Muh Polls

821,216 Views | 5744 Replies | Last: 3 mo ago by ts5641
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Barnyard96 said:

Rockdoc said:

Like it or not, the R's need to take a page out of the dems playbook and fight fire with fire. It's the only way for Trump to win.

I disagree. The antics of the dems have unified the R's. Stay on the high road, get the message out, and hire an army of poll watchers.

Just remember, the dems are pros at this. Not so much the R's.
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nortex97 said:

Barnyard96 said:

Old McDonald said:

right now it's looking like GA, NV, AZ will flip to trump. razor thin margins in WI, MI, and PA. if biden carries the latter three, there's a world in which he wins 270-268. would be even closer than bush's win over gore

Theres also a 269-269 scenario with Omaha in play
Sure, in theory. But in reality Michigan and Wisconsin are close, but not Pennsylvania. And Wisconsin is thrown off by an outlier poll from early May from Quinipiac showing Biden up 6. 538 has Trump up more there.

And Trump leads in all of them. If his VP selection pulls in more black males, it's over for the Democrats, imho.
Those numbers are nowhere near big enough to overcome any rigging/cheating. Trump would have to win by double digits to have a chance. And even if he does actually lead by double digits, the polls won't show that. The polls will continue to show a close race, narrowing to a tie at election day so when Biden squeaks out an improbable win, they can say "see, the polls were right!"
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Yup, this guy gets it.

The 2020 cheating was close to perfected. There isn't the cover of Covid to boost mail in ballot strategy.
I predict the level of cheat this November is going to make liberals blush. It'll be an in your face steal this time, and those spineless, God-less scum will just shrug their shoulders and say "should've outdone us".
If you're still holding on to these polls as an indication that the swamp will allow Trump to win again, well, good luck. You're more gullible than you'll ever know.
...take it easy on me, I'm a normal horn
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It is the weirdest thing.

The people who spent the last 1-2 years screaming that we must nominate Trump and attacking anyone who disagreed, are now the same people saying 24/7 Trump has no chance because "muh fraud."

As I said many times, all they wanted is to ride the Trump train one more time, knowing Trump would lose. Blaming fraud is just the convenient excuse to cover up the fact that Trump was far from the best candidate running.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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I'm holding my nose and voting for him.

But, him being a flawed candidate and talk of Dems cheating this fall aren't mutually exclusive. They can both exist/occur at the same time, and they most definitely will.
...take it easy on me, I'm a normal horn
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Rockdoc said:

I understand why people may hate Trump, but I can't understand the mental gymnastics it must take to want to vote for Biden. Have a little pride and hope for your country.
Who is voting for the Veggy besides real Marxist?

We are just frustrated we are not running the best candidate on our side. Biden is terrible and anyone should beat that idiot by 15 points minimum. This thing shouldn't be close but it is, so frustrating.

This election about those voting For Trump, against Trump, and against Biden. Many of us here are not voting for Trump but AGAINST Biden.

And Yes I think any real conservative ought to vote against Biden no matter how much they dislike Trump. this election is critical in the very near term direction of this country. Trump maybe an ass but he will uphold the traditions and institutions of the country. As we have seen the Democrats seek to gut those same institutions and weaponize the gov against any domestic opposition.
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ttu_85 said:

Rockdoc said:

I understand why people may hate Trump, but I can't understand the mental gymnastics it must take to want to vote for Biden. Have a little pride and hope for your country.

We are just frustrated we are not running the best candidate on our side. Biden is terrible and anyone should beat that idiot by 15 points minimum. This thing shouldn't be close but it is, so frustrating.

This election about those voting For Trump, against Trump, and against Biden. Many of us here are not voting for Trump but AGAINST Biden.

This is me, now. Never voted for a liberal before, but will pull the R lever for lib Trump. At least he's not a devout progressive marxist like Biden. Biden is THAT bad that I'm throwing away my principles to get it done.

Also, hoping that down ballot does really well for Rs. That way if Trump wins, they can rein him in, where needed. If he loses, they can rein in Biden/Newsome/Obama as much as possible.
oh no
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ttu_85 said:

Who is voting for the Veggy besides real Marxist?

1. lazy government-dependent welfare state people (and now 50% of American's are so poor they don't pay taxes that fund government) would typically be expected to vote for the socialist party. poor people voting for free stuff is why dems offer free stuff, raise taxes, talk about nationalizing or federalizing everything (i.e. socialism) because government will solve everyone's problems for them. These people won't know or care that the free stuff socialist party has been commandeered by a Marxist regime. They still want free stuff and will vote for Veggy.

2. ^the above sector has historically been tough to motivate to GOTV, but with mass-mailed ballots, no ability to trace mailed ballots to registered voters, and well-funded harvesting operations getting them to apply for absentee voting for them, filling out and returning ballots for them, etc. it is a game-changer as all the mailed-in ballots somehow vote for Veggy.

3. importing millions and millions of illegal aliens from over 180 countries by allowing the "I'm poor and want free stuff" excuse to now count as a valid asylum claim means this sector will continue to grow rapidly as the regime not only impoverishes more people with inflation-inducing overspending and tax hikes, but also imports impoverished people while making efforts to enable them to vote. They already can vote in some places like DC. They will of course vote for Veggy as free stuff is what they came for.

4. real Marxists who love the intentional destruction of America that Obama and Biden regimes have been conducting would obviously vote for Veggy.

5. single issue voters consumed by the notion that crushing baby skulls with a pair of forceps, extracting them from the womb, and tossing them in the trash can as soon it's confirmed the heart stopped beating is "healthcare" and a "right" would vote for Veggy.

6. since 95% of mainstream media and all of Hollywood are controlled or heavily influenced by communists and the regime, most of social media mentality has brainwashed/programmed people actually believing Pravda's propaganda that those opposed to the marxist regime, anti-communists who want smaller government and lower taxes, are actually "extremist", "racist", "domestic terrorists", "threats to our democracy(tm)", etc. and would blindly and stupidly vote for Veggy.
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Fool me once….
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everyone should try to ensure Robert Kennedy is on as many state ballots as possible!

that will draw the anti-Biden people who can't stomach Trump.

I sent in two signatures to their Maryland HQ in Annapolis.
oh no
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BigRobSA said:

Never voted for a liberal before, but will pull the R lever for lib Trump.
Trump didn't spend like a lib until the global pandemic in the last year of his presidency. I don't not like Trump because he's a "lib" as you often say on this forum. The reasons I don't like him are because he's a blustering narcissist and isn't very presidential and statesmanlike with his words, but conversely, it goes both ways as at least he has some candor and openness with the people and he's not a career swamp creature playing their corrupt political games. I also don't like that he didn't drain the swamp last time as look now what the swamp is doing to him. Anyway, unless they kill him, there's two choices - the Marxist and the anti-communist. Easy choice. We have to be willing to pull the lever and trust Trump won't spend like a lib again and he'll do some real swamp draining this time.
Mark Stoops
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Trump didn't spend like a lib until the global pandemic in the last year of his presidency.

I may or may not vote Trump after this conviction nonsense, but this is objectively false. Trump's spending was right in line with his predecessors well before the pandemic hit. Federal outlays increased from $3.85T in 2016 to $4.45T in 2019.

Trump does not care about spending, people really have to stop trying to will that into reality because it's uncomfortable for them. He cares so little about it he doesn't even pay it lip service. On the contrary, in typical Trumpian fashion, he literally bragged about the size of his COVID spending package. But like I said, you don't even need the pandemic. His spending was just as out of control as everyone before him since day 1. The man comes from real estate for God's sake, his entire life has been leverage.
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Mark Stoops said:


Trump didn't spend like a lib until the global pandemic in the last year of his presidency.

I may or may not vote Trump after this conviction nonsense, but this is objectively false. Trump's spending was right in line with his predecessors well before the pandemic hit.

Trump does not care about spending, people really have to stop trying to will that into reality. He cares so little about it he doesn't even pay it lip service. On the contrary, in typical Trumpian fashion, he literally bragged about the size of his COVID spending package. But like I said, you don't even need the pandemic. His spending was just as out of control as everyone before him since day 1.
I agree. Trump was pushing the FED hard to lower rates even further, potentially into negative territory to stimulate more short term spending by businesses and consumers, but pushing overall debt loads up and setting the state for inflation. Of course Biden poured gasoline on the fire that Trump started, launching the inflation we've seen in his term.

I like Trump's emphasis on reducing taxes and regulation, but he's liberal as hell with spending. It's all about today and forget tomorrow. Not a surprise for someone who went bankrupt.
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oh no said:

BigRobSA said:

Never voted for a liberal before, but will pull the R lever for lib Trump.
Trump didn't spend like a lib until the global pandemic in the last year of his presidency. I don't not like Trump because he's a "lib" as you often say on this forum. The reasons I don't like him are because he's a blustering narcissist and isn't very presidential and statesmanlike with his words, but conversely, it goes both ways as at least he has some candor and openness with the people and he's not a career swamp creature playing their corrupt political games. I also don't like that he didn't drain the swamp last time as look now what the swamp is doing to him. Anyway, unless they kill him, there's two choices - the Marxist and the anti-communist. Easy choice. We have to be willing to pull the lever and trust Trump won't spend like a lib again and he'll do some real swamp draining this time.

Yes, he did. He outspent Obama, but in only 4. He turned it to 11 in '20, with a horrible COVID response, for sure.

All your other reasons are accurate, though.

As bad as Trump was, fiscally...overall, Biden is magnitudes worse.

Another thing that made me change...the lawfare. Trump definitely steps on his own dick a lot, but none of it is illegal to anyone with an IQ above their shoe size. Beat him fair or square. Stand on principles, or don't run. But, we're talking about progressives, so...
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who's gonna be the one that tells him that he is no longer Black? Does Joe do it personally or send a courier?
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Not looking good for Biden in Fox polls and they usually favor Dems. I'll link Arizona, Nevada, Virginia. They have more im sure
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2023NCAggies said:

Not looking good for Biden in Fox polls and they usually favor Dems. I'll link Arizona, Nevada, Virginia. They have more im sure

Fox polls usually favor Dems?
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SwigAg11 said:

2023NCAggies said:

Not looking good for Biden in Fox polls and they usually favor Dems. I'll link Arizona, Nevada, Virginia. They have more im sure

Fox polls usually favor Dems?

Yes. For like the past 10 year's. And their polls actually favor them damn near the most out of all polls.
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It gets viewers stirred up
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SwigAg11 said:

2023NCAggies said:

Not looking good for Biden in Fox polls and they usually favor Dems. I'll link Arizona, Nevada, Virginia. They have more im sure

Fox polls usually favor Dems?

Their polling is usually pretty good but more often than not polls more for Dems than the TealClear average.

Also the real clear average typically undercounts Trump support.
oh no
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Sorry anecdotal; not polls. Maybe the motivation for left coast elites to fund the harvesting operations has waned a bit.

Why I'm Backing President Trump

As many press accounts have reported, I'm hosting a fundraising event for President Donald J. Trump at my home in San Francisco this evening.

Over the last couple of years, I have hosted events for presidential candidates Ron DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., as well as several Congressional figures in both major parties. I give to many, but endorse few.

But today I am giving my endorsement to our 45th President, Donald J. Trump, to be our 47th President. My reasons rest on four main issues that I think are vital to American prosperity, security, and stability issues where the Biden administration has veered badly off course and where I believe President Trump can lead us back.

1. The Economy

President Biden took over an economy that was already recovering strongly from the Covid-induced shock of Q2 2020. Demand had roared back, and employment had recovered. But he chose to keep priming the pump with unnecessary Covid stimulus almost $2 trillion of it, passed on a straight party-line vote in March of 2021, with trillions more to follow for "infrastructure," green energy, and "inflation reduction."

Biden did this despite early warnings from former Clinton Treasury Secretary Larry Summers that it could lead to inflation. When the inflation came, the Biden administration dismissed it as "transitory." In fact, inflation still remains persistently high even after the fastest interest-rate tightening cycle in memory.

As a result of Biden's inflation, average Americans have lost roughly a fifth of their purchasing power over the last few years. Moreover, any American who needs a mortgage, car loan, or credit card debt faces much higher interest costs, which further constrain their purchasing power.

It's no different for our federal government, which now must devote over a trillion dollars annually to interest on its $34 trillion debt, a massive sum that's been growing by a trillion dollars every hundred days. This trajectory is unsustainable, yet Biden's 2025 budget calls for even higher spending.

Growth has already slowed from 3.4 percent in the last quarter of 2023 to an anemic 1.3 percent in the first quarter of this year. We can't afford another four years of Bidenomics.

2. Foreign Policy / Ukraine War

President Trump left office with ISIS defeated, the Abraham Accords signed, and no new wars raging on the global stage. Three and a half years later, the world is on fire. President Biden has made several strategic choices that have contributed to this situation.

In his first year in office, Biden unnecessarily alienated the Saudis before realizing that they are an indispensable partner in the Middle East. He also presided over a chaotic withdrawal of our troops from Afghanistan (right policy, abysmal execution).

But his biggest blunder by far has been in Ukraine. His administration immediately began pushing for Ukraine's admission to NATO, despite no unanimity among the existing NATO members that such a move was a good idea. When this predictably antagonized the Russians, the Biden administration doubled down at every turn, insisting that "NATO's door is open, and will remain open" with respect to Ukraine. Biden himself baited Russia when he said he didn't "accept anybody's red lines."

After the invasion, there was still a chance to stop the war in its early weeks before much loss of life and destruction had occurred. Russian and Ukrainian negotiators had signed a draft agreement in Istanbul that would have seen Russia retreat to its pre-invasion borders in exchange for Ukrainian neutrality. But the Biden administration rejected that deal as well as General Milley's advice to seek a diplomatic solution in November 2022.

As the war of attrition grinds on, the Ukrainians face ever-mounting casualties and infrastructure damage. Still, President Biden keeps allowing the conflict to escalate and risk World War III. Every escalation that Biden initially resisted Abrams tanks, F-16's, ATACMs, allowing Ukraine to hit targets in Russia he has eventually acquiesced to. There is just one more escalation to go: NATO troops on the ground fighting Russia directly. And our European allies like Emmanuel Macron are already spoiling for exactly this scenario.

With Biden, our choices are limited to fighting the proxy war to the last Ukrainian, or fighting Russia ourselves. President Trump has said he wants the dying in Ukraine to stop, and that he will seek to end the war through a negotiated settlement. Ukraine will no longer be able to get the deal we talked them out of in April 2022, but we can still save Ukraine as an independent nation and avert world war.

3. The Border

As an immigrant to the United States myself, I certainly believe in America's history of strengthening its ranks by welcoming talented people from other nations seeking freedom and opportunity. But that promise requires an orderly process of legal immigration that emphasizes skills and the principles of American citizenship. This was the preferred policy under President Trump.

What Biden ushered in was a de facto open border policy. On his first day in office, he repealed President Trump's executive orders restricting illegal immigration and stopped construction of a border wall, selling off parts of it for scrap metal. This quickly resulted in a massive spike in illegal border crossings and a chaotic and dangerous situation on our southern border.

President Biden (along with the hapless Kamala Harris and the malevolent Homeland Security Chief Alejandro Mayorkas) responded to growing concerns by gaslighting the American public, saying there was no problem at the border despite constant videos of masses of people sprinting across it.

When the situation became too dire to ignore or deny, Biden claimed he didn't have the executive authority to do anything about it and blamed Republicans for not sending him legislation. But this week, facing abysmal polling numbers on this issue, Biden suddenly discovered he has executive authority after all. The order he signed is a tepid, too little-too late effort to slow the tidal wave of illegal immigration in time for the election. But Biden has shown he is not serious on this issue. If he wins a second term, the open border policy will resume, and tens of millions more illegals will stream across the border.

4. Lawfare

A bedrock of the political stability we've enjoyed in America over the last 250 years is that we don't accept attempts to jail political opponents in order to win an election. Yet Biden has pushed for selective and unprecedented prosecutions of his once and future opponent from the moment he assumed office.

Merrick Garland took a long look at the January 6 situation and didn't see a path to prosecute Trump, even after a one-sided Congressional committee sent a highly-prejudiced referral to his Justice Department. Press stories then appeared describing Biden's frustration with Garland's reticence. The result was Jack Smith at the federal level and Alvin Bragg and Fani Willis at the state level. All have pursued cases based on novel legal theories heretofore unseen and designed to get Trump. In the NY case, Bragg resurrected a dead book-keeping misdemeanor into 34 felonies by claiming it was in the service of a second crime that he never defined and that the judge never insisted the jury unanimously agree on.

My immigration to this country as a young boy happened because my parents disagreed with the political system of their home country. That government sought to solve its political disagreements by imprisoning its political enemies. What a sad irony that the lawfare we escaped has now reared its ugly head in America of all places.

President Biden keeps insisting that a return of President Trump to the White House threatens democracy. But his administration is the one that has colluded with tech platforms to censor the Internet, used the intelligence community to cover up his son Hunter's laptop, and pursued elective prosecutions against his political opponents.

Conclusion: The A/B Test

The voters have experienced four years of President Trump and four years of President Biden. In tech, we call this an A/B test. With respect to economic policy, foreign policy, border policy, and legal fairness, Trump performed better. He is the President who deserves a second term.
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Clyburn; muh, polls are just wrong. Blacks love Biden.

Clyburn deserves…a lot of scorn imho.
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Clyburn deserves…a lot of scorn imho.
He sounds like your typical Texags poster.

Polls are wrong. They don't know what they are doing. I don't answer my land line. None of my friends are voting for him. My anecdotal evidence says you are wrong.

I can only think that selective prosecution from a bias DA can only help Trump with black voters. No question.

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These types of narratives are extremely important…more people listening and fewer people willing to accept the "results" of another sham election…

The more he leads in polling averages, and the further he leads beyond the MOE, and now with more and more vocal support from folks who swing a big stick, the harder it will be to steal this one…
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They know where and how they cheat. I hope they spend this war chest on resources (bodies) to combat that on election day.
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agsalaska said:


Clyburn deserves…a lot of scorn imho.
He sounds like your typical Texags poster.

Polls are wrong. They don't know what they are doing. I don't answer my land line. None of my friends are voting for him. My anecdotal evidence says you are wrong.

I can only think that selective prosecution from a bias DA can only help Trump with black voters. No question.

"I can't believe Nixon won. I don't know anyone who voted for him."
- Pauline Kael, New Yorker film critic, 1972.
Trump will fix it.
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1. The Economy
Some hyperbole here, as expected. The current President invariably gets more credit for good times, and more blame for bad times, than is actually deserved.

Nevertheless, it is not tenable to dispute that Biden's Orwellian "inflation Reduction Act" contributed to inflation.

As for the national debt, no serious person believes that a reversal is possible, absent a global catastrophe akin to WWIII. Trump may want to drive the car off the cliff at 40 MPH rather than 55 MPH, but in the end, wgas???

Paul Krugman asserts that it doesn't matter if we have a debt:GDP ratio of 150-200%, and at this point we better hope he is right, because it is going to happen regardless. The election has nothing to do with this.

2. Foreign Policy / Ukraine War
The worst argument Trump supporters have. Yes, Zelensky and his government are corrupt as hell, but they are fighting for their existence as a nation against an adversary who considers Belarus, Ukraine, and the Baltic Republics as his country's property.

Rooting for the orcs is profoundly dumb.

Nonetheless, to my surprise, Trump performed far better on foreign policy than expected and the current situation (a perpetual WWI scenario where kids from both sides keep getting fed to the meat grinder) is hardly optimal.

3. The Border

4. Lawfare

Conclusion: The A/B Test

The voters have experienced four years of President Trump and four years of President Biden. Trump performed better. He is the President who deserves a second term.
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In regards to foreign policy, the argument is wars have started under Biden.
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Barnyard96 said:

In regards to foreign policy, the argument is wars have started under Biden.
That is being overly generous, the actual reasons are far more persuasive:
1. Afghanistan botched withdrawal that resulted in 13 deaths of US servicemen/women that shouldn't have happened. Adding in the billions of military tech handed over to the taliban that China was able to access and learn important military intel off of.
2. Ukraine war: No clear objective for victory. Ukraine is losing even by "holding" on they are on pace to lose enough of their people that they will at best be in a position to need mass immigration to survive post war. Biden urged for no peace deals early on
3. Israel vs Hamas. Biden has shown he is beholden to the fringe left and their pro-Palestine nonsense. Most Americans are not as sympathetic to people who rape women to death and kill babies.

Bonus one that just shows clear political military ineptitude:
Draining of the oil reserves to lower gas prices.

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Just dropped a one liner.
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How do you all believe these polls? Trump is only +4 in now deep red Fl, but up 5 in NV and AZ. Fool's gold.
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Trump +4 in Florida definitely raises eyebrows.
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