I totally don't understand the Russian geopolitical play here (Putin error) or their plan of attack / battle (military error).
On the geopolitical side, having already taken Crimea in 2014, given the breakaway regions in the east and the formal recognition of those, Putin/Russia should have taken those "republics" and sent in their "peacekeepers" to claim and secure the Dobas region of Donetsk and Luhansk and then stood pat. Assimilate that and keep the political pressure on the rest of Ukraine with all the forces massed. Think it was a big mistake to invade. The eastern regions are pro-Russia / Russian, the rest of the country clearly does not identify as Russian. The goal was to have Ukraine be neutral at minimum, pro-Russia / anti-West and that could maybe be accomplished via political pressure. But, given the decision to invade....
I don't know WTH the Russian military is doing, other than a half-a** piecemeal job that they are now having to shore up with more forces.
- I don't think 130K soldiers is enough to invade such a large area, not even talking invade and hold, just invade period.
- Understand the concept of reserves and defense in depth, but when you are the aggressor it needs to be overwhelming, sending in such a small'ish almost expeditionary force with reportedly conscripts has not gone well.
- Not that I expected the Russian state media to broadcast the effort like we did the Gulf wars, but there is enough live reporting going to on to understand what is and is not happening overall.
- Don't understand why there was not an initial 4-6 hour attack of guided missiles and rockets targeting Ukranine command and control and strategic sites such as airfields, etc., followed by a 24-36 hour concentrated attack by SU and Mig attack fighters to knock out all air defenses and establish air superiority. Followed by paratroopers to seize and control key bridges, particularly across the Dnieper river, then a coordinated multi-prong advance of armor supported by substantial infantry.
- Russia does not have next-gen fighter/attack aircraft like the F-22 and F-35, but they have an abundance of very good aircraft on par with F-15/16/18 (though their avionics and weapons may still lag behind) and we have seen very little to almost no videos/reporting of an amount of sorties attacking UK command and control, airfields, strategic bridges and locations, defensive positions, etc.
The whole battle plan seems haphazard and just counting on UK to lay down and capitulate, not put up a fight. It just seems like on giant CF. Russia comitting more forces now and I think the entire outlook will change in the next 48 hours, at this point Putin and the Russian army have no choice but to commit to a full assault on all axes.
In the end I think Russia will take Ukraine in the short term, but this is going to be a long drawn out process and they will/may eventually lose. They can't hold the country with less than maybe 250K active troops, soldiers on the ground to occupy the country.