hph6203 said:
YouBet said:
WSJ reporting that EVs sales have slowed way down and hybrid sales are exploding. Former are too expensive running about $10K more on average than other cars.
Still absurd we didn't pursue hybrids in the first place as the bridge tech. Democrats are morons. Water is wet.
PHEVs receive the same tax credits that BEVs receive, and they're even easier to qualify for (from a manufacturer perspective). The long term cost advantages make investing in PHEV production a questionable business move, though some of these companies appear to be making that mistake.
The average transaction price of BEVs is actually only $2,000 higher than the average vehicle transaction price. You should expect that BEVs fall below that number in the next 2 years. Charging infrastructure is going to be the primary deterrent for BEV adoption soon.
Hph, you should write Ford, Toyota, Stelantis, etc and educate them. Your hubris is something to behold. I can't say what I want to say because it'll draw a ban.
"The auto industry's push to boost sales of electric vehicles is running into a cold, hard reality: Buyers' interest in these models is proving shallower than expected.
Some car companies, such as Ford Motor [US:F] and Toyota Motor, are tempering their expectations for EVs and shifting more resources into hybrids, which have been drawing consumers at a faster clip."
I'd buy a hybrid. I'll never buy an EV.