Teslag said:
PlaneCrashGuy said:
Teslag said:
nortex97 said:
Teslag said:
He absolutely did claim that and GAC, Ag With Kids and others can verify. It was as absurd then as it is now
I'll await your citation since I clearly claimed 200 T-90's would be produced per month. Or, alternatively, you'll be proven yet again to be a liar.
Right. Just like when we linked your ridiculous claim that Ukraine would cease to exist in "weeks" and you just spun yourself in circles. You simply don't own up to anything. Just like another thread tonight where you claimed Tesla owners can hack their cars and change battery health results.
At least link it for everyone else to see it, if it exists.
No. I'm not. I played his little game last time with the two weeks. So he will just have to deal with it.
"Last time" I asked you for where in the thread someone had claimed definitively Ukraine would disappear within 'weeks' in mid-December and you posted finally a quote where I said "maybe, a few weeks" citing a Ukrainian source, catching yourself in a bald faced lie, which you had just repeated dozens of times until you convinced yourself and a handful of others it was true.
This is also the case here. No one ever said there would be 200 T-90's a month produced, period, it's just a lie you like to snarkily repeat because you think it is somehow clever. You could of course figure out when you started with the lie but that would take effort and you don't want to point out/document your own lie again.
Moving away from your sneering facile dishonesty, the
Russian military production of artillery, armor, and weaponry has far exceeded western estimates;
One key indicator in the artillery war has been the domestic manufacture of shells, which experts put at 2.5m to 5m units a year. Riisik called the trends worrying, noting that production could run above 4m units in the next year or two. The import of more than a million shells already from North Korea, and a strategic stockpile of shells in the millions, gives Russia an additional cushion.
While that number may not give Russia the needed capacity to make significant territorial gains in 2024 or 2025, it nonetheless puts Ukraine at a significant disadvantage on the frontlines, where Russia has at least a three-to-one superiority in artillery fire, and often even more.
"It's a lot higher than we expected, really," Riisik said of the Russian production numbers.
'Kalashnikov economy'
Much of this was baked into Russia's military-industrial complex, a sprawling behemoth of nearly 6,000 companies, many of which rarely turned a profit before the war. But what it lacked in efficiency, it made up for in spare capacity and flexibility when the Russian government suddenly ramped up defence production in 2022.
Richard Connolly, an expert on Russia's military and economy at the Royal United Services Institute thinktank in London, called it a "Kalashnikov economy", which he said was "quite unsophisticated but durable, built for large-scale use and for use in conflicts".
He said: "The Russians have been paying for this for years. They've been subsidising the defence industry, and many would have said wasting money for the event that one day they need to be able to scale it up. So it was economically inefficient until 2022, and then suddenly it looks like a very shrewd bit of planning."
It's actually a bit fascinating to study the data we do have. The
Brits have various outfits (note mostly propaganda) that have studied it and estimated they got 1,500 tanks delivered last year, including new, refurbished, upgraded etc;
At the moment, RUSI estimates Russia has approximately 4,780 artillery pieces, 1,130 rocket-launcher artillery systems, 2,060 tanks of various designs and 7,080 other armoured fighting vehicles. It is also supported by 290 helicopters, of which 110 are attack helicopters, and 310 fixed-wing fighter-bombers.
It's an army that will only continue growing, the British think-tank said.
"Russia is delivering approximately 1,500 tanks to its forces per year, along with approximately 3,000 armoured fighting vehicles of various types," the RUSI report said.
"Russian missile production has similarly increased."
Now, the Russians have claimed to have received 2,100 last year, but that includes restored T-54's etc. used in fixed defensive positions mostly.