Big Al 1992 said:
Who can explain all of the logistics for all of the weaponry and equipment coming from everywhere? Stage in Poland? How does it get to the cities that need defending?
Yes, the initial logistics flights would come into Poland. It will then be broken down into smaller shipments and trucked across the border into the Ukraine. That last mile will very likely be hair raising as they will likely be hunted by Russian air.
I have thought from the beginning that, if he really means to swallow it whole hog, it will be a top military priority to seal that western border. Even the Russian planners surely understand that you cannot properly fight an insurgency if you dont control the borders..
As far as the Mig-29's.. I have no idea how the Uke Air Force intends to maintain, arm, house them once inside Ukraine. Fixed airbase facilities are already out of the question I would think. They may have to go Independence Day style and set up remote base camps adjacent to ~7000 ft stretches of straight roads, if such options exist..