January 6th hoax

30,999 Views | 379 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by nortex97
Beast of Burden
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GeorgiAg said:

Beast of Burden said:

AggiePops said:

There is indeed a hoax here. Presented by Tucker Carlson. If you watched even a good portion of the live coverage aired widely during the event, including switching between the networks to see if there were different perspectives or views, you'd know that. Yes, there were many peaceful folks who had no other motivation in being there for the demonstration. Live coverage showed them. There were also hundreds who stormed the Capitol, sending lawmakers from both Parties in both House and Senate into hiding. Peace's Secret Service detail hustled him and his wife and daughter, who were there, into the safest hide hole they could find without leaving the building. In the early days after Jan.6 even Republican lawmakers who later changed their stories so as to not piss off their voters gave interviews where they denounced the rioters and called it an attempted insurrection.

Are you aware that Carlson was sued for defamation a while back and was exonerated, with FOX's lawyers arguing his opinion commentary was not meant as serious journalism and no realistic person would be expected to take what he said at face value? Are you aware that it has also come out in Court in the Dominion lawsuit that Murdoch himself testified under oath that FOX opinion commentators were aware there was no major fraud in the election but they all argued to maintain that line to keep from alienating viewers who might then switch to competing conservative outlets that continued to tell people what they wanted to hear? Evidence? FOX's own internal texts and emails, presented in Court, between all of them saying they needed to promote the lies to retain viewers.

Presumably few here spent much, if any time watching the Jan.6 hearings. They presented a mountain of evidence, both sworn testimony, much from Republicans with close ties to the Administration as well as several within it, and video from numerous sources - including the rioters- that verified that several hundred of the more extreme people gathered were anything but peaceful. Scores of Capitol Police were injured. That doesn't happen from peaceful tours. Some were censured while others were fired for being complicit with rioters… no doubt where some of the 'peaceful tour' footage came in.

Carlson cherry picked bits of calm, peaceful footage, which no one argues would be available in the whole, and presented that as being the primary atmosphere of the event. Accurate portrayal? Hell no, just more misdirection to play to his viewers.

Immediately discredits the video (apparently can't use his own eyes) because Carlson "cherry picked it" then turns around and praises the J6 committee.

I love this post so much.
Showing the media clips of Hinckley and the aftermath of shooting Reagan as opposed to this image of him standing peacefully behind the rope with police officers is not "cherry picking." He committed a crime.


Showing images/footage of some nut job trespassing at the Capitol on the day (and at the time) when Congress is supposed to perform its Constitutional duty to count Electoral votes is not "cherry picking." The whole premise of Tucker Carlson's clips is ridiculous. He had no right to be there and he wasn't there for sightseeing. He used a bullhorn to incite people to unlawfully enter the Capitol, entered the Senate Chamber and wrote a note to Pence that, "It's Only A Matter of Time. Justice Is Coming!" His flagpole had a sharpened knife on the end of it. He refused to leave when asked. Although he was not violent and did not shoot or stab anyone, he still committed crimes. He admitted the crimes and was sentenced.

I can't believe this thread has come this far, but here were are, 8+ pages deep, acting like this moron didn't do anything wrong.

Is this a serious post? Honest question.

Also, after reading your last sentence I'm once again in awe that you are a practicing attorney. The point and spirit of this thread is apparently well over your head which I find absolutely amazing.
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Shooting a president = police escort to an empty congress chamber.
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GeorgiAg said:

Beast of Burden said:

AggiePops said:

There is indeed a hoax here. Presented by Tucker Carlson. If you watched even a good portion of the live coverage aired widely during the event, including switching between the networks to see if there were different perspectives or views, you'd know that. Yes, there were many peaceful folks who had no other motivation in being there for the demonstration. Live coverage showed them. There were also hundreds who stormed the Capitol, sending lawmakers from both Parties in both House and Senate into hiding. Peace's Secret Service detail hustled him and his wife and daughter, who were there, into the safest hide hole they could find without leaving the building. In the early days after Jan.6 even Republican lawmakers who later changed their stories so as to not piss off their voters gave interviews where they denounced the rioters and called it an attempted insurrection.

Are you aware that Carlson was sued for defamation a while back and was exonerated, with FOX's lawyers arguing his opinion commentary was not meant as serious journalism and no realistic person would be expected to take what he said at face value? Are you aware that it has also come out in Court in the Dominion lawsuit that Murdoch himself testified under oath that FOX opinion commentators were aware there was no major fraud in the election but they all argued to maintain that line to keep from alienating viewers who might then switch to competing conservative outlets that continued to tell people what they wanted to hear? Evidence? FOX's own internal texts and emails, presented in Court, between all of them saying they needed to promote the lies to retain viewers.

Presumably few here spent much, if any time watching the Jan.6 hearings. They presented a mountain of evidence, both sworn testimony, much from Republicans with close ties to the Administration as well as several within it, and video from numerous sources - including the rioters- that verified that several hundred of the more extreme people gathered were anything but peaceful. Scores of Capitol Police were injured. That doesn't happen from peaceful tours. Some were censured while others were fired for being complicit with rioters… no doubt where some of the 'peaceful tour' footage came in.

Carlson cherry picked bits of calm, peaceful footage, which no one argues would be available in the whole, and presented that as being the primary atmosphere of the event. Accurate portrayal? Hell no, just more misdirection to play to his viewers.

Immediately discredits the video (apparently can't use his own eyes) because Carlson "cherry picked it" then turns around and praises the J6 committee.

I love this post so much.
Showing the media clips of Hinckley and the aftermath of shooting Reagan as opposed to this image of him standing peacefully behind the rope with police officers is not "cherry picking." He committed a crime.


Showing images/footage of some nut job trespassing at the Capitol on the day (and at the time) when Congress is supposed to perform its Constitutional duty to count Electoral votes is not "cherry picking." The whole premise of Tucker Carlson's clips is ridiculous. He had no right to be there and he wasn't there for sightseeing. He used a bullhorn to incite people to unlawfully enter the Capitol, entered the Senate Chamber and wrote a note to Pence that, "It's Only A Matter of Time. Justice Is Coming!" His flagpole had a sharpened knife on the end of it. He refused to leave when asked. Although he was not violent and did not shoot or stab anyone, he still committed crimes. He admitted the crimes and was sentenced.

I can't believe this thread has come this far, but here were are, 8+ pages deep, acting like this moron didn't do anything wrong.
The funny thing to me is you are showing the image of him standing in the House Chamber but clearly didn't watch Tucker because he finally had the audio of how the Shaman dude literally said a prayer thanking the Capitol Police for letting them in to the building and sympathizing with what they were standing for.
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

Ronald Reagan
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GeorgiAg said:

Ellis Wyatt said:


I can't believe this thread has come this far, but here were are, 8+ pages deep, acting like this moron didn't do anything wrong.
Is trespassing normally punished with 4 years in prison?
I'm not aware of many cases of trespassing in the Senate Chamber with a knife on the end of a flagpole. I guess that's the seminal case.

I don't think we'll have another case like this. But if you tried it without a crowd of hundreds/thousands behind you, you'd be shot.
Interesting you've decided to come out of the closet as an ardent Dem-CCP apologist on this thread.

What parallels are there to footage of the shaman and Hinckley that led you to post that diatribe? Where did you get it from? Who did the shaman guy hurt? Who was scared of his 'knife on a flagpole?'

And, more significantly; HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT RAY EPPS not being charged with any such incitement? Why should this footage not have been released until…Tucker Carlson got it from Andrew McCarthy? Why does the narrative of this dangerous violence matter so much, that it be preserved? Wasn't a senator once beaten on the senate floor? Didn't Maxine Waters encourage people to 'get in the faces' of politicians who disagree with her?

A lot of questions you won't answer, I know.
Legal Custodian
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Do you think the most likely scenario in all of this is the following:

  • Trump didn't incite
  • Protestors overwhelmed the police presence (not purposefully but cops didn't know how to handle thousands of people and backed off allowing protestors access)
  • Protestors got into the Capitol building and then really didn't know what to do so just wandered around. Took some stuff they shouldn't have, took pictures, etc. Some might have got aggressive, including police officers.
  • Democrats and Liberal Media used this and spun it as the worst thing to ever happen to a civilized society since the holocaust taking advantage of the bad optics

It wasn't a riot, it wasn't a set up, it wasn't staged. It was just people caught up in the "mob mentality" that didn't have ill intentions but found themselves involved with something that got way out of hand. Then the opponents of Trump and republicans took advantage and spun their narrative to make it look way worse than it actually was.

That seems like a logical stance on it all and Occam's razor would point that is probably what happened.
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This has never sat well with me. That type of extortion towards a defense attorney on their well established right to discovery of all of the evidence, inculpatory and exculpatory, violates both the spirit and the letter of the SCOTUS decisions on the subject.

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What about Ray Epps, and the other very clear FBI undercover agents involvement? If it was all just an innocent got out of hand event thats one thing. If it was orchestrated by our intelligence agency that is another. The left is desperate to take down Trump. They spied on Trump. Made a fake dossier on Trump. That is why I attribute more malicious motives than taking advantage of an innocent event.
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Lol. You voted for Biden. How's that working out for the country?

You do not understand, this is all by design. THEY HATE AMERICA.
McKinney Ag69
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IndividualFreedom said:


Lol. You voted for Biden. How's that working out for the country?

You do not understand, this is all by design. THEY HATE AMERICA.
They hate what America stands for. Individuality, self determination, freedom etc. They hate people they can't control. Why do you think there is such a push to strip people of their identity and ability to resist at an early age?

Drugs flooding the country, pushing kids to get "gender affirmation" surgery, the LGBT agenda, drag shows in front of kids, and the destruction of the family are all tools used by the left to make people weak, lose their Judaeo Christian roots and unable to push back against having their freedoms stolen.
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aggiehawg said:

This has never sat well with me. That type of extortion towards a defense attorney on their well established right to discovery of all of the evidence, inculpatory and exculpatory, violates both the spirit and the letter of the SCOTUS decisions on the subject.

I read this as they had to agree not to disclose it publicly but they were given access to it.
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Legal Custodian said:

Do you think the most likely scenario in all of this is the following:

  • Trump didn't incite
  • Protestors overwhelmed the police presence (not purposefully but cops didn't know how to handle thousands of people and backed off allowing protestors access)
  • Protestors got into the Capitol building and then really didn't know what to do so just wandered around. Took some stuff they shouldn't have, took pictures, etc. Some might have got aggressive, including police officers.
  • Democrats and Liberal Media used this and spun it as the worst thing to ever happen to a civilized society since the holocaust taking advantage of the bad optics

It wasn't a riot, it wasn't a set up, it wasn't staged. It was just people caught up in the "mob mentality" that didn't have ill intentions but found themselves involved with something that got way out of hand. Then the opponents of Trump and republicans took advantage and spun their narrative to make it look way worse than it actually was.

That seems like a logical stance on it all and Occam's razor would point that is probably what happened.
To this day, I can't get a single democrat to tell me specifically what Trump said to incite violence.
Other than asking people to protest peacefully and go home.

I don't buy the Occam's razor part, because within an hour of Trump's speech on Jan 6th, it was taken off every tech platform. Only the Dems claiming he had incited violence was given coverage.
Ray Epps adds to the mystery. There is video of him from the day before saying "we should enter Congress, and people vehemently saying No." And yet there he is, a free man.

This was a setup right from the start

Add to this the co-ordinated, this was an insurrection bull****, doesn't do the democrats any favors. Riot? Absolutely. Entering congress illegally? Sure.

Insurrection - LOL.
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zoneag said:

Translation: "I prefer the cherry picked video clips that my MSM/DNC masters feed me because they support my worldview of orange man bad and I refuse to look at anything that contradicts my preferred narrative"
The Jan.6 hearings showed several hours, as well as interviews of many people in the Capitol at the time. Even the coward Republicans you guys kowtow to were denouncing it right afterward though they later pretended they didn't say those things. The purpose of the hearings was to show the insurrection so obviously they focused on that. Duh. They showed more than enough to portray the morons who clashed with Capitol Police. The Captain of the CP has released a letter denouncing the bits Carlson released, saying it totally misrepresents what happened. Funny that so many rip people for getting info from mainstream media considering FOX and other conservative media are even more biased and one-sided. FOX has admitted under oath in Court to intentionally feeding misinformation to you and perpetuating lies.
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from the Cambridge dictionary:

noun [url=https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/help/codes.html][ C or U ][/url]


/n.sek.n/ UK


an organized attempt by a group of people to defeat their government and take control of their country, usually by violence:

YOUR USE OF THE WORD (by this dictionary) is just flat wrong.

one of the lies that Carlson was pointing out.
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To this day, I can't get a single democrat to tell me specifically what Trump said to incite violence.

Other than asking people to protest peacefully and go home.

If you ask an academic you will get talking points. If you ask a mouth breather you will get hem-hawing.

Jan. 6 is nothing more than judicial hypocrisy and enemy propaganda. If writing a fiction novel or were writing a movie script, I would have the protagonist using actual weapons and attrition Jan. 6 to describe how weak our govt. actually is.
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AggiePops said:

zoneag said:

Translation: "I prefer the cherry picked video clips that my MSM/DNC masters feed me because they support my worldview of orange man bad and I refuse to look at anything that contradicts my preferred narrative"
The Jan.6 hearings showed several hours, as well as interviews of many people in the Capitol at the time. Even the coward Republicans you guys kowtow to were denouncing it right afterward though they later pretended they didn't say those things. The purpose of the hearings was to show the insurrection so obviously they focused on that. Duh. They showed more than enough to portray the morons who clashed with Capitol Police. The Captain of the CP has released a letter denouncing the bits Carlson released, saying it totally misrepresents what happened. Funny that so many rip people for getting info from mainstream media considering FOX and other conservative media are even more biased and one-sided. FOX has admitted under oath in Court to intentionally feeding misinformation to you and perpetuating lies.

Yes. They all do it. But I'm gonna only be mad about the flavor of lies I don't like while choking on and repeating the lies of my team!

The biggest peddler of "disinformation" is the US Federal Government. They are not your friend, nanny, Mommy, and do NOT have your personal best interest in mind. It is about power and continuity of control.

Founding fathers of this great country knew this, wrote a brilliant nuanced document to try and stave off human nature. We've decided to ignore their warnings and here we are.

The biggest supporters of J6 were the Dems in control. 100% chance Nancy was watching the coverage cheering and laughing, they shared high fives when Babbitt was shot and fist pumped when a CP officer died the next day. They wanted this because it gave them leverage and power.

You are either a sheep, a wolf, or a sheep dog. The Feds are Wolves.
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AggiePops said:

zoneag said:

Translation: "I prefer the cherry picked video clips that my MSM/DNC masters feed me because they support my worldview of orange man bad and I refuse to look at anything that contradicts my preferred narrative"
The Jan.6 hearings showed several hours, as well as interviews of many people in the Capitol at the time. Even the coward Republicans you guys kowtow to were denouncing it right afterward though they later pretended they didn't say those things. The purpose of the hearings was to show the insurrection so obviously they focused on that. Duh. They showed more than enough to portray the morons who clashed with Capitol Police. The Captain of the CP has released a letter denouncing the bits Carlson released, saying it totally misrepresents what happened. Funny that so many rip people for getting info from mainstream media considering FOX and other conservative media are even more biased and one-sided. FOX has admitted under oath in Court to intentionally feeding misinformation to you and perpetuating lies.
It's hard to take anyone who uses the word insurrection to describe what happened on Jan6th seriously
I don't watch Fox news either. But I did watch Trump's speech. And i know the facts.

During this "insurrection":
1 person was killed. She was unarmed. And killed by a cop.
There were no firearms confiscated from anyone.
In a country of 400 million guns, majority in the hands of republicans, no one thought to use a firearm during the insurrection.
Amazing isn't it?
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safelightKL said:

AggiePops said:

There is indeed a hoax here. Presented by Tucker Carlson. If you watched even a good portion of the live coverage aired widely during the event, including switching between the networks to see if there were different perspectives or views, you'd know that. Yes, there were many peaceful folks who had no other motivation in being there for the demonstration. Live coverage showed them. There were also hundreds who stormed the Capitol, sending lawmakers from both Parties in both House and Senate into hiding. Peace's Secret Service detail hustled him and his wife and daughter, who were there, into the safest hide hole they could find without leaving the building. In the early days after Jan.6 even Republican lawmakers who later changed their stories so as to not piss off their voters gave interviews where they denounced the rioters and called it an attempted insurrection.

Are you aware that Carlson was sued for defamation a while back and was exonerated, with FOX's lawyers arguing his opinion commentary was not meant as serious journalism and no realistic person would be expected to take what he said at face value? Are you aware that it has also come out in Court in the Dominion lawsuit that Murdoch himself testified under oath that FOX opinion commentators were aware there was no major fraud in the election but they all argued to maintain that line to keep from alienating viewers who might then switch to competing conservative outlets that continued to tell people what they wanted to hear? Evidence? FOX's own internal texts and emails, presented in Court, between all of them saying they needed to promote the lies to retain viewers.

Presumably few here spent much, if any time watching the Jan.6 hearings. They presented a mountain of evidence, both sworn testimony, much from Republicans with close ties to the Administration as well as several within it, and video from numerous sources - including the rioters- that verified that several hundred of the more extreme people gathered were anything but peaceful. Scores of Capitol Police were injured. That doesn't happen from peaceful tours. Some were censured while others were fired for being complicit with rioters… no doubt where some of the 'peaceful tour' footage came in.

Carlson cherry picked bits of calm, peaceful footage, which no one argues would be available in the whole, and presented that as being the primary atmosphere of the event. Accurate portrayal? Hell no, just more misdirection to play to his viewers.
How did the "insurrection" end? Was there a violent stand off or a siege? Nope, everyone left of their own accord when they got through taking pictures and ran out of beer. That isn't an insurrection by any definition and when you lie and call it such, you lose credibility. Just call it what it was - a disorderly crowd - many of whom were also trespassers.
Or, belated arrival of reinforcement for the CP including National Guard finally being activated might have contributed. Over a million $ in damage to the Capitol and scores of injuries. Both houses of Congress going into hiding. People hollering to hang Pence. Trying to disrupt, halt, and force their preference on a Constitutionally mandated action by Congress. Disorderly. Yeah.
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AggiePops said:

zoneag said:

Translation: "I prefer the cherry picked video clips that my MSM/DNC masters feed me because they support my worldview of orange man bad and I refuse to look at anything that contradicts my preferred narrative"
The Jan.6 hearings showed several hours, as well as interviews of many people in the Capitol at the time. Even the coward Republicans you guys kowtow to were denouncing it right afterward though they later pretended they didn't say those things. The purpose of the hearings was to show the insurrection so obviously they focused on that. Duh. They showed more than enough to portray the morons who clashed with Capitol Police. The Captain of the CP has released a letter denouncing the bits Carlson released, saying it totally misrepresents what happened. Funny that so many rip people for getting info from mainstream media considering FOX and other conservative media are even more biased and one-sided. FOX has admitted under oath in Court to intentionally feeding misinformation to you and perpetuating lies.

Video > words
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AggiePops said:

safelightKL said:

AggiePops said:

There is indeed a hoax here. Presented by Tucker Carlson. If you watched even a good portion of the live coverage aired widely during the event, including switching between the networks to see if there were different perspectives or views, you'd know that. Yes, there were many peaceful folks who had no other motivation in being there for the demonstration. Live coverage showed them. There were also hundreds who stormed the Capitol, sending lawmakers from both Parties in both House and Senate into hiding. Peace's Secret Service detail hustled him and his wife and daughter, who were there, into the safest hide hole they could find without leaving the building. In the early days after Jan.6 even Republican lawmakers who later changed their stories so as to not piss off their voters gave interviews where they denounced the rioters and called it an attempted insurrection.

Are you aware that Carlson was sued for defamation a while back and was exonerated, with FOX's lawyers arguing his opinion commentary was not meant as serious journalism and no realistic person would be expected to take what he said at face value? Are you aware that it has also come out in Court in the Dominion lawsuit that Murdoch himself testified under oath that FOX opinion commentators were aware there was no major fraud in the election but they all argued to maintain that line to keep from alienating viewers who might then switch to competing conservative outlets that continued to tell people what they wanted to hear? Evidence? FOX's own internal texts and emails, presented in Court, between all of them saying they needed to promote the lies to retain viewers.

Presumably few here spent much, if any time watching the Jan.6 hearings. They presented a mountain of evidence, both sworn testimony, much from Republicans with close ties to the Administration as well as several within it, and video from numerous sources - including the rioters- that verified that several hundred of the more extreme people gathered were anything but peaceful. Scores of Capitol Police were injured. That doesn't happen from peaceful tours. Some were censured while others were fired for being complicit with rioters… no doubt where some of the 'peaceful tour' footage came in.

Carlson cherry picked bits of calm, peaceful footage, which no one argues would be available in the whole, and presented that as being the primary atmosphere of the event. Accurate portrayal? Hell no, just more misdirection to play to his viewers.
How did the "insurrection" end? Was there a violent stand off or a siege? Nope, everyone left of their own accord when they got through taking pictures and ran out of beer. That isn't an insurrection by any definition and when you lie and call it such, you lose credibility. Just call it what it was - a disorderly crowd - many of whom were also trespassers.
Or, belated arrival of reinforcement for the CP including National Guard finally being activated might have contributed. Over a million $ in damage to the Capitol and scores of injuries. Both houses of Congress going into hiding. People hollering to hang Pence. Trying to disrupt, halt, and force their preference on a Constitutionally mandated action by Congress. Disorderly. Yeah.
Absolutely less disorderly than a BLM riot and all the mayhem democrats led and caused before Jan 6th.
And Democrats incited a LOT more violence than Trump ever did.

So spare us the histrionics
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AggiePops said:

zoneag said:

Translation: "I prefer the cherry picked video clips that my MSM/DNC masters feed me because they support my worldview of orange man bad and I refuse to look at anything that contradicts my preferred narrative"
The Jan.6 hearings showed several hours, as well as interviews of many people in the Capitol at the time. Even the coward Republicans you guys kowtow to were denouncing it right afterward though they later pretended they didn't say those things. The purpose of the hearings was to show the insurrection so obviously they focused on that. Duh. They showed more than enough to portray the morons who clashed with Capitol Police. The Captain of the CP has released a letter denouncing the bits Carlson released, saying it totally misrepresents what happened. Funny that so many rip people for getting info from mainstream media considering FOX and other conservative media are even more biased and one-sided. FOX has admitted under oath in Court to intentionally feeding misinformation to you and perpetuating lies.
This is false: FOX has admitted no such thing. Murdoch admitted that some of their commentators were perpetuating a false narrative. Be precise. Commentators are NOT the network...they are entertainers.

Murdoch's testimony:

Q: In fact, you are now aware that Fox endorsed at times this false notion of a stolen election?
A: Not Fox, no. Not Fox. But maybe Lou Dobbs, maybe Maria, as commentators.
Q: We went through Fox hosts Maria Bartiromo, yes?
A: Yes. C'mon
Q: Fox host Jeanine Pirro?
A: I think so.
Q: Fox Business host Lou Dobbs?
A: Oh, a lot.
Q: Fox host Sean Hannity?
A: A bit.
Q: All were in that document, correct?
A: Yes, they were.
Q: About Fox endorsing the narrative of a stolen election, correct?
A: No. Some of our commentators were endorsing it.
Q: About their endorsement of a stolen election?
A: Yes. They endorsed."

using your loose language, the US Government lied whenever Trump or Biden lied
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AggiePops said:

zoneag said:

Translation: "I prefer the cherry picked video clips that my MSM/DNC masters feed me because they support my worldview of orange man bad and I refuse to look at anything that contradicts my preferred narrative"
The Jan.6 hearings showed several hours, as well as interviews of many people in the Capitol at the time. Even the coward Republicans you guys kowtow to were denouncing it right afterward though they later pretended they didn't say those things. The purpose of the hearings was to show the insurrection so obviously they focused on that. Duh. They showed more than enough to portray the morons who clashed with Capitol Police. The Captain of the CP has released a letter denouncing the bits Carlson released, saying it totally misrepresents what happened. Funny that so many rip people for getting info from mainstream media considering FOX and other conservative media are even more biased and one-sided. FOX has admitted under oath in Court to intentionally feeding misinformation to you and perpetuating lies.
I don't watch Fox. And I have always maintained that a good bit of what happened on 1/6 was a pathetic and disgraceful display.

However, it was NOT anywhere close to what the MSM that programs you leftists to believe. It was not an insurrection by any stretch. It was not the "biggest threat to democracy since the civil war" that the empty headed moron you voted for president claims it was. Don't you think there's a reason that your radical leftist party leaders refused to release any video outside of what they carefully edited and spliced together? That they refuse to answer questions about federal LE on the ground during the protest?

Nah, you don't care about any of that because as a dishonest leftists you simply wanted to "get Trump" and lying about what happened on 1/6 served that purpose fairly well. Whatever, hope you're happy with the disastrous POS regime you support. The wide open border filling our communities with illegals and deadly drugs, the democrat fueled crime wave, and the DOJ going rogue targeting Catholics and concerned parents as terrorists are all things you voted for and support. So you can **** right off with your concern trolling over a protest that got a little out of hand at the capitol.
McKinney Ag69
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You know that Tucker is 100% over the target whenever both sides of the aisle are vehemently coming against him and saying he's lying/"causing damage to our democracy."
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How are people just now finding out about this stuff? Some of the revelations have been available since that day. There were several livestreams.
Harry Stone
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nortex97 said:

Muh, it delayed the electoral college vote by an hour or something. THE END OF THE WORLD, and NOW TUCKER CARLSON IS MOCKING US ABOUT IT!!!!!

When a media personality is causing the highest ranking politicians to rebut in less than 24 hrs, then you know that they are all guilty.
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Harry Stone said:

nortex97 said:

Muh, it delayed the electoral college vote by an hour or something. THE END OF THE WORLD, and NOW TUCKER CARLSON IS MOCKING US ABOUT IT!!!!!

When a media personality is causing the highest ranking politicians to rebut in less than 24 hrs, then you know that they are all guilty.

Yet, somehow....in their blighted worldview, the Praetorian MSM still thinks they are the ones "comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable".

What TC is doing now is what "afflicting the comfortable" actually looks like. And is.
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Why hold Carlson to a higher standard?

This times elevnty billion.

Why hold the TV opinion columnist to a higher standard than those members of our august House of Representatives who we actually pay to get to the bottom of things?

CM's? Libs? Do you have an answer here?
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GeorgiAg said:

Ellis Wyatt said:


I can't believe this thread has come this far, but here were are, 8+ pages deep, acting like this moron didn't do anything wrong.
Is trespassing normally punished with 4 years in prison?
I'm not aware of many cases of trespassing in the Senate Chamber with a knife on the end of a flagpole. I guess that's the seminal case.

I don't think we'll have another case like this. But if you tried it without a crowd of hundreds/thousands behind you, you'd be shot.

Funny he walked around the Capitol for an hour without a crowd behind him, and 2-10 officers with him at all times

Didn't get shot
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The uniformed cops are just standing around.
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Steve Gosney on Chansley, go to 23:58 point.

oh no
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From: WeThePeople

Subject: J6 Truth must be restored and Joint Session Rerun with a 12A quorum

Tucker/Kevin, please consider the following J6 stories of:

1. USCP LT Michael Byrd murdering Congressman Darrell Issa's constituent Ashli Babbitt to inform Kevin McCarthy that Byrd wasn't "just doing his job."

2. MPDC officer Lila Morris brutally beating and murdering Congressman Barry Loudermilk's constituent Rosanne Boyland (Morris was later invited as a hero to the Super bowl that year) Loudermilk must fully investigate, prosecute and correct the illegal activity by the government as chair of the subcommittee on Oversight of the House Admin Committee.

3. The deaths of Kevin Greason and Benjamin Phillips by USCP/MPDC grenades exploding in vicinity of these two causing heart failure

4. Did Officer Sicknick die from a stroke resulting from blood clots that could be attributed to the Pfizer or Moderna mRNA injection? #DiedSuddenly ?

5. showcase how MPDC officer Jason Bagshaw brutally beat a petite and unarmed little woman Victoria White trapped in the tunnel by a crowd.

6. Footage of what Alexandra Pelosi (Nancy's daughter) was doing inside Capitol and son in law Mikhiel Vos was doing outside Capitol

7. Footage of John Sullivan in and outside Capitol

8. where is the transcript of first interview of Ray Epps Nov 2021 before congress and

9. where is Terri McCullough (Pelosi Chief of Staff) transcript of interview before J6 committee?

10. The J6 Joint session lacked the necessary 12th Amendment quorum and must be redone (Congresswoman Laurel Lee chair of the Elections subcommittee on the House Administration Committee must initiate the path to do a Joint session redo with proper quorum to remedy this constitutional travesty)
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Pluralizes Everythings said:

BluHorseShu said:

McKinney Ag69 said:

So basically the 2020 election was stolen through voter fraud in major metro areas of swing states and January 6th was a set up to discredit those wanting transparency and an audit. As I suspected all along for the last two years...

Thanks for confirming Tucker!

Sorry, I absolutely believe Tucker cherry picked this out of 41,000 hours of the video to get his viewers salivating. Apparently it worked. "Well, there you go, Tucker showed us...case closed". Everybody seems to want Jan. 6 to be completely black and white. Its either 100% false, or 100% true. Just my opinion though and obviously the unpopular one here.

When my opinion is unpopular, it's usually because I'm wrong. Not always, but usually. You're just dealing with the cognitive dissonance that is a terrible affliction that the left has, when a tightly held belief system is challenged.

J6 was nothing more than a manufactured attempt to generate news, and it got a young woman killed...
Well...when my opinion is unpopular it could be that I'm wrong, or it could be that it is only wrong in the eyes of the audience in which I state it. I always vote conservative and agree with much if not most of what is posted here...except this. Cognitive dissonance isn't limited to one side....it can equally affect anyone. Those who believe they are completely immune are exercising the thing they are immune from.
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Release all the videos to the general public. Within a week, everyone will be known and their full background. The public will have pieced together the full actual story. It is quite amazing what some groups are possible of doing.
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Squadron7 said:


I don't know but I heard its because the shaman has mental health issues

If true, doesn't this argue against a five year sentence even more?
You'd think...but I don't really know what his defense was and if it included that he lacked the ability to make rational decisions and know right from wrong at the time he engaged in his activities. I am also absolutely not saying our justice system works equally as it should all the time. I do think the courts made an example of many of the defendants and our government failed miserably when they didn't prosecute those responsible for the riots in Seattle.
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mostly peaceful

.........and if you wanna hear God laugh, tell him your plans.
oh no
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That was (d)ifferent

St. George Floyd is way more important than stolen elections.
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