing numbers even worse than the public is if she's going on Fox.

Does anyone know the last time, if ever, that she's been on Fox? I don't remember ever going on there.

Right here.

Their internal polling numbers must be atrocious.

There's no way they agree to a Fox interview unless they are on a sinkng ship
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4 said:

No Spin Ag said:

This is about as desperate as it gets. Her team must be seeing numbers even worse than the public is if she's going on Fox.

Does anyone know the last time, if ever, that she's been on Fox? I don't remember ever going on there.

Right here.

Their internal polling numbers must be atrocious.

There's no way they agree to a Fox interview unless they are on a sinkng ship
They had no intention of ever going on Fox News or any other conservative outlet. This was all going to be softball interviews and canned answers to an adoring audience.

The public opinion of her, one that she needs to counter, is that she is a lightweight and afraid to face difficult questions. This is an attempt to counter the perception and at least stop the bleeding while time remains to put a tourniquet on it.

Baier is the closest thing we have out there now to the concept of fair play in broadcast journalism. He is going to ask her difficult questions. But unlike Raddatz, Muir and the other imbeciles, he is going to give her a chance to fully answer them without interruption or an attempt to play "gotcha" with the candidate.

People don't want to hear the interviewer; they are there to hear the candidate and figure them out.

Baier gets it. It will be a good interview as it will prove once and for all that Kamala doesn't have what it takes to be POTUS.
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ABATTBQ87 said:

Wow, she must be desperate to be willing to be interviewed on FoxNews

VP Kamala Harris to sit down with chief political anchor Bret Baier for first formal Fox News interview

Trump not gonna be happy about this. He's livid they interview any Dems at all.
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Anecdotally, once again Mark Halperin cannot find many Kamala supporters in his digital waiting room this morning. He finally found one guy who said he was voting for her but only because he always voted Democrat and didn't actually support her. Dislikes her even.

The first two women he called on were undecideds who are now leaning Trump.
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"She'll never..." She agrees.

"Yeah but but but I bet it'll be totally fake and a setup and it's all a lie anyway!"

F16 doing F16 things.

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ABATTBQ87 said:

Rip*91 said:

Baier will not push her hard enough. He will let her off the hook when she starts the bull**** lying.

Let that ***** sit down with Hannity or Jesse if you want to see her squirm.

Gutfeld for the win
Or Tyrus.
Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787
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4 said:

No Spin Ag said:

This is about as desperate as it gets. Her team must be seeing numbers even worse than the public is if she's going on Fox.

Does anyone know the last time, if ever, that she's been on Fox? I don't remember ever going on there.

Right here.

Their internal polling numbers must be atrocious.

There's no way they agree to a Fox interview unless they are on a sinkng ship

"I'm sure that won't make a bit of difference for those of you who enjoy a baseless rage over the decisions of a few teenagers."
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Ag87H2O said:

Agree on Brett Baier. He won't be persistent enough with Harris. Kamala would never agree to Hannity or Gutfield. Shannon Bream would be a pretty good choice I think. She's fair but tough, and a woman interviewer couldn't get accused of being a bully.
She's more pleasant to look at than Brett too.
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Just an Ag
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I don't trust Fox News in this situation ....
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StandUpforAmerica said:

Then arrange to do it live, Bret.
FrioAg 00
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Bret is as liberal as they come. Pure RINO.

Knew him pretty well from 16-20 when I lived in DC, probably met him two dozen times.

Kamala choosing Bret is no accident.
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Just an Ag said:

I don't trust Fox News in this situation ....

Why not?
"I'm sure that won't make a bit of difference for those of you who enjoy a baseless rage over the decisions of a few teenagers."
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StandUpforAmerica said:

He may not but others at Fox will
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Logos Stick said:

Bret is an insider and member of the UniParty.
Yeah Bret won't make it difficult. He'll bail her out as well.
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P.U.T.U said:

StandUpforAmerica said:

He may not but others at Fox will

Even if true, which I doubt it is, how well has she done with the questions in advance?
"I'm sure that won't make a bit of difference for those of you who enjoy a baseless rage over the decisions of a few teenagers."
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So it's still okay? She did a lot better than she would have if she didn't get the questions
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Jinx said:

"She'll never..." She agrees.

"Yeah but but but I bet it'll be totally fake and a setup and it's all a lie anyway!"

F16 doing F16 things.

She's not doing this because she wants the interview.

She's doing it because she needs to do the interview.

The observations made on this board regarding Harris have been based in fact. This is the first time in either her or Biden's national campaign that either Democrat POTUS candidate agreed to an interview on a conservative or right-of-center media outlet of any kind.

We are less than 30 days away from the national election. Unlike Trump, the Harris Campaign has run like cowards from anyone who would force them off the teleprompter or away from answers that do not sound like something from a website's FAQ page.

The fact they are finally doing this is a straight-up tell their internals are in free-fall.

The fact you choose to whine about F16 instead of acknowledge this basic truth says more about you than F16.

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Tree Hugger
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If only they would do it live and take calls. I bet "DJ from Florida" would be on the list
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I'd like for him to ask her when Biden quit being a racist as she called him in the 2016 primary.
"America is a nation that can be defined in a single word:

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StandUpforAmerica said:

That commentary right there is how you get out in front of a narrative. Run TO the truth. Breaking down Bret's X post (are they still Tweets?)... His relatively concise commentary indicates he isn't dodging.

there were no preconditions to get the interview. -- Straightforward answer
No one has the questions ahead of time except me. -- Says he's writing his own questions and no one, not even producers or management have them
No topic is off the table.
And if there is any editing -it will be very minimal for timing and will be editorially the same question and answer- we are pre taping the interview right before my live show Wednesday in Pa. -- If it's not live it has to fit into a timeslot. From the "right before" it sounds like he isn't going to leave time for extensive edits. Presumeing a 1 hr show, that's 45-48 min of run time (with commercials) and maybe another 2-4 minutes on each side? So a 35 minute interview

Will he be the best interviewer? Ehhh... Probably not. Will be be good enough? Sure. The people watching are smart enough to know when she doesn't answer a question. I don't need an interviewer to press someone repeatedly that's dodging a question. I know a non-answer when I hear one.
Jack Squat 83
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Has Fox already agreed to release the full transcript, after the fact?

Plus, if I'm Brett I wouldn't puff out my chest about her agreeing to HIM doing the interview. The choice says a whole lot about how he is viewed.

This is a HUGE test for Fox News and their future viewership IMO. They've lost a bunch of us over time. It's a hell of an opportunity to gain some trust, just by being tough and honest w no shenanigans.
Pretty sure most of you don’t know me.
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Agreed, I'd almost be embarrassed if KAMala agreed to an interview with me. He is the swampiest person at Fox News other than maybe Juan Williams or Geraldo Rivera, but meh, I don't expect much. And it's not the questions that matter so much as the (lack of) follow ups.

Bream, Watters, or Gutfield would be much better interviewers, if 'she' wanted to show any courage at all.

For reference, Obama and Cankles both did the 'o'reilly factor' back in the day.
Just an Ag
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Claverack said:

Baier is the closest thing we have out there now to the concept of fair play in broadcast journalism. He is going to ask her difficult questions. But unlike Raddatz, Muir and the other imbeciles, he is going to give her a chance to fully answer them without interruption or an attempt to play "gotcha" with the candidate.

People don't want to hear the interviewer; they are there to hear the candidate and figure them out.

Baier gets it. It will be a good interview as it will prove once and for all that Kamala doesn't have what it takes to be POTUS.

So the DNC candidate is to be treated with fairness and respect and given a full opportunity to provide her answer, and we should respect this process? Meanwhile, the opposition media aggressively disparages Trump with misleading half-truths and outright falsehoods. Fox News cannot undo that with a "fair" interview of Kamala. The process would be better served if Fox did nothing. My fear is B. Bair will bend over backwards to show how "fair" he is. I don't trust this ...
sam callahan
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Has anybody articulated what the upside is for her?

How does this desperation move have a payoff?

Her friendly interviews are disastrous. Even her biggest fans cringe at them.

A Hail Mary takes a QB that can throw 50 yards.

I see zero upside for her.
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