Russia/Ukraine from Another Perspective (Relaunch Part Deux)

484,626 Views | 9120 Replies | Last: 4 hrs ago by YouBet
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I'd feel better about Russia's actions if their tanks were greener?

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Big boom. Both sides saying it was the other getting blasted
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PlaneCrashGuy said:

3 replies. Each take a different approach at attempting to discredit the update. The 1 thing they have in common: none of them actually address the update.

Uke is ****ed.

This is an update?


The beast's soul shows its weary wounds:
JR the puppenspieler could not accomplish the ancestral task,
Debarking from his earthly vessel a week past.
Now his broken guignols scatter to the wind,
As Sviatoslav smiles down from the sky over Atil.

It's just a goofy soliloquy.
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Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

3 replies. Each take a different approach at attempting to discredit the update. The 1 thing they have in common: none of them actually address the update.

Uke is ****ed.

This is an update?


The beast's soul shows its weary wounds:
JR the puppenspieler could not accomplish the ancestral task,
Debarking from his earthly vessel a week past.
Now his broken guignols scatter to the wind,
As Sviatoslav smiles down from the sky over Atil.

It's just a goofy soliloquy.

If you had an actual rebuttal you'd post it. You're floundering.
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Do I rebut that in poem form as well? What do I rebut? He didn't make a point about anything.
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Ukraine keeps getting smaller, so he is complaining about some sort of poetic tiny piece of a larger post. Typical.

BBC: sure doesn't sound like a 'stalemate:'


In eastern Ukraine, the tide of this war hasn't just changed - it's coming in fast.
"We know what's coming," says Mariya as she packs up the TV in her flat in Kostyantynivka. She's having it delivered to Kyiv before making the journey there with her son.

"We're tired all day [and suffer] moods and panic attacks. It's constantly depressing, and we're scared."
In February, Russia captured the strategic town of Avdiivka. Since then, the invaders have advanced further west, and taken several villages.

Ukraine says its forces are "holding on". But Russian troops are now attacking in five areas along the 1,100km (700 mile) front line.

Over 1.2 million people - or two thirds of the population - have left the Ukrainian-controlled Donetsk region since Russia's full scale invasion two years ago.

And it's here in the eastern Donetsk region that Ukraine's defenders are being tested the most.
People in cities like Pokrovsk, Kostyantynivka and Kramatorsk are now facing a fast-approaching front line, and even occupation


Chancellor Scholz's ultimate goal is for Ukraine to agree to peace talks, "sooner rather than later."

This conclusion can be drawn from Scholz's reluctance to "go all-in" for Ukraine and transfer long-range Taurus missiles to them, according Politico.
According to the publication, the refusal of Republicans in the US Congress to allocate another aid package to Ukraine in this regard plays into the hands of the Germans.
In the fall of 2025, parliamentary elections will be held in Germany, with Scholz having the lowest chancellor rating in history. Against the backdrop of numerous internal problems, the only area where Scholz consistently enjoys good ratings is his attitude towards Ukraine. According to all polls, Germans are against increasing weapons supplies to Ukraine and advocate for a diplomatic scenario to end the war.
Politico believes that this is why Scholz has chosen the "chancellor of peace" strategy. Additionally, as claimed by the article, "they are driven by a deeply rooted fear of Russia."
Scholz adheres to the position that "Russia should not win, and Ukraine should not lose." Within this strategy, Kiev is provided with enough weapons to survive, but not to win.
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Its so pathetic. And for him to do this on the heels of getting pantsed with the whole Zelensky VS Zelensky's office, "you don't have a link" as I drop a link to the damn BBC confirming the 1 million.

And his rebuttal was already addressed but he tried it anyway. Like I said: floundering.
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The Ukraine narrative is being devastated. It is what it is. Some folks just don't have updated talking points to copy/paste.

But, hey, at Xiden's final 'state of the union' tonight they will have a Ukrainian soldier who is an amputee. Because we don't have any soldiers of our own we need to highlight as to their heroism, and Navalny's widow and Zelensky's wife turned down the 'opportunity' to suffer through the slurred performance theater.
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BBC: sure doesn't sound like a 'stalemate:'
Wow. That's literally not the headline and Nortex changed it in his hyperlink.[url=][/url]

Always. Check. A. Nortex. Link.
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Some folks just don't have updated talking points to copy/paste.

The lack of self reflection in this post is stunning.

How many weeks would you say Ukraine has this time?
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Teslag said:


Some folks just don't have updated talking points to copy/paste.

The lack of self reflection in this post is stunning.

How many weeks would you say Ukraine has this time?
Snark adds no value to the discussion so I won't deign to reply to your question, which is an attempt to snarkily re-enter a lie you were busted in when you exclaimed for so long that I had stated in December that Ukraine had weeks, when in fact once cited we all realized was a quote of a Ukrainian official if aid money and weapons weren't passed shortly.

Have a nice day, bless your heart, good luck posting anything of substance or not lying about what others state for a few hours online.
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It was your quote dude. YOU said it. Not a "Ukrainian official".

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The "residents bracing for Russian advance" must not be F16 readers, they clearly don't know whats going on. Teslag, you should assure them they have nothing ro brace for. "Russia has no ability to mount an offensive"
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nortex97 said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

nortex97 said:

Teslag said:

He absolutely did claim that and GAC, Ag With Kids and others can verify. It was as absurd then as it is now
I'll await your citation since I clearly claimed 200 T-90's would be produced per month. Or, alternatively, you'll be proven yet again to be a liar.

Right. Just like when we linked your ridiculous claim that Ukraine would cease to exist in "weeks" and you just spun yourself in circles. You simply don't own up to anything. Just like another thread tonight where you claimed Tesla owners can hack their cars and change battery health results.

At least link it for everyone else to see it, if it exists.

No. I'm not. I played his little game last time with the two weeks. So he will just have to deal with it.
"Last time" I asked you for where in the thread someone had claimed definitively Ukraine would disappear within 'weeks' in mid-December and you posted finally a quote where I said "maybe, a few weeks" citing a Ukrainian source, catching yourself in a bald faced lie, which you had just repeated dozens of times until you convinced yourself and a handful of others it was true.

This is also the case here. No one ever said there would be 200 T-90's a month produced, period, it's just a lie you like to snarkily repeat because you think it is somehow clever. You could of course figure out when you started with the lie but that would take effort and you don't want to point out/document your own lie again.

Moving away from your sneering facile dishonesty, the Russian military production of artillery, armor, and weaponry has far exceeded western estimates;


One key indicator in the artillery war has been the domestic manufacture of shells, which experts put at 2.5m to 5m units a year. Riisik called the trends worrying, noting that production could run above 4m units in the next year or two. The import of more than a million shells already from North Korea, and a strategic stockpile of shells in the millions, gives Russia an additional cushion.

While that number may not give Russia the needed capacity to make significant territorial gains in 2024 or 2025, it nonetheless puts Ukraine at a significant disadvantage on the frontlines, where Russia has at least a three-to-one superiority in artillery fire, and often even more.

"It's a lot higher than we expected, really," Riisik said of the Russian production numbers.

'Kalashnikov economy'

Much of this was baked into Russia's military-industrial complex, a sprawling behemoth of nearly 6,000 companies, many of which rarely turned a profit before the war. But what it lacked in efficiency, it made up for in spare capacity and flexibility when the Russian government suddenly ramped up defence production in 2022.

Richard Connolly, an expert on Russia's military and economy at the Royal United Services Institute thinktank in London, called it a "Kalashnikov economy", which he said was "quite unsophisticated but durable, built for large-scale use and for use in conflicts".

He said: "The Russians have been paying for this for years. They've been subsidising the defence industry, and many would have said wasting money for the event that one day they need to be able to scale it up. So it was economically inefficient until 2022, and then suddenly it looks like a very shrewd bit of planning."
It's actually a bit fascinating to study the data we do have. The Brits have various outfits (note mostly propaganda) that have studied it and estimated they got 1,500 tanks delivered last year, including new, refurbished, upgraded etc;


At the moment, RUSI estimates Russia has approximately 4,780 artillery pieces, 1,130 rocket-launcher artillery systems, 2,060 tanks of various designs and 7,080 other armoured fighting vehicles. It is also supported by 290 helicopters, of which 110 are attack helicopters, and 310 fixed-wing fighter-bombers.
It's an army that will only continue growing, the British think-tank said.

"Russia is delivering approximately 1,500 tanks to its forces per year, along with approximately 3,000 armoured fighting vehicles of various types," the RUSI report said.

"Russian missile production has similarly increased."
Now, the Russians have claimed to have received 2,100 last year, but that includes restored T-54's etc. used in fixed defensive positions mostly.
Quoting a recent post of my own here just because it's humorous I had forgotten about his '200 T-90's a month' lie as well. I guess some need a new lie to cry about. "Maybe." And Russia is out of tanks. And artillery. And soldiers, or something. And they aren't advancing, Ukraine is winning. They are fighting with shovels and washing machines. And space nukes. Whatever.
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And they aren't advancing,

The world trembles at Russia's 2 miles per 6 month "advance".
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An interesting post by Scott Adams:


Levels of Awareness in politics

Level 1

They believe what their preferred news say and do not sample other sources. Not aware of counter arguments. Not aware their news is mostly narrative.

Level 2

Sample news from multiple sources but believe only their own sources are accurate. Think the other side is all narrative, but familiar with all sides of issues.

Level 3

Aware that ALL news is fake, at least in the sense of missing context and spin. Also known as Gell-Mann Amnesia. But still believe the experts in various fields are usually correct.

Level 4

Understand that NONE of our experts are reliable. Some might be right, not none can be trusted without verification. The distortion of money makes no expert credible.

Level 5

They see the gears of the machine, Mike Benz style.The Republic no longer looks like whatever the Founders intended. The control of powerful billionaires and intelligence professionals is now obvious.

Level 6

You are dead because you know too much. Also known as Epstein Level.
One can draw one's own conclusions as to what 'group' is stuck on "Level 2."
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nortex97 said:

An interesting post by Scott Adams:


Levels of Awareness in politics

Level 1

They believe what their preferred news say and do not sample other sources. Not aware of counter arguments. Not aware their news is mostly narrative.

Level 2

Sample news from multiple sources but believe only their own sources are accurate. Think the other side is all narrative, but familiar with all sides of issues.

Level 3

Aware that ALL news is fake, at least in the sense of missing context and spin. Also known as Gell-Mann Amnesia. But still believe the experts in various fields are usually correct.

Level 4

Understand that NONE of our experts are reliable. Some might be right, not none can be trusted without verification. The distortion of money makes no expert credible.

Level 5

They see the gears of the machine, Mike Benz style.The Republic no longer looks like whatever the Founders intended. The control of powerful billionaires and intelligence professionals is now obvious.

Level 6

You are dead because you know too much. Also known as Epstein Level.
One can draw one's own conclusions as to what 'group' is stuck on "Level 2."

Please don't insinuate for a single second that you give equal value to west and russian sources.
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The aid will show up "when the time is right," we were told.
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Do you think it won't? Call your shot.
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Teslag said:


And they aren't advancing,

The world trembles at Russia's 2 miles per 6 month "advance".

Correct. For example, David is terrified and believes all of our futures are at stake.

While Jo believes Putin is taking all of Europe.

When you try to be sarcastic and end up unironically correct, that is called floundering.
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Teslag said:

Do you think it won't? Call your shot.

I think the aid will show up. I think the "right time" as you described it, was months ago.
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I think the aid will show up

Thanks! I'm glad you completely agree with me.
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And to tie it back, since you appear to be interested in actual honest discussion, the Russians aren't advancing fast enough in enough areas to to make the impending American aid irrelevant. Their only real hope was to end this thing before the aid arrived. But their total lack of offensive ability is making that impossible.
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Teslag said:

And to tie it back, since you appear to be interested in actual honest discussion, the Russians aren't advancing fast enough in enough areas to to make the impending American aid irrelevant. Their only real hope was to end this thing before the aid arrived. But their total lack of offensive ability is making that impossible.

"Their only real hope"

I'm sorry but you're delusional. You seem to think once aid shows up Uke will suddenly have a competent army.
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In the first 3 months of the war they turned back Russia's multifront invasion with no western aid despite Russia's official state media saying it would be over in days. In 18 months they've held Russia to Adviika and some small villages and a few miles of advance in a tiny spec on the map.

I'd say that's rather competent.
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And with American aid they successfully retook 60% of Russia's gains in the 2022 invasion, including Kherson and Kharkiv and host of other towns.

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Teslag said:

In the first 3 months of the war they turned back Russia's multifront invasion with no western aid despite Russia's official state media saying it would be over in days. In 18 months they've held Russia to Adviika and some small villages and a few miles of advance in a tiny spec on the map.

I'd say that's rather competent.

You'd be wrong, but we already knew you were.

A competent army would've pushed Russia out of Ukraine. You claim Russia is so incompetent but they are dictating the pace of the war. Russia is willing to go slow because it knows time is on its side. You always ignore that fact in your analysis.
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Russia didn't want to go slow. They wanted to roll into Kiev on 3 fronts and were pushed back. Did Russia also want to "slowly" withdraw from Kerhson, Kharkiv, and 60% of the territory they gained?

Putin, always the master strategist.
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Teslag said:

Russia didn't want to go slow. They wanted to roll into Kiev on 3 fronts and were pushed back. Did Russia also want to slowly withdraw from Kerhson, Kharkiv, and 60% of the territory they gained.

I've repeatedly said Russia is on Plan B, that's not new information. The fact of the matter is Russia occupying more and more of Ukraine every day and the aid showing up is not going to be enough for Ukraine to push Russia out of its territory. A competent army defends its homeland, Ukraine has clearly not done that therefore Ukraine is the definition of incompetence.
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Why is Russia on Plan B? Would a competent army be forced to Plan B (it's really probably Plan E or F by this point) by an incompetent army?
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Side note to the reader: notice everything he says is a year old or more, reminds me of how longhorns always live in the past.
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Teslag said:

Why is Russia on Plan B? Would a competent army be forced to Plan B (it's really probably Plan E or F by this point) by an incompetent army?

Competency is dynamic. The Ukes that we retook the airport have been dead for over two years. You gotta stop living in the past if you're going to be taken seriously.
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PlaneCrashGuy said:

Side note to the reader: notice everything he says is a year old or more, reminds me of how longhorns always live in the past.

Russia is currently, as of today, only able to gain 2 miles of land and a handfull of tiny towns in one tiny area in 6 months of fighting.

Pure competence.
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I'll just post this here Not a salemate folks.

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